The "No sweets for a month" Challenge

RE: The

I'll join. I read the food intake thread yesterday and realized I'd be embarrased to post mine from skipping breakfast to indulging in candy corn, red vines, dark chocolate covered caramels and chocolate covered almond. :eek: Evil PMS! On the bright side I ate very little else to derail me except that slice of yummy mall pizza, my favorite in Tucson and a very sensible and light dinner. I'm in. Sugar is usually not a problem and this will inspire me to ignore my hormonal appetites and stay clean. I should go a step further and vow to eat balanced meals and not blow off the good good stuff for the bad good stuff. I have been such a bum lately. What's up with that?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: The

Yay! If nothing else, maybe this will mean Bobbi will post more.;)

Check in will start tomorrow, as the challenge starts tomorrow. Today is your last day of freedom!
RE: The

I'm in too. Sweets are my biggest problem. So I think I should go throw the 2 boxes of ice cream out. Maybe I'll have an ice cream party for my boys tonight and let them eat as much as they want before I ditch the rest. I'm really dedicated to this one. Somebody copy and paste that to the check-in when I start saying I want cake, icing, cookies, icing, cobblers, icing, and icing. Hmmm, not going in the right direction here.....:+
RE: The

okay, I want in. baked goods are going to be my challenge for sure, and at the end of June I'll have PMS to fight (bring on the chocolate usually), but it's not supposed to be easy, right!?!?

So go figure, this is the last day and I'm simply not hungry.
I'm in

Please count me in on this challenge. I've already been trying to stay "sweets free" for the past month. In fact, I didn't even eat a piece of birthday cake on my birthday. However, I did eat a couple of pieces of chocolate the other day. I was in Yosemite and had to reward myself for surviving some extremely strenuous hikes!

RE: I'm in

Ok I am going to follow you all and do this. Or give it my best shot! I may cheat a lilttle on my birthday though. All depnds on if I am feeling too guilty to cheat. I have 12 days to set myself up to say NO sweets but thanks :) Ok good luck everyone!

RE: The

Alrighty...I'm in! I have already told myself that I will allow myself two cheats probably each on a weekend. (You don't know my MIL!) Oh boy, I just remembered...both of my grandkids' birthdays are in June! Awwk! I think we are celebrating them together so that will help. Does that have to be my two cheats??? Say No!!! Good Luck everyone and WELCOME Jacque. Nice to have you join in.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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