Veg & Fruit Impaired???


I try my hardest to eat "clean", but I can count off on one hand the number of fruit and vegetables that I actually can eat without gagging. Anyone else out there with a similar dilemma? What do you do? I can only eat green beans and granny smith apples so many times a week!!



P.S. I've tried the grin & bare (or is it "bear"??) it approach and simpy tried to get myself to expand my tastebud horizons, but that lasted about a week.
Hi Stacy,

I don't mind veggies, it is the fruit I can't stand. I will force myself to eat apples, oranges and bananas and that is it. I can't stand other fruit ! I try and get most of my 5 portions from veg during the day, as opposed to fruit. My body is lucky if I eat more than 1 banana a day !
So, you're not alone !


Take it from me your if you give it time your tastebuds will change (mine have and continue to I used to love strawberries eat at least 2 punnets every week now I haven't eaten any for months and I don't want to)same with water hated it now can't get through an hour without it. My suggestion for both of you is eat around try different fruits and veg and different ways of cooking experiment with them or try adding them into things like pasta and pies etc where you won't notice them so much.

Try say a fresh fruit salad shop in a market I know the US have lots of great food shops with mixs of fruits and try different ones the secret is to introduce them slowly into your diet if you don't like one type of fruit try another there are lots out there.

I have to admit I love fruits and vegs my problem is I have beans and pulses of any sort the thought of eating make me sick. Having said that I used to hate cheese and nuts now I love cheese and can eat nuts if they in chocolate bars.

Are you sure you've tried them all? There's like a million veggies and a million fruits. Surely there's one somewhere you like. I have the same problem, but now I've got a fair list of stuff I will eat because I kept trying different things. Just a suggestion, maybe you've already done that.
I agree with Starbuck. You can get lots of veggies in if you add them to pasta sauces, curries, soups, salads, etc. I keep a supply of small cans of vegetables in my cupboard for this purpose. Another good way is to mix up a bunch of canned veggies with a low-fat salad dressing and maybe some meat (tuna, grilled chicken) and have it as a main meal or side dish. I've also had spaghetti and meatballs with green beans instead of pasta. Trader Joe's sells great curry sauces in a jar, and it's very easy to just heat them up with a can of peas or lima beans and serve it over brown rice.

Whew I'm glad to know I'm not alone!! This isnt a new thing for me, I've been this way for years despite trying new things over and over again in the hopes that my tastes have changed. I think with fruits in particular it's more of a texture thing. I've tried most melons and citrus fruits and cant stand 'em. I dont like strawberries either b/c of the seeds mostly. I try most things either at big salad bars or at my mother in law's house b/c she eats alot of fruit and has new stuff all the time, at least that way I'm not wasting my money. Anyway, I'm with you Anna, I'm lucky if I eat fruit three times a week. I can do better with vegetables, but after a week of eating vegetables at least once a day it makes my cravings for junk food that much more! It's a vicious circle!!

:) Stacy
Me too, I like fruit but not vegetables so much. I like bread and cheese a lot too. What has helped me to get more fruits and veggies in is to make things that mixes in different kinds so things blend together. For veggies, I make homemade soups, veggie pot pie, shepard's pie w/ lentils instead of meat, and homemade veggie burgers made from beans, brown rice, chopped small veggies, and a few other ingredients. I freeze the veggie burgers in patty shapes and have them on hand all the time. They are soft so I don't even have to use any mayo on the bun. These are all really yummy! I just use the veggies that I like and try to sometimes add in ones I only kind of like. I've definitely expanded my taste buds a lot. Also, for fruit, I make smoothies which are so yummy! I freeze all sorts of differents fruits and use the frozen fruit, healthy juice, yogurt, protein powder. Another yummy thing for fruit is fruit with vanilla yogurt and granola. My health food store makes this really tasty granola. This has been my favorite snack lately.

Just a couple of suggestions. I'm really into cooking and my fiance's a chef... I decorate cakes too, which doesn't help me lose this baby weight.

Hi All

Stacey can I just say and this is not good news for you that you may have eat veg and fruit to change your taste buds (I think it takes about 6 months) it can be done.

What I mean is just as you had to make a decision to exercise and weight left regularly you may have to do the same with fruit and veg and make a consious effort to change your eating habits.

I would slowly introduce veg into your daily eating programme the more I read about fruit and veg the more studies show it health benefits. So start slowly and just increase your daily intake, you can reprogramme your taste buds I think it takes 3-6 months.

Sorry I wish I had better news for you remember that although there are supplements out there it is better for our bodies if we can pick up vitamins and minerals in our diet.

Thank you for the kind words Babs. However this is not something new for me. I've actually tried to slowly incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet in various forms (soups, salads, etc) and have been doing it for about 10 months with not much luck. I guess it's something I have to learn to live with.

me too

I'm glad to hear someone else just doesn't really like fruits & veggies! It seems like everyone else eats so many, and I barely eat one a day!

So I don't have any tips. I can get veggies though veg soup since you don't taste the veggies that well. I put lots of butter (I know that's bad!) on veggies that I don't really like, like peas and lima beans. Celery w/ PB is yummy. Fruit is ok- but I'd rather have cookies! Fruit cups are ok since they're sweet- just get it in light syrup.

I think if you bring fruit with you- like to work, it's easier to remember since it's right there. I usually just forget since I'm used to eating what I feel like. It's tough- maybe keep an eating journal and throughout the day check to make sure you've had one fruit or veggie so far. Then just add more fruit and veggies to your goal as you get used to it.
RE: Hate veggies

I know this is an old thread, but since I haven't been exercising I don't hit this board very much - it makes me feel guilty!

I also dislike veggies. Fruit I'm okay with. If you like to cook, check out the book "Stealth Health." It has lots of ways to sneak vegetables, fruit and beans into your diet. There is even a great brownie recipe that incorporates a can of black beans!

Even though it's a great book, it hasn't been a cure-all for me because it involves EFFORT.

Good luck to all of us in our struggles! At least we realize we need to eat more produce - most Americans haven't figured that out yet!


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