The "THIS IS ME" challenge to everyone

RE: The

Hi ladies!!

So many more beautiful ladies!!

DebbieH- You and your family are beautiful!

Soosan- You look fantastic..great ab definition

Marla-You are so pretty!!

Mariela- You are a beautiful girl!

If I missed anyone..I do apologize. I am so tired from previewing these workouts. I think I dropped 5 pounds watching Imax 3..LOL

RE: The

You are so sweet, and a Beautiful woman! I agree with others, you have a beautiful smile!

Sorry it took so long for me to respond. I've been busy lately.

RE: The

Well, all you will ever see of my is my belly.... I am NEVER posting a pic of my face! LOL!!! Everyone is gorgeous! It won't matter how many hours I workout!!! I'll stay hidden in the hills. :7 Marla, you remind me of someone famous, but I am drawing a blank. Mariela, you remind me of Madelyn Stowe.
RE: The

No offense, Charlotte, but your dogs steal the show. They are so adorable! I'm an animal lover so please forgive me!

RE: The

Kim, how sweet you guys look. Actually, Gracie is pretty adorable and sassy herself. And with that name? How could you go wrong?

RE: The

Maximus, you stole my heart at hello. Honestly, your pug is absolutely adorable. If I didn't have as many stray's as I do, my next choice would be a pug. They have a face only a mamma could love.

And. What a cool name.


Weird. I'm getting more of a kick checking out the pet pics. But, I honestly believe, that owning a pet is a very healthy thing for anyone to do.

Ok, off my soapbox,
RE: The

>Well, all you will ever see of my is my belly.... I am NEVER
>posting a pic of my face! LOL!!!

Okey Autumn - we'll accept a BELLY pic!

Perhaps you can get someone to draw a face on your belly! THAT would be funny

RE: The

OK. Second post. Your dog is absolutely adorable. Max!! I have a chihuahua, but believe it or not, he kind of flops the same way.. When he flops, he kind of of looks depressed. The funny thing is, he couldn't have possibly had a better life.

I could just throttle him, I just love him, that much.

RE: Finally!

With a face like that, the body is a mere footnote. But good luck in achieving your goals!

RE: The

You sure fooled me. I thought you were going to look something like that funny-looking lady icon in your posts, with giant gray hands. But you don't look a thing like her. You're gorgeous!
RE: The

Marla: you look HOT sister !!!!!!! glad you got those up! we've been dying to see you!!!! where's Lola? hey, in your post up there you said Aug 16th....did it change from April? what did i miss????

LOL Nancy!!!

RE: The

Thanx Marla,
No I'm not in Texas. I live on the Navajo Indian Rez in Northern AZ. I'm very well located! There is something in every direction! Grand Canyon (I love hiking it), Lake Powell, Monument Valley, and the San Fransisco Peaks.
The pic with me in the blonde hair was taken in Montana. My sister was trying to get me to be a model like her. I couldn't stand those cowgirl pants she put me in. They seemed to give me jelly rolls. I've always had a flat stomach so seeing the roll just was unbareable!

~Reece Out~
RE: The

>IT's m a r L a Marion!!!! NOT Maria!!!!!!!!!! silly aussie!

SORRY SORRY m a r L a (not Maria)

Ya know I loves ya

(happy jes? - nit picker!)

RE: The

Okay, so I'm computer illiterate. I have a picture I'd like to post, but I can't figure it out. What's this "picture trail" I'm supposed to go to? Help!

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