Hi Everyone,
I did PLB this morning. I showed my DH how I prop my ball up to the wall while doing the hamstring work. He tells me that I'm cheating. I need to work on keeping the ball unhindered. Yep...it works the legs more because you have to stabilize the ball with your foot. But...it hurts my knees that way. Does it bother you guy's knees?
I have weak knees as that is where my lupus is centered. GRRR
This afternoon with a burst of lose energy, I did Imax. I could do more of the real scissors this time. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with that section? Maybe it is mental. The "oh no, # 8 is coming up." LOL
DH has his Purdue game this evening. I went out to my workout room and did Upper Body video from the CTX series. I was happy to find I could lift heavier weights from the last time I did that workout. The 8#'s that Cathe used in the floor bicep work was WAY too light. So I used 10# with no problem. Hurray the Intense Series.!!!!
My DVD's come tomorrow, but my TV won't get here until next week. The one DH wanted, the store didn't have in stock so we had to order it.
But....I'll be anxious to see the rotations you girls put together and I will join you as soon as I complete my committment to the Total Body Blast.
LuvCardio, I hear you about the loose skin around the ab and waist. That is my worst body part. I told my DH that sometimes I wish I could send my pix to some of the girls who do rotations in hopes they could tell me exactly what I need to work this off.
But his words of wisdom (from someone who never works out..ha ha) is to keep doing what I'm doing and eventually the bad area will tone up.
I mean all these new core exercises the Intense Cardio, more weight work and ab work and the better diet, with all the improvements that have come already, we're all the right track.
But if you find some better ideas, hey...I WANT RIPPED ABS!!!

I liked your combination of ME and the cardio from C&W. I can't wait to try it.
Laura, so sorry about your bad week. Falling down the stairs and getting the flu, what a horrible thing. Isn't it a weird feeling when you are falling, how slow things are going in your mind? I mean, you can think of all these things before you hit the bottom. Does this sound like someone with experience? LOL...I tripped over the sweeper on top of the stairs one time. I landed on the last step and broke it into. The step was carpeted. I kept thinking...oh no, this isn't going to be good.
Keilan, it is encouraging to hear of your bravery with the Intense Series. You are tackleing it with determination.
Well blabber mouth here, better call it a day.

See you all tomorrow. Have fun with your workouts. It will be off to Boot Camp for me.
Donna, hope you are all well by now. I truly hope you don't have that virus that was going around here. It took everyone several rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it. :-(