Warning: Political Topic-possibility of controversy

I agree except for the 1st 6 words "i wouldn't pay any attention to it."

I think thats dangerous. Buring our heads in the sand does not make things just magically go away.
I think people need to look at all sides and then make an educated decision.

I think the goverment wants us to not pay any attention then they can do whatever they want.

I'm not saying we should bury our heads in the sand, I just don't like to get my information from these types of videos usually produced with lots of dramatic and ominious music. After 9/11, a colleague wanted me to watch a video put out by some radical group on how President Bush manufactured 9/11 for his benefit, I didn't watch that either. I'm sure these types of videos raise some interesting points, but I obtain the same information by reading a wide variety of newspapers, books, and internet articles. In general, I believe that all our presidents try to do the right thing, no matter what side of the political ailse they sit on. They are not perfect people and they make mistakes, but I trust them much more than congress and corporate types like madoff intent on promoting their own self interests. If you read about some of the corporate titans of the past (i recommend JP Morgan by Jean Strouse), they also sought and did receive great benefits for their companies through political avenues. It's been going on for ages.

I agree the govt wants us not to pay attention, that's why they are always investigating one another.
Look at what Hitler accomplished.

When i see documenteries on History channel it just blows my mind about what he accomplished and he rose to power because the german people were desperate. the German economy collapsed, unemployed grew, people starved on the streets. In the crisis, people wanted someone to blame, and looked to extreme solutions - Hitler offered them both.

What we are experiencing today, the collapse of our economy, housing bubble bursting, all of it reminds me of the Great Depression.
I agree the govt wants us not to pay attention,..

Amen to that! Makes my job much easier when our taxpayers ignore us! ;)

Tami, I would only call CNN slightly left leaning. Some if its most popular hosts, like Jack Cafferty & Lou Dobbs (I think of Carola every time I watch Lou LOL), are a bit right of center.
Tami, good for you for jumping in and trying to figure all this out. :)

I believe that to be truly well-informed we have to seek out opinions and beliefs that not only contradict our own cherished views but strongly challenge them and sometimes even crush them into the ground. I've read some wacky stuff but I always try to keep an open mind. Remember, today's crackpot is tomorrow's 3rd world leader! :D
I just wanted to add one more thing. One of the reasons I don't want to spend any time watching this is I've already heard, read, watched all sorts of things about the Bilderberg Group. I've had my fill of that particular conspiracy theory. The best thing I read about it was Jon Ronson's book "Them". He's a British journalist that spent time with many different extremist groups and dedicates a large part of the book to his quest to find the Bilderberg Group. It's informative and hilarious.

I haven't watched CNN since 911 :eek:. So I don't know about how good of a source that is. I was riveted when 911 was happening but wasn't CNN started by Ted Turner? So wouldn't that promote Ted's views in a biased way? Not that that is bad necessaryily. But yesterday was the 1st time I've actually read something about Cap and Trade in our Newspaper and we do watch the nightly news (CBS) and I never heard anything about it until recently except from dh/radio. I know our newspaper is biased and I do not consider it to be a reliable source. I just feel that the media's are owned by someone rich. If the richest of the rich own the media's then it's no wonder most of us have never heard of the CAp and Trade because they want it to pass to make them richer.

My dh has been talking about it for a year or so. I ask him where do you hear this stuff? The stuff he's been talking about : Cap and Trade, NAU, the US Dollar being replaced by the Amero. It all sounds science fiction to me but things are starting to come about. His sources btw, Hannity, Savage and a couple of others. Incidentally he has never heard of Alex Jones so that is not one he listens to. On our days off (tues/wed) we drive into town and he turns these guys on and I can't stand listening to them because they rant and the one starts stuttering so bad I just want to reach throught the radio and slap him.I'm going to get him to watch this DVD today and see what he thinks. Incidentally he is no dummy he does have a degree in history and geology but then again George Bush has a degree too. :p

Anyway, Im rambling what i wanted to say was our paper does not always give all pertinent information. It was very obviously one sided in the elections for instance. We're just a spoon fed society.

