Your post above made me think and amused me at the same time Lol

I would not feel akward at all by just fully concentrating and not paying attention
to anyone around.

I see this as another mental challenge.

Everyone is different but Iwould not let anything get in
way of having fun pumping iron!
As to make up..Oh my...As much I love and enjoy making up, it is out of question while I am working out.
It just feel un-comfortable. I would not mind working out bare face in a gym. I always do.
No need to wear any mask lol

Well, thankfully Cathe created a whole bunch of kick-butt home workouts so that we need not deal with the challenge (mental or otherwise) at all, LOL. It isn't just about
my level of concentration. Accidentally flashing my tush, crotch and/or half a bosom at someone could be downright dangerous in the gym.

I'd feel awfully bad if a guy dropped a 300-lb. barbell on his feet because I (however unintentionally) flaunted my questionable assets at him in an inopportune moment...
On the other hand, this might be the way out of my single life. Maybe we're all onto something here. Although, if a guy was attracted to my aging, sagging, sweaty bod while at the gym, I'd have to question his sanity. And he'd be seeing me without makeup. So he'd have to be
doubly insane to find me attractive. However, I
am getting up there in age, pickings are slim, and as my Granny used to say, "Time's a-wastin'!"
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. This topic is just getting too funny to me, and I'm a wicked, dorky cornball at times. What can I say, y'all? I'm three weeks from the end of the college semester, college algebra is making me cuckoo, seasonal allergies are making me grumpy and achy, and I'm going to ward it off with some fun here on the boards!
Nathalie, pumping iron IS fun- you are soooo right about that! I love working out, period. Sad that much of the world thinks working out is this big chore, or a punishment. I see it as play time!