Update 12/30/05

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Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I surely can understand that you would like to be updated again, however, at this time there is nothing new to update. Many who are involved in the overall project have been on family vacation at different times throughout the holiday season. The last of the vacationing will be Jan 6th when we are hoping to have more information for you. This is good news for me, actually, since I strained my calf muscle in my kickbox class last Monday and have been taking advantage of the recooperation time.

As always, we greatly appreciate your patience but would also like to remind you of our cancelation policy if this is an option that you would prefer to take.

I would also like to apologize for not being on the forums more frequently. It seems just as the workout rehearsals were slowing down the holiday pace kicked in. With a 3 and a now 6 year old (as of Eric's birthday yesterday) Santa plays a huge role in these few precious years and I really needed to focus on making it a magical season for the boys.

Thanks again everyone. Remember, once we get filming underway, the updates will be MUCH more regular and posted on the homepage too.

Happy New Year!
hi cathe and happy holiday. i hope you are feeling better now and you had a great christmas with the boys.

happy b-day to eric


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
;-) Hi Cathe! Is'nt it soo exciting to see your children wake up on Christmas morning and the thrill of your children waiting for Santa! I sure will miss those years when Lacey outgrows Santa. She is already asking questions. What were Eric and Kyle's favorite toys this year?
Spend all the time you can with your boys NOW!! I have a great respect for mothers who have their priorities in order.

You will never regret the time you put into your children. They will be too old for Santa before you know it.
Thank you so much Cathe. I hope your calf feels better very soon...it's always a bummer when you have a sports injury!

I'm so glad that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. It has gone by too quickly this year. Have a very Happy New Year!!

Cathe, two things: first you're right about focusing on your sons now while they're young and you still have them with you. Second, give that calf muscle time to heal before you start filming. But you already know all that:)

Thanks for touching base (but I think most of us knew already what YOU were doing...it is that time of the year!).
Thank you Cathe for taking the time for the update. You and your crew are the best and always will be in my book...:)...I know the new workouts will be awesome!! I do hope your calf heals up soon. I tore my calf muscle once so I can relate to the pain...Thanks again....:)...Carole
Cathe ~

Thank you for taking the time between Christmas and New Year's to check-in! I hope you and your family had a joyous Christmas...it is truly a magical holiday when the children are young.

I hope your calf muscle is "on the mend". Take care of yourself and best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year.

Take care,

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...embrace it...don't fear it." - Cathe Friedrich
My son is 10 and still believed. I took full advantage of it. Enjoy these precious years of Santa, cookies for Santa, Reindeer dust and all the comes with it for it is gone forever.

Take your time - I know I will be here waiting for the new DVD's when you have finished. Your family comes first.

Thanks for the update Cathe. Of course the holidays had to be family time. That goes without saying!!! We are all looking forward to the new w/o's. I know they are going to be outstanding.
Cathe, my son will be going to college next year. You are right to focus on your little ones.......they grow up so fast!
Thanks for the update Cathe. Enjoy your holidays with your family. the time really does go fast! Can't wait to see these workouts!

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