Update - 4-13-06

Hi Cathe,
Just wanted to echo all the other well-wishers and to thank you for being so open with us about the injury. It must be SUCH a relief to finally know what the problem was! Hooray!!
Have a wonderful Easter with your family,
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I hope the Easter bunny brought a smile as well along with a chocolate bunny:9

I am a silent yet long lived fan of yours. I've never written before. I hope that you are well soon. There is so much to say.... I just love you!!!!! I have been with you since the beginning. I'm a 41 year old mother of 3. My youngest is 15 and I am 115 lbs. You do the math. I've been told by many that I am a MILF. We won't get into what that means. My prayers are with you and I hope to see you on video soon. BTY: My dying wish is to meet you before I go (no kidding it's in my will). You have been such an inspiration to me you have no idea!!!! Take care of yourself.....the rest will follow!!!!

LeAnn Z.

My prayers are with you for a complete and speedy recovery. I am glad you finally have ANSWERS and are now on the road to getting better. I think just not knowing is worse than anything else. Take your time, we will still be here, Imaxing away..:7 !

Best Wishes,

Oh, that's such good news! I'm so glad you got to the bottom of your injury. Now you can truly focus on the recovery/rehabilitation of your knee. :)

Sending healing vibes your way!!!:7

Hi Cathy,

I am new to this forum, but have been using your videos for many years. I am a 42 yr old mother of two teenagers and your tapes have kept me in awesome shape! No one else comes close to working me as hard as you do!
I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to new videos when you are well. I know the frustration of being sidelined.javascript:smilie('x(')
javascript:smilie('x(') I started having knee problems the month I turned 40. I had to give up running - the pounding was taking its toll. But thankfully, I can still do all of your workouts.

Take care of yourself!javascript:smilie(':7')
Hi Cathe~
I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you are doing ok. Thanks for the detailed info on Plica Syndrome, especially since it's a commonly misdiagnosed knee ailment. Now if we all have trouble, we can at least ask about it. ;)

Thanks for keeping us informed of your process. And just to let you know, I would wait a whole year to get another one of your workouts! ;-)

Take Care! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.:)
What a relief! I am so glad you had the surgery!! I'm sure you will but just please do everything the doctor tells you so you heal quickly and don't have any relapses. Knee injuries are painful (my husband has had three and a partial replacement on the last) but it sounds like you are on the road to recovery.

Rest up and we look forward to those dvd's when you get them. In the meantime, I am keeping myself busy trying to get through at least one of the hardcore extremes without feelling like I am going through cardiac arrest!

Take care - I am so relieved you are doing better.
Cathe - Thank you for sharing all of this with us - I definitely appreciate your honesty and sharing. I am so glad they found out what the problem was. My thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery!

Take your time and get well. You've been through so much - mentally and physically. Those workouts will be great regardless of when they are done. No pressure from me - I just want you to get well :) !
Thanks for the update, Cathe. Hope you are feeling better. Wishing you a quick and complete recovery.
Hey Cathe!!! Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. I'm so happy for you that they found the root of your problem and I hope the surgery takes care of it so you can be pain free!!! I'm going to be 40 soon and my knees aren't what they used to be but I try to be careful when I workout. I don't ever want to not be able to do your workouts! I love them. I have most of the hardcores and the beginner/intermediates that you put out for the newbies. I love them all. A few months ago I finally bought the Kick Punch & Crunch / Legs & Glutes DVD and I love KPC!!!! I do that workout at least twice a week!!!! It is the best kickboxing workout I have and I recommend it to everyone I know!!!!
Anyhoo, just wanted to let you know how much I love KPC and I pray for you to have a speedy recovery. Don't push it too much. You want to get 100% better so you can start kicking our butts again!!!!!
God Bless.

:) :7

Hi Everyone! Your well wishes are so heartwarming, thank you! On Friday I will let you know what I learned from Thursday's post op visit. I'm so excited to go the doc. Today is just about a week past the surgery and I really feel good. I'm following all doc's orders to the exact sentence and have minimal pain and no swelling as of two days ago. Just a lot of itching around the stitches which is a good sign of healing, yippee!

Just wanted to touch base and say hi and thank you :)
Hi Yas! I was told by doc as well as have learned from research that this can be due to either a blunt force OR from overuse. The first question my doctor asked me was "do you remember suffering a direct blow to your knee at anytime since having these issues?

Hope this helps for now!

GREAT news! Wishing you the best! You are being a very good patient following the doc's orders. SPEEDY HEALING!!!


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Cathe, HOORAY!!!!!!! That is great news. I am so glad you are feeling better and it sounds like your spirits are high. We are ready for ya.}(

Ditto to what Mama Deb said!!

:) What fabulous news!!! This has been such a l-o-o-o-n-g ordeal for you, Cathe, you poor thing -- how nice it is to hear such a happy, optimistic tone in your post!

Deb's right -- You are being SUCH a good patient and that is so smart -- look at the results! I'm grinning from ear to ear to know that the swelling and pain are gone!!

Can't wait to hear what the doc says at your post-op visit. It's hard to believe it's only been a week and you've improved so much!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sending big hugs!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
RE: Ditto to what Mama Deb said!!

Hi Cathe,
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I was going to tell you about an MRI that looks deeper into the tissues to find out things the regular MRI's can miss, but you finally got to see the sports doctor and found out the real problem. I am relieved you found the source of your pain and glad that you are taking the time for the healing process.

Sending you many happy vibes for the speediest of recoveries.
Rejoicing With You


I am rejoicing in my heart with you. I am delighted to know that you are so excited about your recovery and not experiencing much pain. Keep being patient and following your doctor’s orders. Get plenty of rest, and be gentle with your body. You will remain in my prayers, and I am looking forward to reading your update later this week. Love and hugs to you! :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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