Three things...

To Judy - Hi I'm from Rochester too!! Shopgirl - I loovvee Wegman's!

Three things:

This am. I saw Tulips popping thru the soil (Spring yeah!)

I cranked out three proposals at work so far this week for funding for at-risk youth.

I bought a beautiful Antique (Belgian Washstand (use as a buffet) for my dining rooom and it's being delivered today. Going out for dinner tonite at my favorite neighborhood restaurant. Rest day - no exercise


GREAT thread. What an awesome idea. I'll share too.

1. I woke up this morning NOT bloated because I turned down the rolls, tasty butter and peanuts at Texas Roadhouse last night!

2. Jacob

3. Zachary

(my boys)

Just had to add number 4.

My brakes cost half as much to fix as I thought they would! Hooray! :7
Thanks for starting this thread, because, boy, did I need it this week. My co-worker and good friend was killed by a hit-and-run driver Saturday while walking home from a church event. But I started thinking of ways to be grateful and came up with:

1. How blessed I was to have known her.

2. How my company scheduled sessions with grief counselors for everyone who wanted to attend and how much they helped.

3. How close many of us became with each other this week - before, some of us barely knew each other, but everyone loved our co-worker.

Thanks for making me think of these things.
Melrose, I'm so sorry to hear about your co-worker, but it's wonderful that you were able to think of some good things that came about because of the situation.

Take care. My thoughts are with you:)
Melrose -

I'm so so so sorry for the loss of your friend. It can be hard to see that sometimes there are silver linings to dark clouds. What a senseless loss.


I'm so sorry about your friend, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

It sure puts into perspective why I thought I had such a bad day yesterday, which when I think about something like what you're going through, was nothing.

It sounds like you have a wonderful support system, you need that right now so much.

I also received this email today that I thought I would share.

Make me strong in spirit,
Courageous in action,
Gentle of heart,

Let me act in wisdom,
Conquer my fear and doubt,
Discover my own hidden gifts,

Meet others with compassion,
Be a source of healing energies,
And face each day with hope and joy
Melrose, I am so sorry! You are in my toughts and my heart and I pray you find the strength you need in this difficult time.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Fun idea!

Lets see.....1. I recorded a jingle this morning without wasting too much studio time and I acutally heard the harmonies before they were fed to me!:)

2. I sent my 16yr. old off to New York City ( we're in California) for a feild trip and didn't get tooooooo neurotic on her.;(

3. I couldn't wait to grab some lunch and visit you guys here today!:D

Tag, your it!dmd
1) Have stuck to my "clean eating" all week so far with no cheating.

2) Got so wrapped up in playing and laughing with my daughter last night that I completely lost track of time.

3) Fell asleep in DH arms last night.

Thanks for the uplifting positive post!!!

OK, my turn

1. I did Imax3 and one Stretchmax segment.
2. I went snowshoeing and walked my dog at the same time.
3. I got to spend some alone time with my son.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
This is really good!:)

My three things:

1. Went to bed last night feeling rather blah (flu-like blah), but woke up at 5A
to do MM for the first time. Great workout!:)
2. Went to my son's preschool Spring Fling. All the kids were so cute!
3. Sat down with my family and watched the latest Disney release.

Have a good night. Dallas
Melrose,I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Now that your co-workers know eachother better, you can honor her memory in your new found friendships. :) dmd
You did the levitation move!! Melissa, I am VERY impressed. Definitely worth 3 right there. Congratulations!
Oh, gosh, not today of all days! How could I? The subway was out this morning during rush hour and again when I left work. It feels like I've been commuting all day long and waiting in long bus lines in the cold wind. Plus I had the WORST PMS. What can I possibly say that could be good about today? I'll try:

1. I FINALLY came home tonight. I love being home.
2. My wonderful DH was there waiting for me when I FINALLY came home.
3. My DH poured me a glass of wine and ordered sushi for me when I FINALLY got home....

And a bonus one: Now I'm drunk as a skunk and feeling no pain....}( }( }( }(

This day is getting better.....
Okay, three things for today. Hmmmm... this may be tough.

1. We didn't get the snow we were supposed to get last night.

2. There was no traffic on the highway for my drive to work.

3. Lime Cat is making people smile:)

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