I think the whole 'star rating' thing should be disabled.
It serves no useful purpose I can see, is not informative, and just invites people to give props to their 'friends,' diss those they don't like, or futz things up because they have nothing better to do with their time.
no worries ladies... "Peeps" is a daily checkin under the Check-ins & Challenges forum
I agree that I never really pay much attention to the rating of a thread and have NEVER rated one... can't for the life of me figure out what value that option is... we all have our own thoughts and should be free to express them within the guidelines of forum rules and who am I to judge the contents of someone elses post?!
If the 'star system' is kept at all, IMO ONLY the 5-star rating should be kept, for the very purpose you mention (though still some people wouldn't use it for that).I think the stars are kinda silly also. The only thing useful about it is when a particular thread is very informative or helpful a 5 stars next to it would draw attention to it.
Ooh Laura, you know who they are?!! I would love for you to "out" these bandits!!
You're a STAR in my book Jerry!!!
Does that count???
You know what Nicole? I would, but then that would be stooping to their level. I'm not a stooper.
LauraMax;It doesn't even rise to the level of a stick or a stone. :)[/QUOTE said:So should we change the saying to "Sticks and Stones and Stars will never hurt me"? Sorry, I love bad word humor.
I agree that the whole star rating thing has become ridiculous. I see the purpose but it's going to be misused so it probably needs to go. What would happen if the bandits could assign something ZERO stars? Imagine how powerful they'd feel then!