UPDATE 7/28/06

OMG!!!!! I hadn't preordered, but now hearing about the music, the new set, etc., I'm DYING for these to come out!!!!! I've been tempted by Drill Max / Butts & Guts, and you might have just pushed me over! :)

Congrats on the clean bill of health, and I can't wait to see the new website and to hear the buzz about the workouts!!!

Oh Cathe, this is such wonderful news. I hope you continue to get stronger every day. We all have setbacks and we support you 100%. I'm so glad you are back to yourself again, just be careful so you won't reinjure yourself.

I am so excited for all the great things coming up. :) :) :)
Cathe, thank you for the update. I'm so happy that you are well again--that's the most important part of this. You'll remain in my prayers for sure so that the filming goes without a hitch. Oh, I love the song "Let it Whip" so I know I'll be pumped up to do whichever move you've paired it with, *AHEM*, even if it's a cardio move;) :p :7 .
Cathe not only is your crew "DA BOMB" but you are "DA BOMB BABY"!!! Thank you so much for the great news. I can't wait until my husband gets home from work so I can talk his ear off about how excited I am that you are cleared and will be filming soon. You are so great and such an inspiration. Thanks for all you do. Good luck with filming and can't wait to get them in my grubby little hands!!!
WOOHOO! I was just wondering if I should preorder...now I have my answer.
I'm so happy you're all healed and ready to give us some new great workouts!:D
I am so glad your Dr. is confident of your complete healing! I just feel nervous thinking you could undergo another set-back.

Thank you for the update and for getting us all excited in anticipation of the new workouts! :7

Cancel a Cathe pre-order? NEVER!!!!!!!!

Thank you for this most exciting update!!!! I, and I know others share these sentiments, have maintained a constant level of anticipation and enthusiasm over these workouts. Can't wait!!!!!!!

Thanks again, Ms. Cathe. And congrats on the green light from the doc!

As Cathe herself says, we've got work to do, people!!!
Oh, I'm so excited about:
Da Bomb Girls
da music
da new set
da premixes
How cool! :)

I can't wait for the behind-the-scenes footage - I'm sure we're all curious about that.

Thanks a million!
That is great news Cathe!!! I am so happy that your doctor has given you the green light to resume your activities! I bet you are sooo happy!

I wanted to thank you again for the birthday wishes and I hope you had a wonderful birthday too! You deserve it!
This is wonderful news!!! I bet you can hardly contain your excitement!:7 :7

Just a quick question: Where in the world did you get your Ryka Enlight II? I can't find them anywhere. :-( Do you have a secret stash? ;-)

I love the 80's music too! Oh, I can't wait!

Thank you once again for the update.

You're "Da Bomb"!!

It was a long road, but you made it! That's great news. I'm really looking foward to these workouts. Good luck with filming.

My rotator cuff is about healed. Hopefully only a few more weeks of physical therapy.

My Aquajoc workout rotations are in full blast. I am building strength, flexibility, and endurance.

I am so happy that I maintained my pre-order. I love surprises.

I will be ready....bring it on.

Cathe, you are awesome.

So exciting!! I'm so happy for your recovery and thrilled that you are cleared for filming. I'm extremely curious about the Nike "Rock Your Workout" apparel that you mentioned, but have found nothing online. Care to give us a heads up on where we can find it?

Otherwise, I can't wait to get our sneak peeks along the way. Love when the excitement really starts to build. Take care!
Wooo hooooo! Thanks so much, Cathe! I am so happy you are healed and ready to ROCK :)

"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is." -- Ellen DeGeneres

Thankyou for keeping us up to date on your progress with your healing (which is of course ,most important) and with the many updates related to the filming of the new workouts.Worth the wait?Without a doubt.Am I excited? Excited does not even begin to explain how positive and happy I am feeling.Good job staying focused on your recovery and not giving into any pressure you may have felt to speed things along.You are AN INNOVATOR!! :7
Cathe, I am sooooo happy for you and for us!! I'm glad you are healthy again and cannot wait to see the new website, behind the scenes of filming, and for the new workouts to come out.

Thanks for keeping us posted!! :) :7 :) :7

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