I love the title of this thread

I am. I work in a plant (not an office) and everyone thought I was so weird last summer when I refused to bare my sloped shoulders in a tank top. I wore (granny) bermuda shorts and tees because I refused to wear tanks (no shoulders + wide hips = no tanks, man) and I couldn't wear shorter shorts because my legs were horrible, like tree trunks. I'm still not crazy about my legs but I've slimmed down enough I can wear much shorter shorts and I am thrilled to finally have a body that's balanced enough that I'll look fine in tank tops. My hips are much narrower, my shoulders and upper arms much more developed... Yea, I can do it, I think. Since it gets really hot at work this is a good thing.
I am very pleased with my progress since I cleaned up my diet by getting 6-10 servings of vegetables every day and 4-6 grams of protein every 3 hours. And the results have been overwhelming in only three weeks. Still, I'm going to be one of those women who's fat comes off last in her belly and calves. It's starting to come off my tummy now (noticed it in the shower this morning) but my calves are still huge. My late father used to say to me "Patience, Prudence..." But those monster calves are really driving me nuts. I won't truly feel I've progressed until those calves have really slimmed down.
Yea, tanks and shorter shorts... Haven't been able to wear them in public in 18 years. This is THE YEAR!!!