Thoughts while previewing........


This came to me today as I previewed the video "Extreme Step" and Gin Miller got down on the floor and did 1 arm push ups like I do them everyday or something, and it took me back to just how many videos I've previewed and had the following thought....

"She has got to be f---ing kidding!?"

Here's my list:

Imax (I just knew Cathe was joking with me!)
MIC (I still say this aloud EVERY time I do the hi/lo portion!)
Extreme Intervals (Mindy M.- I still just preview this 1)
CTX 10-10-10 (cardio portion)
CTX Leaner Legs
and I'm sure there's more but they escape me now. So how about you guys?
Which videos made you think this when you FIRST previewed them?

Donna, I thought the same thing when I saw Gin go into those pushups. She's one strong lady. Some that get me are of course,
IMax, those tuck jumps, never do those. I do my own interval thing there. I also say things when Cathe says, halfway there. HALFWAY???? What do you mean halfway???? :)
RAW, Helen Vanderburg does this lunge back off the step, lift up with a knee lift, then extend the leg, all while a bicep curl and overhead press. I think that's the tape I'm thinking of.
Then another of Cathe's, Power Hour, I think where she holds low end squats and lunges for a count of 7. Kills me every time. I just love her. :)

I never had that though while previewing a tape, but DID have that thought way back in Jan. of 2000 when I did my first Taebo tape. It was the first one in the Advanced live series, and after I did the warm up, I says to myself, "Cheez! That was the WARM-UP?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY S---!!!!" Now I know I can do any tape if I WANT to.
Donna, great thread (as usual!)....

Honestly, I have never had that thought while previewing. But have had it EVERY single time I do one of Cathe's tapes for the first time! Still think it when I do LL! My glutes, hams & quads are still tight today after having done it Monday night. And I can't even do every rep yet! When I started CTX-Step & Intervals last night my legs were SCREAMING "WHAT THE F--- IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" And I just kept on stepping!

For some reason, although Cathe's tapes kick butt, in particular the tuck jumps in IMax (which I never do), I usually dont "get mad" at her b/c she's so damn likeable. However although Mindy's a hoot, I just stare in amazement at her when she does all that quick foot work!! Also, I say "what the he**" quite frequently when I preview Christi's choreography, so much so that I traded away all of my Christ tapes! I miss her great music, but I dont miss tripping over my feet and the step! I guess I should add most FIRM tapes to the list b/c when I preview them I always feel like maybe they are the real voices at the end of those 1-900 numbers.

Don't just preview Extreme Intervals...DO IT!! It's soooo fun!!! I don't think it's as tough as IMax and it's great for variety's sake.

I've never had the "What the ???" thought while previewing, but I think that alot during certain workouts...mostly IMax--"Are you kidding?? *YOU* do it, not me!!!" Those endless scissor-lunge things..AGH!. Also, when I'm looking for a workout and I spot Circuit Max on the shelf..."What? Are you kidding? No WAY!!"

I also traded all my Christie's. Looks fun...sounds fun...but if you can't actually do it, it ain't fun!!

RE: "Extreme Intervals"


It's a Gin Miller & I think it's called "Reebok Extreme Step." Collage has it & I'm sure Gin's website has it as well. I like it, but not quite as well as Gin's Interval Max. I also think that some of the transitions are very quick, and there is a potential for injury on the side lifts. I normally modify those. It's a worthwhile tape if you like Gin's workouts. Of course it's not as tough as Cathe, but pretty close! Maybe some other people have some comments?


I solved the whole intimidation thing by NOT PREVIEWING ANYTHING! I just jump right in & if a move is too tough to catch the first time, I rewind & try again or modify & pick it up the next time. Maybe that wouldn't work for everyone, I'm pretty experienced choreography-wise but like the idea of doing a new workout "fresh" & also won't be scared off by moves that look like they will kill me :)! I also know that Cathe & others recommend previewing before doing so this is just MHO!!

IMax! Mee too!!!
But, i did just break this baby in. I knew I'd never do it on VHS because I need to break it up, and its great on the DVD, all the intervals all broken up. So now I can tackle it! Just did it for the first time yesterday (int's 2,3, and 4).
Others- not out of toughness, but out of confusion: Mindy's Interval Express-the warm up is impossible. I have done it to my breaking point. I'm going to trade or sell it probably due to this!
BodyMax-the cardio is only for those who've done many other cathe step workouts I've decided. So I'm holding off on the cardio portions until I am more 'seasoned'!
Power Hour-During those lunges, I don't know if I'm talkiong to myself or to the TV, but some of the things I say are not very nice:)!
Last but not least, (lucky I didn't preview THIS one, and just dove right in...) CTX upper body. OMG. I was practically laughing I was so fried.( new favorite!)

