Watch Our 11th Video Clip From Lift, Move & Restore - Functional Yoga Fusion


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Watch Our 11th Video Clip From Lift, Move & Restore - Functional Yoga Fusion

Cathe's Functional Yoga Fusion. In this yoga-inspired routine, we’ll move seamlessly through traditional yoga movements and sequences, and we’ll also take some extra time to work on balance. We’ll break a little sweat while giving our bodies time to ease into positions and work on lengthening and strengthening our muscles. This yoga routine is an excellent choice for increasing strength, mobility, flexibility, and body balance. If you’re ready to get started, grab your mat, and let’s go.

*Pre-Order Cathe's Lift, Move & Restore now and Save! Act now as pre-sale prices end soon. Learn more or pre-order here:
I love the fact that Cathe is herself demonstrating some moves modified. Very helpful to see it clearly. Looks like Brenda modified some as well. :cool:

This will be one of the videos I watch before I do it. I look forward to trying this one!!
Yes, Brenda looks like she may be protecting her knees more - I appreciate that and will watch carefully to see how she does the moves too.
Please chapter each move. STS 2 has a 16 minute segment that is only 2 chapter points. I cannot do half of the moves when my kneecaps are inflamed and would like to have the option to chapter skip those moves.
Thank you bethj2 for your request! This has been my request for a long, long time and
feel the same way as you........ and I'm right there with you on the inflamed kneecaps!!
It just makes it so easy to be able to do what you can do and skip what you can't.....

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