The "No sweets for a month" Challenge

RE: The

OK, I'm in, but I'm telling you now 22 June is my son's birthday.... I have a cheat day... I have a cheat day :) :) :)

What do you mean by baked goods? Aren't all cookies, cakes etc baked?

RE: The

OOPS... it starts tomorrow????? Didn't realise. I can still have cookies today... yeah yeay. And ice cream....

RE: The

This scares me.... but i'm in. :p But i'm giving myself ONE cheat day when its TTOTM... must have chocolate or I will combust! :+
RE: The

I'm in also, but I will say that my DH's birthday is June 4th, so that is my one exempt day! Please! :9

Laurie Mac
RE: The

I just love you gals but I gotta say nuuuhhhh uhhhhhh. Gotta have my sweets!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

RE: The

I'm jumping on the nuh uh boat. I know I wouldn't be able to last a week, much less a month. Best of luck to you who take up the challenge!
RE: The

I don't want to!
I don't have to!
You can't make me!! :):):)

Seriously, I am very selective about my sweets (on purpose so that they can be included in my daily diet). You wouldn't want me to break my diet, would you???


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

>If the only sugar you get comes from fresh fruit then that is
>okay because fruit has vitamins, minerals and some fiber, if
>it comes from the canned stuff then that fruit has added sugar
>and you should avoid that.

Though it's now possible to get canned fruit in its own juice, or in fruit juice. The canned fruit to avoid is in "syrup," heavy syrup (which means "lots of added sugar") is the worst.
RE: The

>Count me in!! But what about peanut butter (the natural
>kind, no sugar added)?

I don't see why that would be a problem. There is no sugar (or artificial sweetener) in it. Mostly fat and protein.
RE: The

Shelley-count me in. I have a terrible sweet tooth and am known to eat chocolate chips out of the bag. This may be just what I need to help me focus more on my diet. Not sure I can last a whole month, but just the effort of starting may get me going in the right direction.

Guess I'll have to give up that mid afternoon 2pt pria bar!

RE: The

Shelley - You crack me up! I'm gone for 3 days and you've got the whole forum whipped into shape and taking on a huge challenge! OK, count me in - but June 19 is my daughter's birthday and I have to have cake!!

RE: The

Alright I am in - I just told my co-worker that if I ate one chocolate candy or sweet of any kind during the week, I owe him one dollar and he will hold me to it :) So that will work for checks and balances in the office, and at home I will have to think of something like that as well with my if I eat sweets, I have to scoop the dog poop that day or something.........
RE: The

I can't believe I'm doing this.....

I'm IN! No sweets for me for all of June. ACK! What have I done? Can I really do this? I'm willing to find out and do my best. I'm glad I ate 2 pieces of cake yesterday at my parent's BBQ. :p

I bet this will help me reach my mini-weight goal of 199. ;)

Connie :D
RE: The

I am in, too! Although my kiddo graduates from kindergarten in the middle of the month, and I shall be having cake that day. :)

Seriously, this is a great idea. I gave up sweets for Lent and the weight just came right off. I am generally fine until I take one bite, then it is over! Addicting stuff, for sure.

Great idea!


RE: The

This is a really awesome idea. I find I have less headaches when I'm off the sugar. It's going to be tough because that stuff is VERY addicting and EVERYWHERE, but the effort is well worth it. I think everyone is going to do REALLY well. We'll be crankier for awhile, maybe, but healthier!!!

RE: The

Count me in! Sounds like just what we need before the Road Trip!!! Hopefully, Cathe's pizza party will be topped off with birthday cake and ice cream!!!

RE: The

Awww what the hell--count me in.

Me, agreeing to a whole month of giving up sweets, I must be on drugs.

Shelley, b/c I'm giving up sweets for a month, you have to give me a substition, other than drugs or alcohol, to tie me over at work from working with someone who can be SO ANNYOYING.


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