Three things...

Hmmm....let me think....

1. I had a nice day off with my daughter where we didn't have any power struggles.
2. I've received 2 extremely complimentary emails regarding how great it is working with me from a vendor who has sold our agency a recruiting software program. I have been designated the project manager for getting it up and running. My boss has also seen these emails.
3. It's sunny today and spring is only 4 days away!

I was so saddened to read your post. It made me cry. It really puts into perspective all of the small things we worry about everyday that don't always mean so much in the big picture.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

I had to print out the above post. I found those words so inspiring. What a grand way to try to live your life. I will read them daily.

Easy enough:

1. Yesterday, I got to wear my really nice business suit and do my hair and make-up and rather than looking in the mirror and dissecting myself until I wanted to cry, I said "d@*n, I look good."

2. I saw a funny comedian on TV today. I'm still laughing.

3. I'm expecting my Myotape to show up in the mail today.
I now have one more thing:

The wonderful people on this forum who sent me such thoughtful, helpful messages.

The coroner's office finally released her body, so, after the funeral this weekend, things should be a little better at work next week.

Also, a restaurant near the accident site has surveillance video of a guy acting really crazy right around the time of the accident and then peeling out (without purchasing anything) in the same type of truck as the one that hit my friend. Maybe the police can do something with that.

Thanks again for all your sweet words.
Haven't had a chance to read everyone's but I will later:

1. We sold our house!!! Plus, we originally had to be out by March 31st and they called today and want to extend it til April 15th. Woo-Hooo!

2. I have the best hubby in the world (33 years!) two great kids and two healthy, happy grandkids!

3. I have some of the greatest friends. After our class on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, about 5-7 of us go out to lunch. We are from 40-73 years of age and have sooo much in common. (Kind of like this place! :7) Sometimes, we laugh ourselves silly! Then, there are times we share our tears. I am blessed to know them all.

Many, many more blessings but those are the first three that came to mind.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
1. I have try the two fist segments of core max for the first time and I love it. Someday I will be able to do the levitation move.

2.I am glad to find this positive thread.

3. My parents say they are seeing my arms bigger and stronger.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I have three today too!

1. Topic subscribtion email notices.
2. Not getting mad when my husband snarled, "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?" when he saw I was online at Again.
3. You. My eyes are twinkling. My heads full of cheerful thoughts and it's because you complete me, fabulous babes. I'd get a "get a life" if he could see me now and read THAT! I know, I'm neglecting the laundry but it's not going anywhere, is it? I am going to go clean for a reasonable time. Don't go anywhere, okay? And thanks for the good stuff you are putting out. It's wonderful!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
I'm adding this to my three things for today:

I just got back from the most amazing run!!! I think I added about an extra mile to my normal route, so it was about five miles, and not only that, the part I added was a big hill, and I was really fast and... and... and... you're the only people who would understand this and so all the way I was thinking "I can't wait to get back and post". GO ENDORPHIN RUSH!
Here's 3 for me...

1) I had the energy to complete my work out today.

2) I got a bonus check at work today! EXTRA $$$!:D :7

3) I felt my baby kick today. (It's the last one I wrote down but it is THE most important! :+ )

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Melrose, I just read your post & I am SO sorry about your friend. Sometimes things are just horrible, & we might as well admit it. But I was impressed that you were still able to look for 3 good things to mention. You rock.

You and your friend's family & friends & co-workers are all in my thoughts & prayers.

Bless you, & many hugs,

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