The things we don't know...


I live in TX so as you can imagine the oil spill is news every day. The sad thing is that it is not front page news everyday...not even second page news. Today it was on the second to the last page of our local paper. I think there at least should be something on the front page everyday. May a counter on the top corner that tells you how many days since it began, approximately how many gallons of oil have leaked out and how many gallons have been skimmed off the top. Wouldn't it be nice if someone kept you informed of the important things. Maybe they could switch up and tell you how many dead fish and birds have been found. On other days, how many jobs have been lost. Well you get the picture.
What I am really getting at though, is that through all of this turmoil, there have been other oil related stories that have come out. One I read in the paper today talked about 27,000 wells that are in the gulf and all over that have been temporarily abandoned and not properly inspected. They are supposed to regulate these wells and if not used within a yr., be capped permanently. Some have been left for over a decade. This story too will disappear.
Another interesting story about oil was on the news the other day. It was about Nigeria. It said the equivalent of an Exxon Valdez spill happens there yearly and has for the last 50 yrs.

I know that all of this is oil related but that is because that is what is happening around here. I am not one of those people that is super political or fanatic about these things either. I just am really starting to realize how under informed I really am. It is really kind of scary for the future of things.

So really I was wondering have any of you found out something that you were shocked was happening in the world we live in?
eeek! if I commented to the question at the end of your post, I might end up with some enemies, I'd rather not go there. but enjoyed reading your post hun!:)
I live in Louisiana. I can't even think about this situation without my head exploding, or me wanting to go on a homicidal rage. The Gulf is going to be ruined for years to come, and BP seems to have this "oh well" attitude about it. Maybe if they had put a damn safety valve on the thing in the first place, might not have happened.

I'm beginning to believe our government doesn't care much either; you cannot tell me that there is not SOMEONE out there who knows or least has a good idea on how to fix it. If I was the president, I would be called on every university, every expert, every company, and be yelling and screaming and pushing to get something done. AT LEAST TRY!!! Don't say, oh that can't work.

So really I was wondering have any of you found out something that you were shocked was happening in the world we live in?

I've always known animal abuse existed, but I was shocked and utterly disgusted when I found out that the fur farms in China torture these animals for there fur. I won't go into detail but let me say that the animals (dogs, cats, raccoons, rabbits, foxes ect) are still alive when they are thrown on a pile of skinned bodies that went before them. Skin ripped off, bones broken and left to die a lingering, painful, horrific death. I still find it hard to believe that humans can purposely put these animals though this kind of fear and pain for any amount of money; and from what I have read, they get about $1 a pelt...all that suffering.

I was very angry (and still am) when I found out about this, but in a way I am glad, because this has spurred me on to try my damnedst to do something about it. I may not be able to make a change, but I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't try.
I live in Louisiana. I can't even think about this situation without my head exploding, or me wanting to go on a homicidal rage. The Gulf is going to be ruined for years to come, and BP seems to have this "oh well" attitude about it. Maybe if they had put a damn safety valve on the thing in the first place, might not have happened.

I'm beginning to believe our government doesn't care much either; you cannot tell me that there is not SOMEONE out there who knows or least has a good idea on how to fix it. If I was the president, I would be called on every university, every expert, every company, and be yelling and screaming and pushing to get something done. AT LEAST TRY!!! Don't say, oh that can't work.

It kills me so see all those animals covered in oil, all the people who have lost their jobs. I think it will only get worse, and we all know who will end up footing the bill for this.
This kind of reminds me of the coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. When they both started, there was extensive coverage every day, lists of those killed, leaders talking about what is needed (better body armor for example). But now...nothing! It isn't very often you even see it on the news. Very sad, really.

This kind of reminds me of the coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. When they both started, there was extensive coverage every day, lists of those killed, leaders talking about what is needed (better body armor for example). But now...nothing! It isn't very often you even see it on the news. Very sad, really.


This is so true. I remember they used to show all the fallen soldiers every morning, but now in my area we only hear about the fallen if they are local.
That is exactly what I am talking about, DEEDEE and Carrie.

I did not start this thread to depress people or to start some kind of fundamentalist movement. I thought maybe it would be a way that people could vent some of the things they knew about that the rest of us might not have heard about.
Not too long ago , I heard a quote from someone who said there were more slaves today than there were before the civil war.
It is hard to believe that the other day I was watching a national news show and they were talking about Larry King and his wife getting back together. This was one of the headlines news stories. Really???:confused:

DeeDee, My dh was looking up youtube videos and clicked on one ...I can not remember what it was supposed to be but it turned out to be one of these videos from China or somewhere like that showing incredible abuse of animals. With all the evidence out there of how the fur business is operated it is amazing to me that some stars still wear fur proudly. I think the video he watched even talked about a lot of the coats that you get that you think have the "feaux fur" collars actually are made out of dog fur. People should think about these things and how it makes them feel before going out and purchasing that coat. One 90 second video stays in your head forever.

Carrie, the war is barely in our local paper. Unless there is some sort of scandal like the last general thing then we hear nothing. It is the real deal over there but just like other things that are thousands of miles from us, it is easy for lots of people to stay out of the loop. I have to admit that I am not informed about the war and the daily happenings. I am not directly effected by it. I have no family members involved. SO I am one of those people. But you bringing it to my attention does make me want to pay more attention to what is going on over there.

I hope more people will share if not for no one else, at least for me.
I've been thinking about this as well (although it appears some progress was made over the w/e). It sort of reminds me of the situation in Haiti. I remember the initial outpouring of charity & I couldn't help but think, what about when the "emergency" is over? Then what? I mean, it's been years since Katrina & NOLA still hasn't been rebuilt, & that's in the US. What will happen to Haiti long term?

And the problem w/the oil spill.........I don't think we've even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. I think that's part of the problem when it comes to our national apathy. You don't really have the visuals of the suffering this disaster will truly cause.

No, BP isn't the only "entity" who's had an "oh well" attitude about the oil spill. There are many to blame. Gosh, we haven't heard a peep out of Halliburton, the company who BUILT the darn thing.
I hear you on N.O. and Haiti.
Halliburton didn't build the rig but they did do the cementing of the rig. That process is supposedly quite tricky in 5000 ft of water and has been named the cause of blowouts in quite a few other rig accidents. From what little I have read so far it sounds like the cause is most likely to be a series of failures on different levels.
Hopefully they get it capped here shortly.

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