Please any info would be so helpful to me and my family right now. About two months ago we found a cat who had three kittens. We have faithfully put out water and food for all of them for the past two months. We have semi gained their trust enough so that they watch us at close distance and come out when we place there food. They no longer are being weened by their mom at this point. Over the past two weeks we have been able to pet one or two of the kittens and play with them at a distance with yarn balls and toys we have bought. The mother cat is there somtimes and sometimes not. She has never hissed at us or minded that we are feeding any of them. With the weather getting cooler we were making the decision to catch them and keep the babies. But today when we woke up there was only one kitten there. The mom is gone and two of the other kittens are gone as well. This kitten has been crying on and off all day but has come out only to eat. I'm heartbroken. My kids are heartbroken. We have never owned pet before. I'm 37 and have never had a pet so this is killing me. Last night we were playing with all the kittens on the driveway and tonight only one kitten. Is the mother and kittens really gone??? When does the mom seperate or does she?? If so how long do I wait to take this kitten into my home. i don't want to take her if the mother is going to come back. Is this normal. I'm lost as to what to do to help this cat. Really i know this sounds nuts but I'm crying over the fact of this stray cat. Help.