Too Old??

A few years ago in Phoenix I met an 80-year-old woman who was a 5K and 10K distance runner. She started running when she was in her 60s.

Pushin' 44 and Pushin' It Hard
I'm 41. I would say that the majority of women on here are thirties and forties, not twenties. I only really started working out seriously after my daughter was born. I was 34/35. It's never too late to start, but as many have said, do start slowly. And enjoy!!!
Oh, puleeeze!!! :)

I am 46, in the absolute best shape of my life and weigh less than I did in high school. Once in a while I compete in 5K and 10K races and I didn't start doing that until I was 37. I have two kids and the stretch marks to prove it but so I can't wear a bikini, but my arms, shoulders and legs look FABULOUS in a one-piece or tankini.

Oh yes, and I'm taking my personal trainer certification exam in 16 days.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
All of you are wonderful and very supportive. I guess, I'm hung up on the #'s (37 years). I am so inspired by all the stories. I will start slowly as I am recovering from spinal fusion surgery (January2005) but am eager to get this excess weight off and tone up.(5'3"/155lbs) Again, thanx so much....Kimberly
You can do it!

Keep us posted. This is a great place for inspiration and encouragement.

You should come meet 84-yr-old Violet, a personal trainer and group fitness instructor at the Y where I work. She got certified when she was 60.

Here's to Cathe for providing such high-quality workouts that motivate all of these women to get and stay in such great shape!
>You should come meet 84-yr-old Violet, a personal trainer and
>group fitness instructor at the Y where I work. She got
>certified when she was 60.

Hey, now that's a retirement activity to look forward to!! What kind of classes does she teach?
>You should come meet 84-yr-old Violet, a personal trainer and
>group fitness instructor at the Y where I work. She got
>certified when she was 60.

Hey, now that's a retirement activity to look forward to!! What kind of classes does she teach?
I heard you the first time, Kathryn, you didn't have to ask twice!:p :+

Violet teaches aqua, body design and some classes designed for seniors. She's really incredible and a role model for so many people here, young and old. From what I heard, she's a pretty intense personal trainer too.
Bless your heart, that is one heck of a surgery. I have no doubts though that you can still get in the best shape of your life. 37 is still young! Take care and good luck.
I agree...a very inspiring thread!

Kimberly: I'm 43years old and I just recently became a first time grandmother! Yeah!

3years ago, I weighed almost 200lbs at 5'2". I joined weight watchers and began doing the FIRM. I now weigh around 130lbs and discovered CATHE!! Also, I began running for the first time in my life and can now run 3-4miles about 3x per week!

For anyone out there that thinks this can't be done...we are all here to tell you IT CAN BE DONE!!!!! you just have to take one day at a time and really want to do this...for YOU and your health. Take it slowly like they've told you. Also, find you a good eating plan that you can live w/ for the rest of your life.

Please keep us posted on your progress goes.

Take care:)
Hi Kimberly. I'm soon to be 52 in August and I have an 8 year old son.I started with the Firm in "92 at age 39, gave birth at age 43 and modified my Firm workouts all through my pregnancy.

No problems with fertility but I had a C section because after hours of hard back labor and suction cups to get him out they realized he (6lbs.) was stuck. I guess I'm skinny inside.;-)

I herniated two disks taking DS out of his car seat at age 2 while he was asleep. I had sciatia with foot drop as well. I didn't do surgery but I had to start slowly getting in shape all over again. I couldn't even walk. I did some Chiropratic work and I slowly added working out back in again. I couldn't do any walking for a long time. It took at least a year plus to really feel strong again.

I had done FitPrimes and TLP workouts but saw the Cathe name on the boards. I needed a new challange.

At age 51 Cathe has kept me humble but from what I read it's not just my age. After 5 months of Cathe rotations I'm mentally sharper (those darn step routines) and I'm stronger physically than I've ever been.

I know I will rotate in some WHFN's or other workouts every few months so I don't burn out.

The origional Firm advised breaking down your workout goals into one week, 6 week, 6 month and one year goals. After that amount of time you have created a new habit. (Some of us call it an addiction :7 )

Have a Blast!
All of your stories are so inspiring!

A healthy body is such an amazing gift, isn't it? It's so empowering to know that you're making the most of what you have -- and surprising even yourself with your abilities.

37 is NOT too old! Thanks for the motivation, ladies.
Hi, I just thought I'd add my 2 cents to this thread. No - You are not too old. I am 45 and in pretty decent shape. I also suffer from a neck injury. I have a herniated cervical disc and I wasn't allowed to lift heavier weights for about 5 years. About 6 months ago, I got the okay to begin lifting heavier again and I discovered Cathe in February. (there are many exercises I'm not allowed to do and many I have to modify, but it's still doable). While I have worked out for 18 years, I am really starting to see results from doing Cathe's advanced workouts. I plan on only getting better, not older!! You can too. It becomes a way of life that you stick to and you only get better and better. I'm looking forward to 46, as I'll have more Cathe workouts "under my belt". Good luck and welcome to the Forum.

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