Update 5/9/06

Cathe..thank you so much for the update! I am so glad, no more than YOU I'm sure, that they were able to diagnose you and treat you accordingly! We are all so grateful for that. You are our shining role model in fitness and also in how to take good care of yourself when you are injured. You're the best. In the meantime, I've been adding to my Cathe collection like crazy. I've added Kick Max, Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max and I'm loving them!! Continue to take good care!!! Love them like all your others!!! :7 :D
Great news Cathe! I bet you're ready to give the dr a huge hug that finally pinpointed and fixed the problem. Heck, I think all of us are ready to do the same.
Take care!

Its so awesome to hear that you are recovering so well! Take your time - we have plenty of your videos to keep us busy while waiting for the new ones!!! By the way, I finally did Low Max (I've had it since Christmas!) I've been afraid to do it because I thought the steps would be too advanced for me. I had to rewind a few times but I did it! I was so happy that I made it through the whole tape. That tape is tough!!! I love it!!!! It is now my favorite cardio workout. By the time I'm done with it I am drenched and ready for bed!!! Thanks for such a great workout. The blasts kill me - I called you evil a few times while I was trying to get through some of them!!!
Anyway, again, its great to hear from you and that your recovery is going so well.
Theresa:) :D
So glad to hear you are doing great Cathe!

I too am having to undergo knee surgery next month to fix my knee problem which is Patellofemoral Pain syndrome. They have been telling me for years I was going to need surgery, and now it's time. I have a lot of cartlidge needing to be removed from this condition and working out so much. It's just a genetic thing!

Your experience is giving me a boost I need. You got through it and I will too and then as soon as I am better I am looking forward to breaking out all my Cathe step DVD's!

I hope you keep moving right along! Thanks for keeping us updated!

Sending you good wishes!
Hi, Cathe,
I think about you and your recovery every time we "work out together" which is about 5 days a week! I'm so glad to hear it is moving in the right direction!!!!
Have a great day and take good care of yourself!
Hi Jana! Just wanted to say good luck to you. I will keep you in my thoughts. Be faithful to your rehab, it is SO critical to your full recovery. Hugs to you!
Hola Cathe!
I'm new to the website but not to your workouts.... And let me tell you they're the BEST!!! I love your DVD'S...
I can't wait for you to recover so we can get the new ones...
I just want to thank you for sharing the picture of you pregnant because I got inspired by it to get in the shape that I am today after having my 2 daughters... You made me see that it is possible so GRACIAS!
God bless & Take care!
Great, great news Cathe! 100% ROM restored is awesome news too. Keep up your rehab and in no time we'll be saying, "OH NO, she's baaaaaaaaaaack!" :) BIG HUGS!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Cathe, That is great news that everything is going well with your recovery and therapy. After reading your other posts I'm beginning to think that I might have Plica syndrome too. I tore my meniscus the end of January. Small tear according to the MRI. I had a cortisone shot in it 2 weeks ago and still having pain, swelling, etc. I tried doing 30 minutes of low impact floor aerobics on Sunday and was in pain for 2 days after. How is it that they determined it was the Plica and not something else.


I'm so glad you're progressing nicely.....You're doing everything right...let the leg heal in its own time and you'll be good as NEW!!!! Thxs for all the updates! I'm sure by Fall, you'll be rockin and a rollin.....right? Take care and may the angels watch over you in Jesus' name....

God Bless,


PS: I hope one of these days you and your crew will come down here to Cleveland, OHIO and put on a demo so I can meet you finally.....we would have a total BLAST!!!!!!!
That IS good news, Cathe! Even my hubby asked about you a few nights ago as I was grunting through one of your slow & heavy workouts. You have people you never imagined pulling for you out here! ;-)
That is so great, Cathe. As always, thank you for keeping us up to date on your progress and for being such an inspiration to so many. You'll pull through this and be better than ever! ;-)
Hi Cathe,
What great news! :) :) :) Thanks so much for your updates, & take care,
Work hard now! :p
(But only in therapy.)

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