Hi, I just thought I'd add my 2 cents to this thread. No - You are not too old. I am 45 and in pretty decent shape. I also suffer from a neck injury. I have a herniated cervical disc and I wasn't allowed to lift heavier weights for about 5 years. About 6 months ago, I got the okay to begin lifting heavier again and I discovered Cathe in February. (there are many exercises I'm not allowed to do and many I have to modify, but it's still doable). While I have worked out for 18 years, I am really starting to see results from doing Cathe's advanced workouts. I plan on only getting better, not older!! You can too. It becomes a way of life that you stick to and you only get better and better. I'm looking forward to 46, as I'll have more Cathe workouts "under my belt". Good luck and welcome to the Forum.