Tough workout!


I'm so out of it that I posted this today on the "Ask Cathe" forum first by mistake! Lol!

Did you ever have a day when you find a (familiar to you) workout almost impossible? I've done Muscle Endurance many a time but today, it almost killed me. I was tired and almost sore. I used the same weights but I had to take a few breathers and I was hurting every step of the way :(

I'm actually more rested these past couple weeks than usual and have been eating very well. I had a rest day yesterday and didn't feel like I was overdoing it but was mostly fatigued. I guess we all have out days but hopefully this is mine for a while (she says sulking away from the computer to rest her weary bones...!
Yes - especially now with being in my 9th month of pregnancy! Even walking to the bathroom is a challenge. For real. But seriously, sometimes when I switch back to GS BSB, I nearly die on the back work for some reason with those slow bent over rows with 40 lbs.

With exercise, and taking off time, the first thing to go is one's cardio endurance, followed by their muscular endurance (hence your troubles w/ ME) and lastly, one's strength. That is why it makes sense that you had a problem with ME. I am certain that once I have the baby, jogging/running is going to kill me. So is leg work in general.

Keep at it! Clarissa
Out of all of her workouts ( I have them all) Muscle Endurance is still my favorite and toughest for me!! It always makes me burn, burn, burn!!!
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Oh heavens YES! This happens to all of us - sometimes its a cardio workout, or a leg day... I think our bodies are constantly going thru so much that even when we feel rested & strong our muscles or stamina might disagree! ;)
I call these days my "HUMBLERS!" They remind me that the human body is fascinating, ever changing and truly a wonder.
Also makes me appreciate how strong I am on my Wonder Woman days! :D

Its all good!!!!
That happened to me last week with GS Legs. I must admit that I had skipped a few leg workouts, so I expected it to be tougher than usual, but not THAT tough. I was pathetic. Huffing, puffing, skipping reps, taking breaks, etc. And yet, I usually get through the whole workout no problem. I was just having one of those days that you just had, I guess!

Just wait. The next one will surely be better!

Yeah. When I took one of Cathe's classes about a month ago. I was really struggling, & although it was a tough class I couldn't figure out why I was having such a difficult time since I've survived Drill Max countless Saturdays. ;)

Turned out I was coming down w/the stomach flu & didn't know it. :eek:

You might need a little rest & a day of carbs--I know you've been dieting, it can really sap your strength.
Love your german shepherd! I have had shepherds for the last twenty years, incredibly intelligent, gentle and loyal.
Absolutely, I've been on a KB kick for the past couple of months doing primarily AOS (Newport & Firepower) and Lauren Brooks and occasional kickbox (KPC). I decided to do a couple of weeks of BBC (5 Day) with today being the first day with BBC Chest & Abs and it absolutely fried me:confused: It just proves the importance of changing your routine around :)
Thanks to everyone who chimed in here! It's nice to hear input and see that I am not alone :)

I know that ME is not an easy workout and that it is endurance. I don't want anyone to think that otherwise, this is easy for me because it is NOT! But it usually isn't as hard as yesterday, that is for sure!

I have been dieting, yes, but with almost two weeks into the diet, I am usually past the fatigue at this stage. I guess I am getting a little older though and those things change, much as I hate to admit it.

I'll keep on truckin and see how it goes. Maybe add a carb here and there to give a little energy (it's time this weekend to start adding more in anyway).
I did ME just the other day, and it did the same thing to me. Boy, and I get such an attitude when I feel weak. There are always good days and bad days. I am greatful that the good days out weigh the bad ones. But the bad ones keep me honest and coming back for more. Sometimes a little extra rest is needed, or maybe some carbs. But there are always better days to come. But every day is good when you invite Cathe into your dvd player!!
Fair warning...

This may be TMI. The week before my period, I can barely workout. Something as simple and esy as Leslie Sansone gets my heart rate sky high. I know it's related to my hormones, but it sucks. I have no advice, but I can certainly relate.
I'm the opposite on that one. The week before and of my period, I'm a maniac with the workouts. But, the week after, I'm brain dead. But, that may be b/c I've worked so hard the previous two week. Go figure....
This may be TMI. The week before my period, I can barely workout. Something as simple and esy as Leslie Sansone gets my heart rate sky high. I know it's related to my hormones, but it sucks. I have no advice, but I can certainly relate.

I didn't really consider that but it is the week before so that could be the reason.

I am working like a dog but still, I am also eating well and resting more than adequately.

I also added some carbs in last night after a terrible day and the need for comfort! So if the workout is any easier today, I might just have to make some adjustments in the eating plan for a while.

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