See, this is how view points skew. My viewpoint of CNN is very different than Laura's, because I find it way slanted, and to the left. However, she dislikes Fox news, and finds it way slanted and to the right.

I did not watch this 2 hour thing, it is probably very slanted and biased and filled with half truths. As pointed out, there is a lot of this stuff on either side.

As far as the PM's, I can understand not wanting to post, I find this board very liberal, and I prefer fitness related topics, something I think we all equally relate too!
Left swing

When I used to post all the time, many moons ago, I found the threads so far slanted to the right. One of the reasons I stopped posting. Interesting how things have changed.
When I used to post all the time, many moons ago, I found the threads so far slanted to the right. One of the reasons I stopped posting. Interesting how things have changed.

Lol, when was that??? :eek: These forums are about ready to keel over to the left IMHO. ;)
When I used to post all the time, many moons ago, I found the threads so far slanted to the right. One of the reasons I stopped posting. Interesting how things have changed.

Ha- Ha We used to post at the same time I guess and I thought of the very opposite!
Lol, when was that??? :eek: These forums are about ready to keel over to the left IMHO. ;)

LMAO!!! :D I agree re: left leaning, but look at the complete opposite opinions! Funny...what do they say about reality...there is no reality, only perception...now if I could remember who said that! :p

Tami, I think you're doing a wonderful thing by becoming more informed. I am shamefully uninformed, but working on it. Thank you for sharing and for not over-reacting to any of the replies. I also think you're doing a terrific job of not being defensive! And, especially thank you for the very obvious thread title! I appreciate knowing when I may be entering a flame zone! (so far, pretty good here though!)

Don't Believe The Hype!

I've been reading Cathe's forums for a while but never registered to comment - until now. I follow politics every. single. day. and I can tell you that that movie is full of garbage. There are groups of people who are terrified of Obama and hate the fact that the Dems are in control of congress. They call him the anti-christ, compare him to Hitler (ahem) and other such nonsense. Just today I read that a soldier is refusing to go to Afghanistan because he believes Obama is not our legitimate President. Why? because he is also of the belief that Obama was not born in the US - this is a whole other group called Obama Birthers.

First let me say, I lean Left - though I wouldn't pass their purity test- but I consider myself more of an Independent. I am not completely tied to any ideology. In any case, remember this one rule when watching or reading anything on the Internet: Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see!

When I read an article or watch a news report I ask myself these questions:

Who is the source? the name of the reporter, columnist, station it was on, the paper it was in.

As much as the public rails against the gov't, the media should also never be completely trusted. These people who are supposed to be objective have views that inject themselves into articles and news reports. Fox News? doesn't lean Right - They ARE to the Right. So is the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal who are all owned by the same guy who owns FOX. MSNBC - The Liberals love this channel but they have a few hosts that are Conservative. CNN? I would call these centrists because neither the Right nor the Left likes this channel. If you watch the news enough you will see that reporters - who are just supposed to report the facts - are shamelessly biased.

For reasons stated above, do not get your news from one source.

More often than not, I agree with Democrats. But, I don't believe they have a monopoly on good ideas. I got that last part from our president, Mr. Obama. So I looked up what Conservative or Republican politicians, columnists and mags/newspapers he reads and turn to them when I need to find a legitimate opposing viewpoint.

No one knows the truth except the people who were involved

Have you ever been the victim or subject of a rumor or a flat out lie? And you are the last to know and there's no use in explaining yourself because everyone is already convinced that the rumor is true? This is what happens to people in the news. Politicians, celebrities, the accused, etc.

Follow up, Follow up, Follow up

I can't tell you how many times I have seen stories printed or reported that get people boiling with rage only to find that the story was false. The orginal story makes the headlines, the lead story. What happens to the real story? You can find it on page 6 below a car sales ad or the reporter spends 10 seconds on a retraction. Sometimes, what really happened is never mentioned.

