I'm probably in the minority here, but I've had positive ordering experiences with Beachbody. My latest order from them, "Turbo Jam" arrived within 3 business days and contained everything I ordered (The basic Turbo Jam package, all free gifts and the extra that I ordered: Cardio Party Mix 2).
These workouts are a lot of fun and the music is great! I do wish, though, that the music was louder. The production is of great quality and I like Charlene (she's not cutesy or annoying). There is definitely "whooping" going on, but it doesn't bother me.
I think you will get out of it, what you put into it. (ie. how intense your kicks and punches are, how high/low you want to jump and if you are wearing weighted gloves or not). There are some dancey aspects to it and I'm surprisingly not bothered by it; I usually don't care for dancey workouts.
Kickboxing, IMO, will give you a great core workout anyway, and "Turbo Jam" definitely works my core.
Fortunately, I don't have any problems with any of my "Turbo Jam" DVDs skipping or freezing (knock on wood!!!). I've played them on my good Sony DVD player and my cheap Coby DVD player.