Thick legs and exercise

Gemini girl

Hi Cathe-
Although I work out all the time (cardio and strength training)-I still have thick legs, with little shape to them. I heard conflicting stories about how I should work out (to not get bigger), but I'm still confused. I heard that I should work my legs with light weights, but then I hear that in order to see any progress, you have to work the muscle to failure, using heavy weights. Can you shed any light on this for me? Thank you!!!!!
Yes, please clear this up! Which is it?

Low weights and high rep?
High weights and low rep?
Leg workouts every day (like Lower Body Solution idea)

I've never had success with my legs. They are short, thick, and I have been CURSED with saddlebags inherited from my grandma.

I've never been able to make them look okay, and they've only gotten BIGGER and look WORSE with weight workouts -- YUK!!!!x( x(
I think genetics has a lot to do with the shape of our legs. I've been doing both low weights/high rep and high weight/low rep plus loads of stepping. My calves are still big for my XS petite frame but no longer wiggle like jello when I move, and I have quads and hamstrings where there was none before (just a good layer of fat). However, I still have the saddlebags. They're a lot smaller but they're still there. But since I'm tiny I only see them when I'm naked and can cover them well with the right, well-cut clothes.:7 Yup, I'd be interested to see how I can streamline these hips!

Hi ladies!

I'm new to the forum and excited to be here! I'm 36 and have been working out regularly since 27. I am 5'5, 124 pounds, and wear a size 2. I am normally very comfortable around 118 - 120 pounds however, since last winter I have not been able to stay in that weight range without starving myself and working out like a maniac. I think 122 - 125 is where my body is most comfortable.


Anyway, my biggest trouble area is my legs. My upper thighs and that fat that settles right under your butt. Can anyone offer tips? I don't know if I need more strength training with low weights plus cardio or should I go to failure? Please help.....sometimes I can wear a zero but then my thighs get in the way...and the two's are too big in the waist.

Twingirl-I'm so envious! size zero? oh my God, I don't think I was ever a size zero. : )

anyway-I'm still not sure about the low weights plus cardio quesiton...but it looks like you are doing something right! what is your routine now? I'm 5'3 and about 120 on good days,...ha!!!
I'm very interested, too, to hear the answer to this one. Maybe Francine - if your out there - can help answer this one, too.

Cheers, Marcia :)
Well let me just clear this up. When I'm in my 118 - 120 range, which I prefer, I wear a size 0 very comfortably, however my thighs are an issue no matter what size I am. Now that I am 124, I wear a size 2 comfortably. If I accept that I can't return to 118 then I'm fine with that...however, I am still having issues with toning the back, upper part of my thighs. Currently I do Body Max 3 times a week, and MIS 2 days with one day of an old Thighs of Steel tape with ankle weights. I am very toned but these THIGHS are killing me because I don't want to look "skinny" I want to maintain my athletic build.

Ugh...I cannot give up the weights! x( }(
I'm always amazed at how height and weight seem to have nothing to do with what size you wear. I'm 5'4" and 125, and, depending on the manufacturer, can wear anywhere from size 4 to size 8 in skirts and size 6 (rare!) to size 10 in pants. I consider my legs to look pretty good actually, but I was never and will never be less than a 6 in pants. Part of my problem is my hip bones. Someone once said my bone structure, in that particular area, was good for having babies. Oh well, I had two and they were both c-sections. A lot of good that's done me.

Twingirl, if you're doing all of BodyMax two days a week, and all of MIS 3 days a week, and the thighs of steel tape, you're not resting your muscles enough, and that can affect your results. I have BodyMax, but have only previewed it, but I think doing those workouts that many times a week is too much for your whole body. While BodyMax has a lot of cardio in it, I still think it has significant upper and lower body weight work. Maybe someone who's more familiar with BodyMax can jump in here. You need to have 48 hours between workouts for any given body part.
You are right about height and weight. I have a twin sister who weighs 125 and she wears anything from a size 4 to size 6. That's only a difference of 2 pounds. Of course that probably has more to do with the size of her waist as she is not as into strength training excercises as I am. And believe me, I have a couple of friends who are sticks and we wear the same size. They can't believe I wear the same size either until they see the tag inside my clothes.

