Vegetables=Gas and Bloating


I am a 34 year old woman who has never had a problem with anything ever. But ever since I turned 34 I've had all these weird things start happening to me that has never before. I eat a few servings of vegetables and fruits through the day. For lunch I usually have a salad which consists of spinach, tomatoes, and cucmbers and for dinner I will have some broccoli or red peppers. Anyway I always have so much gas it's annoying. I know it's because of the veggies. I notice that every day the same time it's when it happens around noon til like 400pm and Im sitting in my office praying for some damn relief because sometimes it hurts so bad and I want to go to the bathroom and just let it all out but Im embarrassed someone is going to here it. Sometimes I think it's IBS. I tried to take some over the counter stuff to no avail sometimes I just feel like cutting veggies out totally but I know that they are really good for you but is it worth all this agony??? At first I thought it was dairy and switched over to soy but that wasnt it. JESUS!!!! When I am home I really dont care because Im home. But when Im in the office it's different because I share my office with 6 other people and you can hear EVERYTHING!!!!! Anyway please dont think Im digusting just venting. Does this happen to anyone else?
I'm sorry this is happening to you Wonderwoman. Eating veggies is (I believe) and essential part of any diet. If you're having problems that for you are uncommon, I would suggest seeing a doctor. You may have IBS or something else. Don't you want to know for sure?

Take care,
There are definitely certain foods that make me really gassy, but not doubled over in pain gassy. You may want to see your doctor because it could be something like IBS, or a food intolerance (soy can be just as big a culprit as dairy!). The veggies you mention aren't particularly noted for causing gas, except for broccoli, so I'm not convinced it's the veggies. Have you tried Beano?
No I havent tried Beano I've tried Gas x with little relief. I am going to make an appt. with my doctor being that I have an eye infection also I guess I can kill two birds with one stone. Last week I also had a core sore right smack in the middle of my lip but that finally went away. Ive been on the pill for a long time can that be it? Just a thought. Anyway thanks so much you guys are the best.
Yep its all down hill after 30. I get gas all day long since I switched to clean eating. I am 37 my gas issues started about the same time as you when I ate veggies. Kashi gives it to me the worse I actually have had to go lay down because it was painful.

Did you try Beano?


"You didn't pause your dvd and go make popcorn did ya"
-Cathe Friedrich
For those of you who use Beano, how do you use it? Does anyone use papaya enzymes instead or in addition? What's the scoop there? I remember being told to use the papaya when I was pregnant.

I too worry about inoppportune tooting. *hangs head, walks quickly into a different room....*
>I too worry about inoppportune tooting. *hangs head, walks
>quickly into a different room....*

ROFLMAO!!! "Inopportune Tooting"... I love it! Thanks for the laugh Suzanne! I've tried beano and I'm not sure I believe it does anything. Never heard of the papaya enzymes - may have to look into that. Oh and GasX - worthless!
I also believe that clean eating has a lot to do with it. Sometimes I just do not to eat anything to avoid it but I know thats not going to happen. I love eating to much....
Wonderwoman - coming from the Queen of Gas . . . veggies do me in, but so does about everything else. I do have IBS, and a family history of tummy issues. Sometimes, that terrible pain comes from holding it in, then it gets trapped and hurts like hell. GasX usually helps me - I use the ultra dose - it is in a brown and white box. You can also try charcoal tablets, although I've never tried them; a friend of mine does and thinks they are great. Also, you can try taking peppermint pills - they help with digestion, bloating and gas. I really like those. One thing to think about is Celiac's Disease - probably not what you have, but it is gluten intolerance. If you are just having gas, though, then this would not be your problem although wheat and wheat products can cause gas too - breads, pastas, etc., especially if your body isn't used to them. Flax and soy also are bad, bad, bad! I don't touch broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. Too much spinach will get me too. Tomatoes are good, don't know about cucumbers b/c while I like them, I don't eat many. They say gas is good - means your body is working. I say - whatever! Try the peppermint pills, and let the air go if you can at all - it will probably stop it from getting trapped inside. If there is a smell, keep some spray near, like those little Oust sprays that stick to your toilet. Sorry to be graphic, but it is embarrassing, I know, so I'm trying to offer some suggestions. Good luck - we try to eat healthy and end up polluting the air ...
Just say a show on our local station. The woman host, Mary Mucci, did a segment saying that some people need help and use digestive enzymes. I don't know much about them, but they mentioned the symptoms of gas and feeling bloated. They said that some need enzymes for protein, some for carbs, etc. Maybe someone on the board knows about this.
>..cucumbers ...broccoli..

These are probably the worst culprits.

Make sure you are avoiding other gas-producing behaviors, like swallowing too much air (eating with your mouth open, or drinking through a straw, or eating too fast).

Also, there may be other culprits you aren't blaming, like protein powders.
You might have a little yeast overgrowth happening in your intestinal tract. I did after I stopped my heavy drinking (years ago) and my doctor put my on nystatin and a diet of veggies/nuts/protein believe it or not, I avoided any yeasty products including fruit/sugar for a few months. Took acidophilus too, worked like a charm. Oh and grapefruit seed extract works like nystatin to kill yeast overgrowth. Just a thought.
I have also noted that when I eat raw veggies I get gassy. Not so if I eat them steamed.

Oh, and any artificial sugars like sorbitol or mannitol?:eek: :eek: Talk about getting the runs and the gas at the same is horrific, avoid these additives at all costs!
<Make sure you are avoiding other gas-producing behaviors, like swallowing too much air (eating with your mouth open, or drinking through a straw, or eating too fast).>

Now I know that when Cathe's says "Take in the's free!" what she is really saying is "come fart with me!"
>Now I know that when Cathe's says "Take in the's
>free!" what she is really saying is "come fart with me!"

You are funny :) Now I know why I feel so at home working out with Cathe ;)

BTW - I decided to go ahead and quit the gym - I don't have the same good deal that you do! Instead, I just bought some more stuff to up what I have at home.
You guys are all so wonderful, knowledgeable, and funny. (LOLOL) Thanks all for your advice but I do hold it in because I am in my office so I feel it makes it a WHOLE lot worse but I will try any and all suggestions and see what happens. Thanks again!!!!!!! Lilly

I have suffered from IBS for a long time now, and have found that over the years what sets it off changes from time to time. The last fad is that I have to watch what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. The biggest key is when and how much. I have to wait at least three hours between meals, and that means putting nothing, and I mean nothing food wise in my mouth during that three hours or I pay, and if I go longer than three hour and am starving and there for it more than just feeling satisfied, I pay. The reason I share this with you is because if I break these rules I get gas that starts at the same time every day, around 2 pm, and last for a few hours or longer if I have really messed up. So look at when and how much as well. If I behave I am completely pain and gas free!


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