The Thread About Nothing

I have nothing to report. Except that my bootcampers are kind of rude... talk about how difficult the other guy's workouts are. Oy. (He tells them to do 100 pushups and doesn't care that they're on their knees, bending their elbows about 1" total grr) And then they say "he gets a lot of his stuff from you, doesn't he" and also "I couldn't walk for three days after your workout last week."

Um, huh. Wah.

I wanna come do BC with Ame!!!!
I'm partial to LaDonna's fuzzy kitten avatar. Today someone asked me if I had a bong handy. I responded that alas, it did not fit in my purse. Off to watch the Life of Brian.
I spent 10 of the last 36 hours in meetings, during which there was much talking but little was actually said.

PLEASE let it be Friday!
my feet hurt, i'm sleepy and i want the day to be over. . . it's only 3 here :( but on a good note, I'm enjoying a nice Hershey's bar :eek:
Today someone asked me if I had a bong handy. I responded that alas, it did not fit in my purse.

That's funny. . . you know they make smaller bongs nowadays :)

The other day I had my teenage son and one of his friends in Walgreens and they wanted Gatorade. So my son handed me a dollar and his friend handed me $2.00 (they cost $1.50 each). I said to the friend, “I’ll give you change for that” and I could have sworn his response to me was “That’s okay, I just sold some weed, so I have money.” We were at the cash register and I said “WHAT?!” And he repeated it -- I didn’t say anything for a minute and then I actually “heard” what he said, which was “I just sold my Wii so I have money.”
That's funny. . . you know they make smaller bongs nowadays :)

The other day I had my teenage son and one of his friends in Walgreens and they wanted Gatorade. So my son handed me a dollar and his friend handed me $2.00 (they cost $1.50 each). I said to the friend, “I’ll give you change for that” and I could have sworn his response to me was “That’s okay, I just sold some weed, so I have money.” We were at the cash register and I said “WHAT?!” And he repeated it -- I didn’t say anything for a minute and then I actually “heard” what he said, which was “I just sold my Wii so I have money.”

I spent 10 of the last 36 hours in meetings, during which there was much talking but little was actually said.

PLEASE let it be Friday!
Crap - do we work at the same place??

Here's a funny story. I am always so bored at meetings, plus it is always freezing cold at work. So, my laptop sits in my lap often and serves the dual purpose of keeping me awake and keeping me from getting frostbite (b/c they are always so warm on the bottom). Well, my brother lives in Argentina and we often talk on Skype. Little did I know, Skype was on as was my volume (for whatever reason, the volume no longer shows in the screen when I adjust it - thank IT). Anyway, I digress. He called me right in the middle of the meeting. That's happens when I try to goof off :rolleyes:

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