trying ti ID a DVD


New Member

Does anyone know which of Cathe's DVD's includes legs and Glutes, dated around 2003? I saw this a.m. on Fit TV and was wondering. it was a 30 minute workout but I'm sure it might be longer. any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.:) :)
The DVD is Kick, Punch & Crunch and Legs & Glutes. KPC is a 68 minute kickboxing workout with an ab segment for which you need a stability ball. Legs & Glutes is a 51-minute leg workout for which you need a high step, various weighted dumbbells and ankle weights. This is a great DVD with loads of premixes.
Legs & Glutes is the first workout to come to mind, but you're throwing me off when you say the workout on FitTV was only 30 minutes long. I discovered Cathe off of FitTV, too, and I'm pretty sure I've seen every workout she's got on there (I recorded them all before buying all the DVD's). If it's not Legs & Glutes you're referring to, then perhaps it's Pyramid Lower Body or Lowmax (but Lowmax is more of a step workout).
Yes, Legs and Glutes is the second workout on the KPC DVD. Don't forget about the Leaner Legs workout in the CTX series that's great as well!

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