The Ultimate Fit Test: Pushups

Did you watch the video with the article? The form of the women in the exercise class is HORRIBLE!!!! Neck is way out of alignment with the spine, not going down all the way, barely bending the elbows, backs not straight! Pretty sad! But, this was a good article!
>Did you watch the video with the article? The form of the
>women in the exercise class is HORRIBLE!!!! Neck is way out
>of alignment with the spine, not going down all the way,
>barely bending the elbows, backs not straight! Pretty sad!
>But, this was a good article!

I thought the same thing about the women! I could do way more if I did mine that way!

I think I need to work on getting more push ups done now }(

ETA: Had to add that the instuctor that was showing how to hold your hands and arms - looked like the same guy helping those ladies do horrible pushups!!! What's up with that?!?!

Wow, those women were bad! They were barely bending their arms at all. Rocking forward while slightly bending your elbows doesn't constitute a push-up. I am feeling WAYYY better about my form now! :)
Great article, thanks!

Man that made my neck hurt just watching some of them women hanging their heads out of alignment:eek:

>Did you watch the video with the article? The form of the
>women in the exercise class is HORRIBLE!!!!

And that first woman is doing them on her knees with that horrible form, not even on her toes.

I don't get it, especially juxtaposing the 'good form instruction' in the black-and-white footage with the guy with the 'women are wimps and can't do them right' footage of the women?
I agree on the women yikes! You'd think they'd correct their form! for one if they can't do a real pushup why make them do that handclap in between. they need to start on their knees then work up to stuff like that. Jess
Holy crap - I feel way better. Those are the most pathetic
"pushups" I've ever seen. Those women aren't doing pushups
in my opinion.
>I agree on the women yikes! You'd think they'd correct their
>form! for one if they can't do a real pushup why make them do
>that handclap in between. they need to start on their knees
>then work up to stuff like that. Jess

I could even see having them do the handclap, in a short range-of-motion push-up with OTHERWISE GOOD FORM, to work on fast-twitch muscles, but IMO, any intructor that corrects 'form' without getting the students' heads in correct alignment isn't doing his job! The last woman on the video had a great neck-to-knees plank going, but her head was still hanging down...ouch!
That is pathetic. The article itself is not bad, but totally ruined by the video clip. My neck hurts just from watching. I sent an email letter to the editor about that one. The email add was at the bottom of the article. I couldn't help it

Watching those women do push ups (NOT) was embarassing. If I did push ups like there is no telling how many I could do.

I loved the article though. Unfortunately the video kind of took some of the impact away.

I do feel quite good about my ability to do a push up - Cathe style!

WOW! Great article. I love pushups! I had to laugh though, a 40 year old woman should be able to do 16 pushups!!:7 :7 I think I could do that in my sleep!!(I know Cathe could!) I did HSC today and did 32 standard, not counting the tri pushups and the decline pushups:) And all on my toes. Not hard for us Catheites:)


Off to watch the video....
Despite the horrid form shown by the women, I am delighted with this article. I loathe pushups, they hurt my neck (degenerated discs) to the point of distraction (not sweet pain, just PAIN) so more often than not I bail and substitute another exercise but I can certainly do a paltry 16 with good form, it's the infinte pushups of GS CT that 'push' me beyond my personal limit. I feel somewhat validated by this and my fragile ego needs that occasionally;-)

Take Care
I was a bit appalled as well, but I have to add that I was appalled that they showed no (now I haven't scrutinized the video, so don't shoot me if there is a woman in there with good form) women with good form. Yet the men they showed had good form. This seems to imply something to me that isn't really sitting well. Maybe the videographer thinks women can't do pushups? or that the women in that video were doing pushups? Come on! They should have showed a balanced viewpoint. (JMHO).
I'm 47 years old and just did 22 push-ups (on my toes, with good form!). I can knock out about 20 more on my knees after that. I guess that's ok, I'm shooting for 50! :)
And I didn't think anyone else would notice!! Makes me proud to be a Catheite! We really know our stuff! And could show those women a thing or two or 20!

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