Tracey's New Workouts - Sweatfest

Let me just say that I love the kickboxing workout. I wasn't in that one, and don't get paid for endorsing it - I just flat out enjoy it!!!

And my lats, bis, and abs are always SO SORE after doing that one!!!

I have no BOSU ideas for you, Mattea - sorry. For the dips, you can always do dips off the stability ball, like Cathe does in Drill Max. Those are fairly challenging to me. And when Tracey does the squats on the BOSU, you can always do the one legged squats while holding a dumbbell, like Cathe does in LIC (do you know the move I'm talking about)? Just some suggestions...
Thanks Jillybean, yes I know the squats you are referring to and that will be a nice sub before I invest in a BOSU. :D

I'm really looking forward to the KB workout now, maybe I'll go downstairs and preview...}(

Can you guys talk a little about the format of the cardio DVD? I am particularly interested in the kickboxing (what else!). Are there many premixes? Are the combos good? Form??

How are her other workouts??? I was just on her website for the first time after reading these posts and must say her workouts look advanced. Please give more info.
I just rec'd shipping notice from advanced fitness that mine shipped yesterday. I ordered the cardio and sculp. The more I hear the more excited I become. I also have 2 more CIA's on the way with Tracey's stuff...woo hoo!

You know, a perfect lazy afternoon to me is eating M&M's and previewing a new workout...I'm so weird, but I declared to myself today that the M&M eating while previewing these new workouts would be no more! Somebody help me!

Your post cracked me up. I have several times sat and previewed a workout while eating almond M&Ms or a cookie. My SO has busted me doing this a few times and just laughs and shakes his head. It is kind of funny. I'm also waiting on two of the CIA's and two of Tracey's. I got my shipping e-mail this morning and I can't wait. Time to buy a bag of M&Ms and wait for the package to arrive.:D
I ordered the Cardio and Sculpt DVD's. I haven't done the sculpt yet, but I did just finish up with the Kickboxing portion of the cardio dvd.

I have to say that I wasn't that impressed. I thought alot of her combos, especially when they combined arms and legs were not put together very well. It led to me feeling extremely choreographically challenged, which I'm typically not I pick up choreography pretty easily. It's just two or three of the combos just didn't really seem to flow and were often off beat. The arm drill section at the end was pretty decent after subbing in different punches for weird blocks she had put in there.

Her shoulder punch move irritated me too...once she sped it up I couldn't keep proper form, and when doing it double time when combined with trying to turn my hip I really felt scared I was going to tweak my knee??? She also had this really strange combo sequence towards the end where you're doing these weird blocks, with "X's", and kicks...I didn't think it flowed well at all. Sorry I can't explain it better with more detail. With this one it got to a point I just stood there staring at the tv in bewilderment.

I'd also have to disagree on her form being good. I really felt she was lacking in it during alot of her double time drills...that and stamina. She has you do this move where you squat down low and do a front (or side can't remember) kick and she really gives up during the drill...she literally stops irritated me. Like, why should I continue giving it my all when you can't keep up???

I had really high hopes for this workout, so I'm pretty bummed that I didn't love it. I'll probably try it one more time and see if it gets any better for me...but I'm highly doubting it.

Wow Deni, I could have written your post! I did the Kickbox workout today and I was disappointed as well. For frame of reference I absolutely love Powerstrike Millenium 1 and 2 and KPC. This workout is more along the lines of Powerstrike Millenium 3 and 4 in intensity for me. Also, some of her combos just didn't flow right. I felt off balance with some of kick/punch combos. I also subbed punches during the "x block thing" and did kicks when she did knee smashes (to up the intensity). The warmup was short and I felt it was inadequate (for me) but then the workout didn't really get moving until about 25 minutes in. I barely broke a sweat on this workout.

There are some different types of punches and blocks in this workout. Her form seems good at times and poor at others - I won't be trying to emulate her - Ilaria is my hero for that!

I too had hopes of rotating this into my schedule. I will do it again to see how I feel. I am skeptical. When the workout was over (it's 60 minutes) I popped in KPC and did that . . . and had plenty of energy to do so . . .:eek:
Yeah...I forgot about the warmup issue. It was really poor in my opinion. Especially when she had you doing those high kicks as a warmup exercise...HUH???? That is a pulled hamstring waiting to happen. I too am a big Powerstrike 1 and 2 fan, along with all of Cathe's kickbox stuff...this in no way compared in my opinion.

>Your post cracked me up. I have several times sat and
>previewed a workout while eating almond M&Ms or a cookie. My
>SO has busted me doing this a few times and just laughs and
>shakes his head. It is kind of funny. I'm also waiting on
>two of the CIA's and two of Tracey's. I got my shipping
>e-mail this morning and I can't wait. Time to buy a bag of
>M&Ms and wait for the package to arrive.:D

I'm so glad I'm not alone. I'm going to track my package now!
The only problem I had with the kickboxing workout were the weird looking blocks. I am not that coordinated. I will just use punches for these.

