Was just told I'm selfish for working out?!?!?

First of all, congrats on the weight loss and sobriety!!! I think this lady is just plain jealous and that you responded quite perfectly. You were very short and to the point and I'll bet she won't say another word to you about it ever again! And I say let her talk, she's hurting herself, not you! Keep up the great work!
The boldness of someone with an inferiority complex never ceases to amaze . .

Your comeback was perfect. Congrats on your accomplishments!!!

Next time come to the meeting/play date after just finishing IMAX 3 dripping in sweat, eating a piece of fruit and pounding an h20.

Yes - I am bad . . .

Where's Beav's?
IAnyway, I was talking with another lady who was telling me she's tired all the time and has no energy, I suggested she started working out, and this visitor popped up saying, "Oh ignore her, we all know she's so selfish she workouts out every day for at least an hour!"

OMG!! WTH????? I just turned to her and said, " Actually, I was selfish when I was fat and had no energy to take care of my kids, now I'm doing what I need to do to make sure I"m around to take care of them!" I was LIVID!!


Comments like this woman's get me really riled up!!

Women, especially mothers, are way too often told they are being selfish if they do things for themselves.

Working out is not being selfish. It's just respecting and being a good steward of the self! In the long run, everyone benefits. [If that's "selfish," then I'm a fan of selfishness!!]

You gave this woman a very good response. As for me, I think I'll go do Kick, Punch and Crunch!
she probably has a very unhappy life and is envious of everyone around her. i think you handled it very well. good for you. :)
Yup. What they all said...plus...

...We've all had someone (even ourselves) tell us we're wrong.

Stay tough and stay on the right path. You know yourself and the demands of your life better than anyone.

Congratulations on staying sober.

(Signed) a grateful member of Al-Anon :)
She's full of hooey!!!! The reason I work out is to live longer, spend more time overall with fam, friends, and kids. That hour a day may add up to 20 yrs in the long run. If I don't I may keel over at 40 (esp given family history!) That hour is adding years to your life, honey. Keep at it, and give the dingy lady a jab-cross-jab for me.

Workouts keep us sane

Do not give up your workouts!! Sounds like you have a very hectic schedule which requires you to have a lot of energy and clarity of mind to get everything done. It is most likely thanks to your workouts you have the foucs necessary to get everything done w/o killing someone at the end of the day. I have been unemployed since Dec. 08 and I am sure that my morning workouts are a big reason why I haven't allowed myself to fall in the pit of despair for not finding a job yet, in spite of my frantic search.

Hang in there!!
Dave has told me I was being selfish when I worked out as well as getting up early to mediate, journal etc. Just ignore them and keep on doin' whatcha gotta do! Awesome results. That is why Forums are so important on our weight loss journey! I can't stress that enough. (hugs)
DH used to tell me I was selffish when I worked out---and poked fun of me. :eek: 10 years later I'm still working out & I know it's good for my health and mind,.......he has long given up with the guilt-trip,......but I do have mommy-guilt & try to workout really early in AM before anyone gets up so I'm not taking any time away from my family. ;)
Hello Liberty!


Who does that woman think she is for telling you that you are selfish!

Ok first of all, working out is not selfish and does not make you selfish.

What does she know!

And nobody has the right to say that to you and impose your views and beliefs on you.

Just do what you feel like doing and that's it. It is your life, NOT THEIR'S!

You can vent your anger on here all you want. Infact, I'm glad you did! When you need to do it, do it.

I myself have been called gay for doing aerobics, especially Jane Fonda and Jazzercise. But I'm sick of being judged and ridiculed. No one has a right to do that to me. I am going to stop tolerating this right now.

Well Liberty and everybody else. You all take care.

And remember Liberty my lifelong friend, anytime you have a problem and need help, come to me and I will help you and support you the best that I can. Always Believe in yourself!

God bless you. Take it easy. ;)

Warmly yours,
Selfish? WTF! You are doing a GREAT job. I agree, sounds like she is jealous! Want to make her REALLY angry? LAUGH at her next time she makes such an outlandish accusation!
You are awesome and she is jealous jealous jealous. As, essentially, a peer, (she doesn't outrank you), how is it she feels she's even in a position to judge you?

We have an idiot supervisor at work who knows how to push everyone's buttons. But, like I said, he's an idiot. I deal with him by letting him see how unaffected I am by anything that comes out of his mouth. He gives up and moves on to another target. One day he was pushing my friend's buttons and she was all wound up. I said to her "Hold up. Why are you upset? You work hard. He doesn't. You're smart. He's not. Everybody adores you. Everybody walks away when he comes around. So why are you letting him upset you; and worse, letting him SEE how upset you are? Just blow him off and he'll go away."

In short, she's a jealous fool and you handled it perfectly. You simply set her straight and moved on. That's the way to do it in a situation like yours. Now, let it go and move forward, Ms. Amazing :p.
thanks everyone! Sorry, can't reply to everyone specifically, in laws are here, so I'm even busier! But wanted to say thanks for the support and I'm still working out! I did see her again, and I just sat next to a friend and started talking to her and enjoying my time there, and not letting anyone or anything use my time or my energy :)

Thanks though, several of y'all really made me laugh! Love the Riot of Cathletes! That I would be fun! But, lets workout vs opening a can of #### ! LOL

Okay, time to go workout! the boys are asleep, hubby is at work, and I have some quiet time! BG here I come!!!!!
netsnotes... do you realize your avatar is sideways? LOL! Just pulling your leg!;)

I am leviating.....gettin' ready to get anyone who doesn't approve our life style and changes......:D Just call me super woman LOL. I am leading the pack with the other Cathetes! Have weights will travel LOL

Seriously I am tech challenged and can't seem to fix it. A friend did it for me, but I haven't fixed it yet. I guess I'll get one of my kids to do it!
I am leviating.....gettin' ready to get anyone who doesn't approve our life style and changes......:D Just call me super woman LOL. I am leading the pack with the other Cathetes! Have weights will travel LOL

Seriously I am tech challenged and can't seem to fix it. A friend did it for me, but I haven't fixed it yet. I guess I'll get one of my kids to do it!

Hey Annette, even sideways you look great! :D
Liberty, just want to agree with the other posters! I am amazed at all you accomplish in one day and the working out is a part of your life, not being selfish at all. I think most if not all of us workout because it keeps us balanced and feeling good. AAMOF, my kids often will ask if I missed my workout on a certain day if I'm crabby ;) Keep doing what you need to do!
She is jealous!

Ignore people like that. They are not worth the emotional toll it takes on you. First off, its not selfish to take care of yourself. Afterall, if you don't exist, nothing exists around you. Always be the best you can be.
Secondly, I think she is just jealous and insecure. I bet you she is dying to do what you are doing but is too lazy to get her a$$ up and do it!
So chill, you are doing the best thing for yourself and your family!
and try to ignore people like that, they are an energy drain. you need it live your life!
You sound like a great success to me

You are an inspiration to many women. Do not let negative people bring you down.

Congratulations on all your successes and keep up the good work!!

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