Know the context

When a politician or anyone says they have been taken out of context, go find the entire text or the entire video and find out for yourself. Sean Hannity has a habit of cutting Obama's interviews and speeches to suit his argument. And yes, I've checked this accusation and it is true. In this day and age you can find original transcripts and videos just by Googling.

Follow the money trail

Saw an expert on tv? find out their political party, are they lobbyists? who is paying them and how much? what do they have to gain? running for election, re-election? got personal beef with the person they are attacking?

Just please remember all of this when you watch or read the news. It is never the whole story. But I can tell you that that movie was made to scare you, it's fear mongering and it is the best weapon used to keep this country stuck in its destructive ways. I read on here that the gov't doesn't want you to know the truth, well the people who made this movie are banking on the fact that most people do not bother to learn the truth. Most people don't have the time to research the statements made in films like this and so they get away with these lies. If you want to learn about any policy, like Cap and Trade, find the transcript of the bill on the government website. All these bills are available for you to read but the media knows that most of us aren't going to take the time to read it.
LMAO!!! :D I agree re: left leaning, but look at the complete opposite opinions! Funny...what do they say about reality...there is no reality, only perception...now if I could remember who said that! :p

Tami, I think you're doing a wonderful thing by becoming more informed. I am shamefully uninformed, but working on it. Thank you for sharing and for not over-reacting to any of the replies. I also think you're doing a terrific job of not being defensive! And, especially thank you for the very obvious thread title! I appreciate knowing when I may be entering a flame zone! (so far, pretty good here though!)


Thanks Becky. You might want to stay completely out of the Timesaver thread I started. It's kinda hot over there. ;)
Tami, there are surely better sources than the youtube video to inform you as the above poster has said.

The very things she sites that are being said about Obama were said about Busch when he was president as well, so it goes both ways, and it really seems to be getting worse and worse.

It is hard to dig through everything and stay informed, so you have to dig, and you have to be willing to different points of view. This can be hard when your own spouse is bias(I get that from your posts).

The worse thing you can do is bury your head, it is better to try to be informed. It may confuse you, but at least when things happen, you will not be surprised.

The sad thing, if people could get along better, maybe good things could get done, but not to be....perhaps I am cynical from living in Illinois....
Tami, there are surely better sources than the youtube video to inform you as the above poster has said.

Agreed. As I said in my o/p I'm taking it with a grain of salt or at least trying to.

The very things she sites that are being said about Obama were said about Busch when he was president as well, so it goes both ways, and it really seems to be getting worse and worse.

The DVD wasn't exactly pro Bush either. in fact my take is that its bashing just about everybody in goverment since Kennedy.

It is hard to dig through everything and stay informed, so you have to dig, and you have to be willing to different points of view. This can be hard when your own spouse is bias(I get that from your posts).

I pretty much in the past tuned DH out because he is all black/white no grey areas. But what is upsetting is the stuff he's ranting about like the Cap and Trade may just pass. That is one reason I'm upset. Things he's been saying, that I've scoffed at, are coming to pass. It's rocked my world I tell ya.

The worse thing you can do is bury your head, it is better to try to be informed. It may confuse you, but at least when things happen, you will not be surprised.

Agreed, again but as Amy/Pixiesis said in the other thread I may need to step back to save my sanity. I'm overwhelmed.

The sad thing, if people could get along better, maybe good things could get done, but not to be....perhaps I am cynical from living in Illinois....

Thanks to you too.
I'm going out to dinner now with DH. Anyone got any earplugs? :D

I've actually watched a few things relating to the Obama deception. I myself stay away from politics for the most part, but my son has been doing research. He had me watch a documentary on tv, that documented a lot of things I wasn't even aware of. I know that you can't listen to everything extremists say, but I do see how things are being passed right by us, and we pretty much have become desensitized to what is going on around us. I do believe there is a plan for a one world government, and I think that what's going on in our world is setting up for that very thing. I feel as though we are being set up to fail, with all these bail-outs. I hate to sound gloomy, so will keep the rest of my thoughts to myself, but I just don't feel good about what is going on in our country.

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