To avoid bulkiness...


Active Member
Hi all,

I'm getting ready to start STS for the first time, and considering I bought it on presale, I would say it's about time! I attempted to start a couple of times in the past, what, two, three years, and I just couldn't get past week 2 of meso 1... I was overweight and hesitant about working out with weights instead of cardio, and used that as an excuse and never got to it.

Now that I had my baby, I got back into my ideal weight thanks to breastfeeding. But since we just started using formula and breastfeeding has come to an end (and with it, the magic of eating anything I wanted, and still loosing weight without exercising), I gotta get to work. And I believe STS is the way to go.

But since I've heard some people complaining about actually gaining weight with STS, or looking too bulky, I was wondering... and this is the thesis of my post:

Would sticking to lower-than-suggested-by-1RM weight help me get not bulky yet defined muscles? Or would I be just wasting my time exercising with too little weight and missing the big picture?

Since I haven't exercised for real in the past year and a half, I doubt I would be able to lift as much as I would have 3 years ago anyways, but I'm wondering if I should take it light the first round (I'm planning to do the 3.5 month rotation), and probably then do a second rotation with higher weight. Or maybe I should just give it my all the first time and do it with honest, challenging, heavier 1RM-suggested weight.

What do you think?
The Benefits of Lifting Heavy Weights for Women

Cathe had an article on this subject in last week's Newsletter called "The Benefits of Lifting Heavy Weights for Women". In summary, it's a total myth that lifting heavy weights causes a female to gain weight. Only eating too much causes weight gain, not lifting weights. Learn More
STS is a great program. The only reason I would gain weight is if I eat too much and don't do enough cardio along with the program!
I also wanted to add that if you study any of the competitors in either women's figure comps (Erin Stern, Nicole Wilkins Lee, Ava Cowan were the top 3 at the Arnold) or the new physique division (look at Dana Linn Bailey - YOWZA) they are far from bulky - just cut, cut, cut. And believe me when I tell you that these gals lift FAR in excess of what any home program without a spotter can have you lift. Thank goodness Cathe and Chris mentioned this: "bulking" comes from food issues - not heavy weights.
I am in the same opinion as the ladies above. You may gain some weight due to pump in the muscles, which is water only. Eventually this rights itself, but you can't let it scare you away. There are so many benefits to lifting heavier, one including bone density and human growth hormone. The first Meso moves very quickly, nearly aerobic in nature and you can keep it lighter there. The second Meso you will be lifting in sets, and will go heavier. You can choke back the weight if you want to experiment. The third Meso again, you will have lower reps, heaviest weight. By then you will have more confidence. Get to learn how to use the Calendar to print out and change your weights automatically for the next workout. Makes things really simple. Good luck, try something different and don't give up quickly.
Thanks for the advice! The article is great explaining just what I needed to hear. I will stick to 4DS for the next couple of weeks, just to get back to my previous capacity, and then get started with STS sticking to what I actually can lift, and what an honest 1RM round tells me to. Thanks for the encouragement!

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