Thick waist!!!


Active Member
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can thin down my waist.
I seem to be getting thicker in this area. I never has this problem before. I am 43 years you think that has something to do with the weight gain in this area.
Thank you in advance for your advise!
Hi, Didi!

I think it would help if you describe your current exercise program first before any of us offer suggestions. What kind of cardio work do you do, and how often? What kind of strength training work do you do, and how often for that?

The standard response for those who want a slimmer waistline is to maintain your cardio, and do a good varied program for abdominal training that targets the rectus abdominus and obliques (usually traditional crunches) and core stabilizing plank work that recruits the transversus. Also, if you pay attention to your back and shoulder training, you develop a beautiful "V" shape to the upper body that contributes to the vision of a narrower waistline.

Let us know what you are doing right now, and I'm sure there will be many good suggestions!

I would agree with the other responses you've received, but also your age may have something to do with getting thicker around the middle. If you haven't already, you may be starting early symptons of menopause. We tend to gain weight in this area with the onset of menopause. Of course we can control it with proper diet & CARDIO!!!!!!!!
Did I mention I'm flat chested too?

Hi, DiDi, I have the same problem. I am very fit and really quite slim but I am a typical apple. I have slim arms and legs and no butt and seem to carry most of my body fat right around the middle. In order to see it slim down, I need to get pretty extreme when it comes to diet and exercise. But as a woman who's about to turn forty, I have decided to love and accept my waist to hip ratio. My waist is about five inches smaller than my hips! On the bright side, my BMI is excellent, I have wonderful endurance and I am strong as a horse! I look at woman who are more typical of the pear shape and they look fine with a little extra on their cabooses! So I am practicing accepting my little extra on my middle! So, if you are reasonably fit, and you have a reasonably clean diet and a reasonably well-rounded workout regime including strength training and cardio, pooh on a thick waist! We are the women who need not fear famines!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
I tend to be thick in the waist as well, and find that when I do pilates and yoga more consistantly it helps...
Hi Didi! As we age our bodies definitely shift and we tend to have new and/or different trouble spots. Without knowing what your current routine is I will simply say that I tend to hold more in my lower back and waistline and when I run a couple of times a week it seems to really trim me down in that area.
What is your typical routine when trying to slim the waiste. Also how far do you run?
Hi DiDi. I have the same problem. I've had a thick waist all of my life, and now as I near 42, I really have a problem with carrying weight in this area. My waist is only 2 inches smaller that my hips. All of the women on my mom's side of the family are built the same way. I do cardio and strength, but I notice that if I don't keep up a fair amount of cardio in my exercise routine, I get really chubby in the middle - even around my rib cage. I don't work out every day, but I try to do a cardio video 3 times a week and I make sure I do some ab exercises each time I workout. One of the benefits of strength workouts is you will get a strong, tone back, which will help give you a tighter waistline. So much work but it helps!
Hi Didi! It varies but I like to run anywhere from two to three times per week for two to five miles. That and a clean diet are pretty much what what I rely on to slim my waist.
Hi Bobbi

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-02 AT 11:18PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello!
You sent me the Cardio kicks DVD last year...just wanted to let you know my Cathe collection has been growing since! I just got my PS DVD and did the Chest, S & Tri workout! It took me ages to get it but it's mine now! Thanks for getting me into Cathe's workouts again!!! I have lost11 lbs since November with no dieting! I'm another apple too ... would be looking fine by now if it wasn't for my keg and triceps!
SOunds like it's probably associated with perimenopause, which starts around the mid-to-late 30s. You might want to check out the book "Outsmarting the mid-life fat cell", which will show you the reasons why you are gaining more weight in this area and give some suggestions to help combat it.

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