Total Body Blast Ck in 5

Hi! PUB is hands down the one that left me the with the most soreness. Next time I do ME and PLB I have to up the weights as they weren't challenging for me, so my choice might change. As far as soreness does go, if I am scheduled to do say, Cardio and Weights but my arms are still fried from doing PUB earlier in the week, then I will do a lowerbody or a step tape instead. I don't want to work my muscles while they are busy re-building themselves and making me stronger! Enjoy the new series!
Okay, yesterday I did the PLB and Imax II (1-5) mix. It was tough. I loved the floor work of PLB and my glutes are burning today - so that is great! This morning I did the other half of Imax !! and PUB. PUB is hands done the hardest upperbody tape I've ever done. My biceps are BURNING! Enjoy the rest of the week!
Hi everybody!
I'm on my 4th week of the Total Body Blast! I had to take about 4 days off last week. I was so miserable. First, I fell down the stairs and injured my back and neck (only slightly.) Then two days later, just as I was starting to recover, I got the flu!:-( So, I started back Sunday with PLB, Monday was PUB, and yesterday was the hardest time I've had doing BootCamp. I made it through though! Yeah, I'm finally back! This morning, I did IMAX2 and it felt wonderful. I'm so happy to be back in full swing!:D
Hi Wanda & Jillybean! I love those that mountain climber move. I think that's my favorite part on Bootcamp!

I did Muscle Endurance last night with several pauses but I did all of it! Those leg presses are awesome and the bicep session seemed to last forever. Tricep dips are my enemy so now I plan on doing them everyday.

Thanks for the warnings on the Pyramids. I'll go light my first time out to learn the moves. I don't want to put myself out of commission right from the start. Next week I'll dive right in and make my muscles beg for mercy.

Tonight I will be doing IMAX 2.

Take care everyone!
Hi Everyone,
I did PLB this morning. I showed my DH how I prop my ball up to the wall while doing the hamstring work. He tells me that I'm cheating. I need to work on keeping the ball unhindered. works the legs more because you have to stabilize the ball with your foot. hurts my knees that way. Does it bother you guy's knees?
I have weak knees as that is where my lupus is centered. GRRR

This afternoon with a burst of lose energy, I did Imax. I could do more of the real scissors this time. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with that section? Maybe it is mental. The "oh no, # 8 is coming up." LOL

DH has his Purdue game this evening. I went out to my workout room and did Upper Body video from the CTX series. I was happy to find I could lift heavier weights from the last time I did that workout. The 8#'s that Cathe used in the floor bicep work was WAY too light. So I used 10# with no problem. Hurray the Intense Series.!!!!

My DVD's come tomorrow, but my TV won't get here until next week. The one DH wanted, the store didn't have in stock so we had to order it.
But....I'll be anxious to see the rotations you girls put together and I will join you as soon as I complete my committment to the Total Body Blast.

LuvCardio, I hear you about the loose skin around the ab and waist. That is my worst body part. I told my DH that sometimes I wish I could send my pix to some of the girls who do rotations in hopes they could tell me exactly what I need to work this off.
But his words of wisdom (from someone who never works out..ha ha) is to keep doing what I'm doing and eventually the bad area will tone up.
I mean all these new core exercises the Intense Cardio, more weight work and ab work and the better diet, with all the improvements that have come already, we're all the right track.
But if you find some better ideas, hey...I WANT RIPPED ABS!!! :D:D:D:D
I liked your combination of ME and the cardio from C&W. I can't wait to try it.

Laura, so sorry about your bad week. Falling down the stairs and getting the flu, what a horrible thing. Isn't it a weird feeling when you are falling, how slow things are going in your mind? I mean, you can think of all these things before you hit the bottom. Does this sound like someone with experience? LOL...I tripped over the sweeper on top of the stairs one time. I landed on the last step and broke it into. The step was carpeted. I kept thinking...oh no, this isn't going to be good.

Keilan, it is encouraging to hear of your bravery with the Intense Series. You are tackleing it with determination. :D

Well blabber mouth here, better call it a day. :D See you all tomorrow. Have fun with your workouts. It will be off to Boot Camp for me.

Donna, hope you are all well by now. I truly hope you don't have that virus that was going around here. It took everyone several rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it. :-(

Hi Everyone,

I did PLB this morning but modified and only did the pyramid going up. My knee was bothering me so I figured I would only go up and not down, save a few reps. It also saved on time, didn't seem to drag out like it does sometimes. Five sets is a lot. I still feel it.

Tomorrow is PUB and I may just do the pyramid up and see how I feel.

Has anyone else tried it this way?

Well ladies, I did Boot Camp for the 1st time this morning. It was great! I made it through all 8 cycles and didn't modify. Next time I will TRY to do the 'everything but core' pre-mix and then do all of the core work back to back at the end. I am just so disappointed in my lack of core strength. I thought all of those planks from CTX and S&H were making me strong, but I am WAAAAYYYY behind Cathe and her crew in terms of core strength. Oh well, something to strive for I guess. Hope everyone else is enjoying these new workouts as much as I am! Tomorrow is my rest day. Woo Hoo!
I just finished doing Boot Camp as well. and....Wahooooo!!!! My DVD's came today. Jilly, that is a neat idea to do all the core work back to back. That ought to see some results. :D

Question for you girls: Does your stomach look like it could hold a miniature kangaroo when you do the core work? Or is it just me? Mine looks better than it did last year but oooh, I hate that pouch. My goal is to get that tightened up by summer.

