If you are over 40 and have had the issue of having fat around your waistline, yet you were able to get rid of it, please tell me how? What type of workouts did you do? Did HIIT work better than steady state aerobics, running as compared to kickboxing, eating no carbs or did that even matter? Please tell me, I have been doing a combination of HIIt workouts twice a week and steady state the rest of the week, I lift fairly heavy 3 times a week. I am building muscle and I am getting really solid, but when I sit down the roll sitting around the sides of my waistline are killing me. For some reason I think it is also tied in with me getting older. I know you ladies do your research, and you have been there before, what worked for you? Help!!!
This getting older, i don't like so much.
This getting older, i don't like so much.