Hi!! I was at 4th of July party yesterday, and my whole family was there, including my 13 yr old nephew, who I see maybe every few months. And I don't mean to sound harsh, but everytime I see him, he's bigger. I'd say he's about 5'6" and 230-240 lbs. He has man-boobs at 13 yrs old. My brother (his dad) and sis in law (his mom) are no strangers to fitness, they were both in the military. However she now is a dumpy mess who doesn't take care of her self - health wise or clothes wise, and my brother works out at the fitness center at work but eats nothing but junk. She doesn't cook - seems to me (from an outside point of view) that they eat nothing but burgers, dogs, chips, and pizza. He has a younger brother who is 9 who also eats nothing but junk and is the hyper skinny kid. The 13 yr old is also somewhat slow - he was held back a year in school - will only be in 8th grade this yr instead of high school, and not real socially compentant. I feel bad for him. I know its not entirely his fault, he's just a kid. But to see a 13 yr old who can't walk (lumber is a better word) across the room without being out of breath breaks my heart. All he likes to do is sit and watch tv and play video games. And I can understand that, it's hard to exercise when you are that overweight. So I am concerned for him health-wise. But also socially. He says he wants a girlfriend, but I don't see that happening. Kids can be cruel, and I'm sure he'll find that out in the worst way when he hits high school. His parents pretend to watch what he eats - I heard them tell him go switch his Pepsi for a Diet yesterday, but then he proceeded to eat 2 brats and a couple pieces of pie!!!! I know CollageVideo sells kid-aged workouts and I'd like to bring it to their attention, but I am not sure how. I don't want to sound like a know-it-all perfect parent, because goodness knows, I'm not. My son eats pizza too, but he eats 1 slice and a big bowl of veggie laden salad with low fat dressing. He eats a hot dog maybe once every 6 months. He thinks an apple is just as good a dessert as a cupcake - because thats the way he was raised!! We don't exclude the goodies. we just limit them. Their family seems to think veggies and fruit are nasty and evil. I don't want to cause a huge family rift, but I also don't want my nephew dying of a heart attack at age 15!!!! Nor do I want do see him on the Discovery Channel as one of the super-obese who can't get out of bed. Any suggestions on how to intervene, or do I just butt out and watch the kid die??? I know this is long, but thanks for reading and any advice!!