Was I just skating through Meso 1?


I'm only one workout into Meso 2, but now I'm wondering if I wasn't really working hard enough in Meso 1. I had very little to no DOMs in Meso 1. I was somewhat fatiqued after the workout, but not wiped out.

I did Disk #13 yesterday and I was wiped, my chest and upper shoulders were on fire and I struggled to raise my arms over my head afterwards. This morning my DOMS are in full force. BM2 helped loosen me up a little bit but the soreness is settling back in again.

I know others were getting good DOMS in Meso 1, but I didn't. Is this just me or did anyone elses' DOMS first start to kick in during Meso2?
Oh yes there is a big difference between Meso1 and Meso 2. In Meso 1 I had more tightness but not real DOMS but in Meso 2 :rolleyes:

Just wait until to get to Meso 2 week 2....which is 75% of 1RM :eek: My workout cards,target weights were intimidating but I was able to get through it.

Good luck with the DOMS.;).
Same here, I did not get any real DOMS in meso1, but now that I'm into meso 2, did 13 and 14, I have those kind of doms I got when I first started lifting weights. My upper body is still sore from Friday, and today, sitting down is a chore.
Ditto. Nothing but a pleasant "I've done something good" overall stiff sensation from Meso 1. So far I haven't had any real DOMS with Meso 2, but I'm only in the first week. I know I'm lifting the right weights, because I know I couldn't do more safely. I'm not particularly prone to DOMS, but I'm a little stiffer this meso, I can definitely feel it more. I'm loving it so far.
what are doms?
DOMS is delayed-onset muscle soreness, the kind that kicks in around 24-48 hours after a workout (usually if you are changing your routine in some way).

Ffte: Meso 2 uses a different protocol for weights, reps and rest periods, as well as different exercise, so it makes sense that you may get DOMS from it at first. Lack of DOMS is NOT a sign you didn't work hard enough in Meso 1.
I'm still in meso 1 but I'm mostly only getting DOMS from lower body, not upper. So, how DO you know if you're working hard enough?
You're working hard enough

Ithink, if you could NOT (with good form) do even ONE more rep after the last target rep. I've been doing the six month rotation and one of the benefits of this was that I could tweek my weights to get the perfect poundage for an exercise if I wasn't quite hitting it (either too heavy or too light). The second time through a workout, I pretty much nailed the 'failure' goal. Also, in a given workout (first time through) if I didn't reach failure on an exercise, I'd go through the next exercise(s) for a different muscle group(s) then come back to the one I'd miscalculated and do it over. Keeping within the prescribed rest periods was also important, I think. I had to get organized. Not easy for the likes of me, but it made a big difference. Having said all this, I didn't experience any dom's either. My muscles were always really engorged and tight for a good while after the workouts, but I felt fine the next day. I really don't feel I could have worked or pushed any harder than I did though - I'm about to start meso 2 ... very excited. Hope this helped.
I got a few DOMS from Meso 1. Mostly it was in the back and around the rib area or bra area.

I just started weeks 2 of Meso2 and the DOMS are debilitating at times. My triceps were so sore last week that I could barely lift my arms over my head to lather up my shampoo. Sweeping the floor was also very hard to do. I guess that's a good excuse to not sweep my floor, huh?
Its probably more what your muscles were accustomed to when starting STS than anything. I rarely did endurance lifting so Meso 1 tested me & pushed me in every way...I start Meso 2 next week but am expecting less of a physical breakdown. After 7 weeks in Meso 1 I truly thought I had been run over by a truck..I took 4.5 days off and STILL felt exhausted. I know Meso 2 will challenge me but thats the type of lifting my body (and mind) are accustomed to so I just dont think it will overwhelm me like Meso 1 did. If it does then I may have to leave 2 days between STS workouts just to get thruu the Meso! ;)

I'm only one workout into Meso 2, but now I'm wondering if I wasn't really working hard enough in Meso 1. I had very little to no DOMs in Meso 1. I was somewhat fatiqued after the workout, but not wiped out.

I did Disk #13 yesterday and I was wiped, my chest and upper shoulders were on fire and I struggled to raise my arms over my head afterwards. This morning my DOMS are in full force. BM2 helped loosen me up a little bit but the soreness is settling back in again.

I know others were getting good DOMS in Meso 1, but I didn't. Is this just me or did anyone elses' DOMS first start to kick in during Meso2?
Meso 1 kicked my butt big time but I think its because I rarely do muscle endurance workouts. Most w/o of that type bore me to tears, and I rarely do isolation work for small muscle groups (until STS meso 1 but I loved meso 1!) I'm starting meso 2 week 1 today and don't expect to be as sore and fatigued as I was with meso 1 because meso 2 is more like what I normally do. I prefer heavier weight, few reps type of w/o. Do you normally do muscle endurance workouts? If so that may be why you didn't experience DOMS but that doesn't mean you didn't get a good workout (I know you know that)
I've also gotten some really bad DOMS from Meso 1. My lower body hurt so bad that it was borderline bad pain. I shouldn't have done any cardio when I did because now I hurt my hamstring. I rested my lower body for 4 days and the pain was gone. So I walked/elliptical and the pain is back. Agghh! I'm so upset about that. I don't want to derail my progress. Anyway, I'm at the end of Meso 1 and didn't do workouts 3 & 4 of legs. I'm going to do Meso 1 again and I think I may lighten up in the weights. I don't think the DOMS should be that BAD. Today my tricep really hurts too, I'm afraid it's not a good hurt. I'm glad I'm in active rest week.

Any thoughts on this????

Pauline, I would really work on nice stretches during the active rest week, nothing too stressfull.

I am finishing up week 2, and even though I am failing at the end of some of the sets, I am not getting a lot of DOMS, just some muscles have been worked soreness, not over the top. I am lifting a lot heavier than I expected I would, and really need to go out an get some more weight plates before next week's 70%.

Also, the muscles are really starting to sculpt, similar to the results I get when I do Pyramids. That is kind of fun. Will make wearing shorts bearable.
That's great Dorothy. Thanks for the reply, I was thinking yoga may be something good to do this week.

I really lifted a lot heavier than I thought I'd be able to also. Sometimes I was thinking, I'd never be able to do what the paper suggested. But sure enough I got it done. It is awesome. My tricep pain is gone this morning but hamstring pain persists. I was gonna do some Wii, which is pretty light but decided to rest instead. I have to come down, I'm not going to loose all my gains.
I've also gotten some really bad DOMS from Meso 1. My lower body hurt so bad that it was borderline bad pain. I shouldn't have done any cardio when I did because now I hurt my hamstring. I rested my lower body for 4 days and the pain was gone. So I walked/elliptical and the pain is back.
IMO, you've either injured something (a pulled muscle perhaps? or something less?).

Getting "borderline bad pain" doesn't sound good to me. Sounds like you may be working too far beyond your current level or you need more recovery time between workouts. Maybe extending your workout 'week' to 8-9 days rather than 7 would help (put the extra 1-2 days rest where you feel you need it the most).

"come down"? Did you mean "calm down"? If so, I agree, you won't lose your gains, and in fact, recovery is so important to muscle gains that you may be sabotaging gains by not getting enough (just my take on it).
I do my chest/shoulders/biceps on Sunday and then back/triceps either Tuesday or Wednesday and legs usually on Friday. The two upper body workouts the DOMS have gotten better but I was sore for 5 or 6 days after my leg workout. And I did do cardio in between, elliptical/Turbo Jam and step. So that's part of it. But I do think you're right, it's too much I need to decrease my weights for legs. I did think the itchy part was weird too. It was more like tingling. Then I thought I scratched it. Weird! Thanks for your help.

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