I saw this question posted on a request for low impact 2. So here goes a pole for those that don't like posting.
45 yo
45 yo
66...ughI am 45 found her at age 42 1/2wish I found her years ago![]()
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66 ugh..but who's counting. I found slow and heavy years ago on vhs and thought the concept was interesting and did I "little of it". I heard about sts at 64 AND did that 3 mos and had tremendous strength gains! I would guess the average age of cathaletes to be mid fourties....if that was the question.37 yrs & yeah, wish I would have been with a Cathe program earlier. I think like a lot of people in their twenties, I was intimidated in general by weight training. Tried it at the gym & really didn't enjoy anything about it. I think that trend is changing very much nowadays. : ) Girls want to be functionally strong. Cathe is incredibly approachable for anyone wanting to start serious strength or leave the gym for it.
Ok everybody, here goes nothing. I'm 63, found fitness years ago. So glad I did, I feel fabulous. DH and I will be celebrating our 41st wedding anniversary on September 2. So, there you have it, that wasn't so painful. My Mother at 63 looked so old to me. Maybe, I should go look in the mirror.
Ha! I'm sure you look fantastic, Karen! Congratulations!! 41 years! Happy Anniversary to you and your DH! My DH and I will be celebrating number 26 on September 9th. September is my most favorite month.I agree with you -- my parents looked very old to me too. Surely, physical fitness makes a big difference in how we age. Cathe is proof of that!
Okay, so I am now age 56, will be 57 in December, and I've been working out with Cathe since the early 90's!! (although my physique is NOTHING like hers, lol). I'm currently on medical leave from the gym I belong to due to tennis elbow surgery that I underwent on July 6th. I vacillate with my decision to return to the gym. I am the type of person that enjoys the social aspect of the gym, but working out at home is so convenient and much more time efficient. It takes me 30 minutes (one-way) to drive to the gym, plus the cost of fuel for the car. So, between the time spent commuting and the time spent in class, that's two hours out of my day, one of which is non-productive. And, I have to commit to the facility's class schedule, as opposed to my own. Often times I think about not returning, but omitting that social component from my life is a significant concern. I spend a great deal of my time alone, so that's why I joined in the first place. I'm not sure what to do. I have a couple more months to decide, but it's a tough decision for me. I own well over 100 DVDs, and I subscribe to Cathe Live, so I have plenty of exercise variety right here in my comfy home. Decisions, decisions.....