Again I must clarify. (I try not to make my messages too long but as a result leave things out.) I only do the cario part of Body Max. I don't care for the endurance focus of strength training that Body Max targets. (Can someone tell me what the benefit of an endurance strength training workout is?) That is why I do MIS. So my program is as follows, Body Max (cardio only) 3 days a week, MIS 2 days a week, 1 day of ToS.

But can someone please offer advice on what excercises to do that will tone the upper part of the back of my thighs? That is what I'm really trying to find out. I like the view from the front, from the side, but when I turn around.....that extra meat right under the buttocks is GROSS! x(

I saw someone on the forum once explain that you do strength training in order to be able to pick up something heavy, I think their example was a child, but it could be anything, and endurance training to be able to carry that heavy thing for whatever length of time is needed.

I think deadlifts should help you. They can be problematic if you don't do them right, because you can hurt your back. I feel like I do them with good form, but even then, if I go over 25 lbs, it bothers me, but that's just me, some people don't have any problem with them. Cathe has deadlifts in all of her lower body workouts (I think). Also, in PS Strong Legs and Abs, some of the floor work specifically targets the hamstrings. I know you said you don't like endurance training, but Cathe mentions that the glute raises in Muscle Endurance specifically target where your rear end meets your upper thigh. Finally, in Pyramid Lower Body, there is more floor work with the stability ball for your hamstrings. It's similar to what's in PS, just with one foot on the ball instead of a step. Hope that helps!
Hi Lisa!

Thanks for the info. I do perform the deadlifts in MIS but Cathe doesn't spend too much time...and yes, I feel that I need to perfect my form b/c it does hurt my back. Anyway, I will try the other tapes mentioned and hopefully it will solve my problem! Aside from that, I think I'm doing okay. Although I think I need to change my tapes...I think I've spent too much time on the same routine.

Again, thanks for all your help!
PLB is a great lowerbody workout. The stability ball exercises really target the hamstrings and thighs well. You might want to look into that one.:)
I agree that PLB is a great workout. I have been doing it regularly since January and notice a real difference in the shapeliness of the backs of my legs, right from the buttocks down to my ankles.

I am genetically "blessed" with thick legs (at my very slimmest, they measure 22" at the widest part and have been as high as 26"). I have found that by lifting as heavy as I can, to failure, my legs slim down rapidly. This means doing the standing PLB weight work with pyramids of 40-50-60-50-40 lbs (I worked up to this level from 24-30-40-30-24 lbs which is what I started with last January). I only do PLB once a week now and my legs are shaking at the end! But they look better than they ever have before in my life.
I actually can't lift that much over my head ... I've been holding a 30 lb dumbbell in each hand. (My forearms are getting really strong too.)

The weighted vest is a GREAT idea though -- do you know where I could get one, and how heavy you can load them up? My hands do get sore, which just doesn't seem fair for a lower body workout. Thanks!
Lifting heavy has slimmed down my legs a lot. I was afraid at first about going heavier, but it worked out better for me all over.

I currently can lift 65lbs over my head and on a good day 70lbs(right now, it's my max). It was only a month ago that I thought that I couldn't lift anymore than 60lbs over my head. I have gotten stronger gradually. I'll have to try the weighted jacket. has several weighted vests, and the one that looks interesting to me is the Reebok Ironwear vest. It says it is adjustable in the 10-20 lb range. The All-Pro will go up to 40lbs (and I have seen that one in the store), but I think I would like something that hugs my body more. Plus, I don't know that I need 40lbs. If anyone knows anything about the Reebok vest, please chime in!

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