My Goodness

I too need the structure (Structuring the content and gradually OVERLOADING/1repmax) videos provide.
Not just any, cathe would produce such a gem mixing total and split.
There is no one in the business to possibly produce better. Ok no one I know off

.We love cathe's INTENSITY.
I can tell you I will download those PDF for sure.

.You are so right about the content.

I think Lol I am on my way to start following these DUDES.
These stuff are definitely the goodies I would have fun doing. It is right up my alley

I hear ya on the structure aspect. I absolutely need a trainer like Cathe or someone else that I like and trust leading me through a workout program for that designated time period each day. I know how to do a lot of exercises. I could design a beautiful program if I absolutely had to. I can get started on a workout and stick with it for a little while, maybe up to 40 minutes if I'm super-energetic. However, seeing it through until the bitter end and actually pushing myself through the hardest of hard of reps and cardio cycles without that trainer and crew (even through a TV set) guiding me and doing the same work...nah. I could have the most well-equipped gym at my disposal, whether it be in the home or in outside facilities, but without someone kicking my butt and telling me what to do moment after moment, I'd
never push myself to the same degree. I'd lose count of reps really quick, too! (My memory ain't what it used to be...)
People are constantly amazed that I a) have the motivation to work out at home, and b) have gotten the results I have from home workouts. I tell them it actually takes a lot less motivation to work out at home, and it's the truth. It's much easier to just grab my DVD or laptop and be able to get to work at home quickly, especially with a dynamo like Cathe on my side. And if you can't get results from working out 4-6 days a week from training with Cathe...Okay, we
all know that's just not possible!

love working out at home. No driving to the gym and back. No letting my heart rate drop down way too low while waiting for the big-armed-dude to stop hogging the bench press. No getting laughed at or hearing crude comments when my capri pants fall down my butt during hip thrusts. No germs to get sick from because people come in and work out while they and their three kids all have a combo flu/bronchitis/pneumonia. Yuck. I mean, I get why people do love gyms...different strokes for different folks, I understand. Gyms have certain positives. Some love the social aspect of going to a gym, getting out of the house, all of the different machines, not having loads of exercise equipment taking up room in their house, the child care available for those who need it, etc. (It's totally a mental block on my part and I
am getting better about my self-consciousness regarding my body, but in my mind gyms will forever = being teased and laughed at.) Working out at home is
so convenient. It can be 1 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon- I can work out whenever I want and do whatever I want. With an almost infinite number of home workouts to choose from now, I'd have to be insane to say I ever get bored (especially with Cathe's On Demand and all her premixes on the DVDs!) Personally, I find home workouts really fun and carefree. I can be all frumpy and sweaty while I'm working out without a care; no one but the cat sees me, and she sure doesn't mind that I'm makeup-free and wilting as if I'm performing construction labor in the middle of a Miami summer day.
I have enough room to keep my workout stuff at home, my little toys like gliding discs, my stability ball, step, and all my weights. I realize some people truly don't have the space. That's understandable. What irks me is when I hear people say that it takes away from their decor. I know, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and taste. But exercise equipment that's loved and used is so...wonderful! It's a positive energy thing, something representative of commitment to one's health and longevity. I've heard the old argument about it not being "pretty" and maybe it isn't, but if you
have the space...I mean, come on. Our homes are for
living in, not to be showplaces designed to impress people that we see only on occasion. If someone doesn't like the look of my dumbbells and step bench taking space up in my bedroom, too bad. They're staying...well, the equipment's staying, while the naysayer may not.

I know, I'm preaching to the choir on the forums here, LOL.