This is the only class I will do for today. Tomorrow will be ME and something cardio.

See you tomorrow
Good Morning Everyone,
I'm off to do Power Max. I want to wait and do ME later this afternoon as my arms at the moment still feel big or pumped. :D I worked them hard this week by doing two Upper Body workouts, plus what you get in C&W and Boot Camp. Maybe I'm just lazy this morning and afraid of the 76 leg presses..LOL

You girls have a wonderful day. I'll check back in later.

Can you believe it? We are almost ready for the 6th week on this rotation. WOW the time is going by fast.

Today is my rest day. Ahh.....But I will check in for yesterday, which was Muscle Endurance. The biceps section is so difficult. I must have weak biceps or something because that is the hardest part for me. I feel wimpy because I only use my 15 lb barbell with no weights on it. Oh well, gives something to work up to, I guess.

Wanda - good luck with ME today! I dread those leg presses! Are there really 76 total! Ugh!

Got to love those rest days! Today is my rest day too!;) Yesterday was M.E in the early morning then Power Max in the afternoon. I went a bit heavier than usual on M.E and am feeling it through my lats,shoulders and a bit in the arms today.It's a good feeling though.
Tomorrow is BootCamp! I just love this routine! Have a great day - Susan
Wow Susan,
We were thinking alike to put Power Max and ME together. :D I just finished Power Max. I never had problems with Power Max before but today it just seemed even easier. Must be all those Imax's. LOL

I'll be doing ME this afternoon when I get my bookwork done.

See you all later
Today is my rest day too! I did Boot Camp yesterday - woo hoo! Tomorrow is ME and the time saver step from Cardio and Weights. I loved ME last week and will try to up my poundage for the leg presses, chest, and shoulder segments this week. Wish me luck! Woo Hoo!
Hi guys,

I'm back after taking 2 days off to try kicking this virus, and no go, it's still sticking with me like glue! So now I know I might as well continue to workout even when I'm sick (I normally do!) because taking time off didn't do squat! I actually felt a bit better when I finished! I was suppose to do ME, but after 2 days of no cardio I was itching for a good cardio workout so I did C&W and I was feeling "super strong" after 2 days off so I used only 12's and 15's for the workout! It felt really good! :)
Of course I'm coughing like I've got the croup since I finished, but I'm glad I got back to work!

See you guys tomorrow,

p.s. Oh Wanda, my DH says to tell your DH that not only will the properties in beer help him look younger, it has "medicinal value" as well! (He's been trying to sell me that line of bull for years!):)
Hi All,
I did ME this afternoon and true to form....when I get to those biceps, grrrr. I did half way with 20#'s but my forearms and biceps cried: "MOMMY" so I quickly grabbed the DB's close by and finished out with them. They were only 8#'s.
I can't wait to try this on the the biceps first and THEN those rows with the clean and press over head. Then see if I can do all the reps without giving out.

I've got 2 sessions of ab work planned before I call it a day.

Donna, I'm glad your back. I didn't want to say at the time, but I worked out all during my illness too. It seemed I felt better to be sweating it out. I wouldn't advise anyone to do that though. ;-)
I gave my DH the message from your DH. He had a good laugh with that one. :D

See you all tomorrow, as they say in the south "If it don't rain and the creeks don't rise.

Hi Everyone,
Just finished up Imax 2. Am I weird or what, but I think this is my favorite class. :D

Guess what? We are ready for Check in number 6. Are you girls noticing any improvements yet?
I may do some weight work later this evening....S&H Triceps and Biceps. I'll check in later tonight.
H All,
I'm packing it in today with Triceps and Biceps (S&H). Tomorrow will probably be just Interval treadmill. We go pick up my TV in the afternoon, so my guess is, I will be hooking up the DVD player and seeing how these DVD's work. LOL

Happy workouts everyone and have a great weekend. :D
haha. Wanda, you're out of control!

Stepping is is brand new to me and my first time with IMAX 2 and C&W didn't go very well. I did them but looked nothing like Cathe and her team, more like a fish out of water (did these on Thur and Fri)!

This morning I did PUB. The bicep section absolutely knocked me out! I also modified the workout by doing the stability section first. It's going to be a long time before I can do those V pikes true to form. I'm already feeling soreness creeping into my lats and I may be imagining things but my biceps look bigger. :)
Hi Keilan,
Welcome to stepping. ;-) You'll get the hang of it before you know it. One thing that is kinda neat with Imax 2 and C&W, Cathe goes through the sequence 6x's..or 3 for each leg. So if you goof up you have another try.
I've heard some of the girls will practice one section at a time and then eventually do the whole thing. Then there are the die hards like me who just jump in and come what may. LOL

I've had my share of tripping over the step in my day. :D:D:D (Good thing no one saw me.)Ha ha

I am not ever going to try those V pikes again until I have someone with me. I would never live it down with DH if I fell off the ball AGAIN and hurt myself. I fell over and injured my shoulder doing Pilantes on the Ball last year. :D
I'm sticking to following Brenda on that tape until I get a better handle on what I'm doing with that move.

I don't think you are imagining your biceps getting bigger. My biceps feel tight. Must be all the work this Series is giving them. It is kinda cool, huh?

See you tomorrow

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