
Hey guys I never post stuff like this but my brother in law and his fiancee are in the top three couples trying to win a free wedding from bridal They met at kidney dialysis as they are both waiting to receive new kidneys (please sign your organ donor card!!) and they are just the cutest thing. THEIR STORY IS JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! PLEASE VOTE

ERIC AND KEYANNA--You can vote up to 25 times per computer

Here is a little bit of the story that Eric wrote.

Love, true love, is putting up with a person day after day and learning not to be bothered by the little things that annoy you. Love is staying with a person because you are committed to doing so forever. Love is realizing that you care about the other person more than you care about yourself--including being willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the relationship. Being devoted to doing things to nurture the relationship and protect it from harm and to fix it if damaged. We understand marriage and love and what it will take to be successful in them. It'll be hard, but we are resilient and WILL surmount any and all stumbling blocks. I want to love, support, encourage, respect and cherish Keyana for as long as I live, and I know she feels the same.

They got my vote. :)

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

~So many views, so little replies~

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
That was such an uplifting stroy.

Please tell them from us that we wish they win, and not just in this contest.

I voted 25 times from my PC. We hve three more at home, and I plan to go to 100.

~* Vrinda *~

How are you doing? I voted for them. They are a really cute couple. It is good to see you posting on Cathe.

It was great being your roommate at the Cathe Road Trip of 2007.

Have a great day,

Wow, what a great story. I just voted 12 times but then my boss came in and I had to stop :). I plan on voting the max of 25. Please let us know if they win.

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