Total Body Blast Ck in 5

Today was Imax II. I used an 8" step this time and loved/hated it much more that last week! Now it feels on par with the original Imax. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do the straddle taps, but it was fine. I love the music from this one so much! Let me tell you though, by the 10th interval, my legs were like jello. I was so glad when she said, "last time," because there's no way I could have done another single power squat. But man that workout flies! Yesterday was ME. I upped the poundage for the leg press and the chest flies, but biceps are staying right at 20. Whew does that segment seem like a LONG one! But I love that workout! Tomorrow is Cardio and Weights and chk in 6! This is only my second week of doing the I-Series, so I may not look better *yet* but I feel more empowered. Now if I could only do those flippin' pikes on the stability ball! Aaaaggghhhh!

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