I did notice the point where she got tired, you could tell, but she kept going, it was not too bad. I would have been tired way before she did with all those kicks, well with all the kicking, that should blast some fat off my thighs!!!

What I was not impressed with was the Hi/lo workout (sorry Tracey!) . It was kind of a merengue , hip shaking, latin beat workout. I only looked at the first 10- 15 minutes then i shut it off, I will look at the rest later, I had already look at the kickboxing workout for an hour, this is why I did not finish the Hi/lo.
I received my Cardio Sweatfest (kickbox) dvd today and I live in TN. I did preview it and did like what I seen, but haven't actually done the workout. Like Angela, I was eating a bag of cheetoes while bad...:9
I have to disagree with a few of the posts. IMHO, Tracey has done a very good job with this workout. I always wear 2# hand weights with Powerstrike 1 & 2 (also 3 & 4). That is the only way I feel I get a good enough workout. I LOVE Powerstrike by the way, 1 & 2 being the best of the 4.

With Tracey's workout, I didn't wear any weighted gloves and I worked up a better sweat then I do with the powerstrikes with the gloves. I could never wear weighted gloves with Tracey's for it is too fast in certain parts for that.

I thought the leg kicks flowed quite well with the punches. Yes, when she went faster the technique and the form seemed to lack some. But that is how it is when you do any type of workout faster. I did think that last combo was extremely difficult to catch, but I have only done it one time.

I have been doing karate for 3 1/2 years, I currently have a black belt. I will be testing for my first degree black belt this coming Saturday. So, the combinations she used (IMHO) flowed just as well as the combinations that are used at our karate school. Maybe it was easier for me because I do karate.

How can one not break a sweat when you are doing jump kicks? If you put your all into it, I think you could work up a great sweat. I always love doing the plie' squats with the side kick. If you squat lower and push harder it does help.

I will definitely be doing this one quite often. I did get Absolutely Kickboxing with Kimberly Spreen. It is at a slower pace, but I like the slower pace, too, because it can really work your muscles. Variety is the spice of life!

>I have to disagree with a few of the posts. IMHO, Tracey has
>done a very good job with this workout. I always wear 2# hand
>weights with Powerstrike 1 & 2 (also 3 & 4). That is the only
>way I feel I get a good enough workout. I LOVE Powerstrike by
>the way, 1 & 2 being the best of the 4.
>With Tracey's workout, I didn't wear any weighted gloves and I
>worked up a better sweat then I do with the powerstrikes with
>the gloves. I could never wear weighted gloves with Tracey's
>for it is too fast in certain parts for that.
>I thought the leg kicks flowed quite well with the punches.
>Yes, when she went faster the technique and the form seemed to
>lack some. But that is how it is when you do any type of
>workout faster. I did think that last combo was extremely
>difficult to catch, but I have only done it one time.
>I have been doing karate for 3 1/2 years, I currently have a
>black belt. I will be testing for my first degree black belt
>this coming Saturday. So, the combinations she used (IMHO)
>flowed just as well as the combinations that are used at our
>karate school. Maybe it was easier for me because I do
>How can one not break a sweat when you are doing jump kicks?
>If you put your all into it, I think you could work up a great
>sweat. I always love doing the plie' squats with the side
>kick. If you squat lower and push harder it does help.
>I will definitely be doing this one quite often. I did get
>Absolutely Kickboxing with Kimberly Spreen. It is at a slower
>pace, but I like the slower pace, too, because it can really
>work your muscles. Variety is the spice of life!
I'm SO glad to hear your reviews on Tracey's and Kimberly's (I have that one coming too) especially with your background. I'm a gettin' excited...woo hoo!!!

>I received my Cardio Sweatfest (kickbox) dvd today and I live
>in TN. I did preview it and did like what I seen, but haven't
>actually done the workout. Like Angela, I was eating a bag of
>cheetoes while bad...:9

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
Cheryl Ditto on your post:D

I have to say I really enjoyed the kickbox, and I liked the flow of how Tracey worked my arms and legs. I think working this into my routine is going to do GOOD things for my entire body....I had nice doms all over today :)

I think this is going to be one of my FAVORITE kickboxing dvds;)

I've done both the Kickbox and Sculpt Sweatfest and love 'em both. :) Kim Spreen's Absolute Kickboxing is great too! :)
I think the Step workout is great. There are 2 30 minute segments. The second doesn't have a separate warmup so you can do them both with continuity. The 1st portion has 5 step combos with intervals. After each interval you go back and start from the 1st combo so it goes: Combo 1, Interval I, Combo 1+2, Interval 2, Combo 1+2+3, Interval 3, etc. The choreography is challenging but not too challenging (it's not frustrating) and because you keep starting over, you are able to catch on. The 2nd segment is 7 combos and after each you start over with the first and do them cumulatively. It flows quite nicely. There are some fun and innovative moves and combinations. A nice addition to the collection.

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