2 different videos....

Hi Annette,

There is the one I just got: Reebok Extreme Step w/ Gin Miller (really, really athletic workout) with 1 arm pushups, jump down and out push ups off the step, jacks in the air, a few other goodies. Not quite on the same par with Intense Moves, but close, and if you like a "physical" workout, you might like this. I'm going to "get it" after i do it another few times, and I'll probably practice the 1 arm pushups on my own here and there to "perfect" that move so it will flow more smoothly with the combo in the video. But I found it for $9.99 at Gin Miller's site

Then there's Extreme Intervals w/Mindy Mylrea which I still preview due to the fact I believe I'll kill myself tripping over my step trying to keep up with her pace! She is quite the speed demon with the intervals, and I hate to admit it but the video scares the heck outta me! I found that one for $10. at Mindy's website

Hi Donna! I know what you mean. LOL For me its got to be (believe it or not) Christi Taylor. OMG!! I just don't get her. I can only seem to accomplish her Still Jumpin' tape. Tried many times Still Steppin' and am still afraid to attempt the 2nd portion of this tape. I don't think I'll ever buy another thing from her!! MIC also. I workout on a basement floor w/carpeting over the cement and every time I do the hi/lo portion my poor calves are singing to me for at least 4 days after. I'm crippled and always ask myself "Why oh why did you do this tape?" NOT a favorite of mine. This is a cute post!! Kathy
I have that exact thought during the biceps portion of Power Hour - about half way through when you do the crazy eights lower then upper then lower again - and Cathe says very seriously "If you felt like you could have gone longer there you can increase your weight"!!!! If it went any longer my arms would burst into flames! Lisa
Very good thread!!!

Ok, for sure IMAX. Every interval I say that outloud. Also in Cardio Kicks when she strings it ALL gets so frenzied with the speedbags towards the end sometimes I feel like I can't possibly keep up. MIC, definitly!!! I don't feel this way in any of Cathe's weight tapes, even Leaner Legs. That must be my strength. Will say that those crazy 8's are a bi%#$!!!!
RE: 2 different videos....


Need your input here. I had Mindy's Slammin' Sports Cardio at one time. I was turned off by it when I saw she did not stretch at the beginning... is it the same thing w/ Extreme Intervals? And Annette, you might know this, how important is it to stretch at the beginning of cardio (after you warmed up)?

As for Gin, how does Extreme Step compares to Intense Moves, if you have it? BTW, they have Extreme Step at for $5 + shipping.


Extreme Intervals & Reebok Extreme Step

Hi Haslina,

As I recall, Mindy's "Extreme Intervals" has an "active" warm up which is a step routine done at a moderate pace, but no actual stretches as in hip flexor, hamstring or calf stretches, or for that fact I don't think she even does a "deep breath" thing! At the end of the video on her cool down, because it preceeds "Pump Party" she doesn't stretch either, but if you do the 2nd workout which is with a body bar, she does stretch after the cool down, as a matter of fact, she uses the step, lying on it I believe as part of the stretching.

Gin's "Extreme Step" is fun as heck and very athletic, but still I'd say a notch behind "Intense Moves." To me, "Intense Moves" is just so much more well organized, and of course you don't repeat any combos once you've done them. "Extreme Step" is just what it says for a step workout~EXTREME! I'm going to love it eventually, I just hate it when I can't keep up initially, and I'm not use to the physicalness (is this a word?)of this video. The 1 arm push ups, the jacks in the air, and the drop down in and out push ups are going to take some work for me! :) But then, so did Imax, and I love videos I can grow with!
Also, Gin's cueing is "all that!" You can anticipate just what she's talking about the 1st time through, she gives very clear and precise cues. All in all, a bargain for $10.

RE: Extreme Intervals & Reebok Extreme Step

Hey, Donna, the "Navy Seal" tapes should be next on your agenda!!! ;-) Hup, 2, 3, 4!
I am usually fooled by a preview and think 'I can do that!' until I actually try the tape. But then I watched IMax. And then I watched Circuit Max. And then I grabbed my blankie and just rocked on the couch in a fetal position thinking of all the crazy things that little ball of energy from Jersey expected me to do.
RE: MIC - You kiddin' me?

What kills me about MIC's hi/lo is that towards the end, it is a killer, all of that jumping and kicking and jacking. And then she has the audacity to say, "We still have all that step to do!" Man oh man, she is lucky she's cute and lives all the way over on the East coast at that point! Just kidding. But that gets me every time!
1. LEANER LEGS!!! "#$%^!!!!" For the whole workout...gets worse as it progresses.

2. Power Hour squats,plies and lunges ... "Say what???"
3. Firm Volume 1 floor work

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