These workouts are FUN!!!!

Thanks Cathe and cannot wait for the workout especially the Kickboxing. I am picturing myself totally wiped out and feel so satisfied. Awesome feeling!:7 :7
I thought these workouts sounded awesome when they were just a concept in the original annoucement email. After your descriptions today, they sound like they are going to become my favorites!

Thanks so much for the update, Cathe! I ALWAYS look forward to getting your newest workout offerings, but I am absolutely SALIVATING over these. I'm SO EXCITED about the heavier weight work!!!
Cathe -
They sound great! Your timing with the 4-day split idea is perfect for me. Baby #2 is 8 weeks old (a boy) and I also have a 2 1/2 yr old girl. My workouts have gone from 5-6 days per week prior to having my son to 3-4 days and the duration of at least two of those workouts is less than 60 minutes. With time at a premium these days, I'm looking forward to a well-rounded program that will help to get me back into the shape I was this time last year. But I'm only about two weeks back into working out so take your time with the finished product ;-) as I'm still working my way back to the advanced level!!
Thanks Cathe! :) Is it possible to be even more excited??? ;-) It sounds like everything is moving along at a rather good pace. Hopefully, they'll be in our hands in a short time. *happy dancing*


You are speaking my language. I am all about fun! :7 Your enthusiasm is so contagious! :7 I am excited to see you this excited about these workouts. :7 It sounds like the whole filming and editing process was a blessing for you this time, and that is an answer to prayer.

I was initially disappointed to learn that you decided not to film another advanced step workout similar to Rhythmic Step with this set, but it sounds like Higher Intensity Step and Lower Intensity Step are the kind of fun step workouts I love! I have been excited about the kickboxing workout since reading what Chris posted in your blog last week, but I am really looking forward to it after reading this. Great music drives a workout!

Oh, I cannot wait to have these workouts in my hands either. The only thing I am more excited about is meeting you and having fun with you live next month! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

O.K, you got me excited. Can you disclose some of the music to us? Music is what gets me through the workout. I know in some of your workouts when I'm just about to stop and press pause and take a quick water break or just about the time that I think I'm exhausted, a good tune comes in that gets me pumped and keeps me going non-stop. I have to ask though, since NFL films is involved, is the song Rock and Roll Part II going to be one of the songs? I can picture it with kickboxing. I actually put that song on before getting on the treadmill one day, and found myself doing kick boxing drills that I learned from you. I found the song easy to choreograph kickboxing to.
Cathe, I am as excited as you are for these workouts!! Your enthusiasm is definitely infectious!! Thank you for keeping us all up to date! I can't imagine the quality of your new dvds will be so much better than before but I will take your word for it because you always keep your promises. That's why you ROCK!!!! :7

Eva, I think the music will be instrumental. It sounds like it might be music we haven't heard yet. Cathe said she loves the music and the driving energy. Does it get better than that?

Have a good evening, Debbie:) }( }( :)

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