The "No sweets for a month" Challenge

RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

I can no promise but I would love to start tomorrow, after 3 months of no sugar, last week in a biking event I ate ice cream from the ice cream truck, it was for free whatever you wanted, what would you have done? after all it was 65 miles all the way to Montauk, Long Island, I thought: hmmm... I can afford it, an almond delight wont affect me,,,, well well well!!!!!!!!!! it did, its been two weeks and I cant stop eating sweets, hershey kisses, chocolate pudding, cake that I made,,,,, I am hook on sugar now and I realized I have a great job ahead of me to get rid of it, good luck with no sugar month.
The joy of moving, N
RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

Hi Kim. The sugars you should watch out for are mainly added sugars. These are listed in the food labels under "Sugars" and they're given in grams. According to the guidelines, only 10% or less of your daily calories should come from added sugars. In my case that is 50g or less.
RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

ha! i'm ahead then! i started months ago but have cheated a little. no cheating lately(with sugar that is) i only do water and 1 c coffee in the a.m. the only sugar i get now comes in the form of fruit :) we can do it! we are strong and dedicated~;-)

RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

If the only sugar you get comes from fresh fruit then that is okay because fruit has vitamins, minerals and some fiber, if it comes from the canned stuff then that fruit has added sugar and you should avoid that.

This is a tough challenge! Let's see if I join or not.
RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

I think daily check in is key. For one thing, if you're getting a craving, other people will be able to "talk you down". And for whoever asked how will we stop from cheating, well we can't stop you from cheating, only you can do that. But you CAN make it through this. It's just 30 measly days. Cravings pass. And I can bet by the end of the month, you won't be having those sugar cravings nearly as often as you were.

Lunabadoona, I like your (unofficial) rules/guidelines.:)
RE: The


That doesn't exclude you! It's my b-day in June too and I'm going to have cake but just one piece (assuming there is cake to be had). You can do it too! :7
RE: The No sweets for a month Challenge

I think those items we use to reach our fitness goals are excluded. For example, I eat fat free yogurt. It still has sugar but the overall product has more usable nutrition than, say, a candy bar or donut.

A protein bar provides nutrients to aid in muscle recovery and growth. A bag of M&Ms doesn't. :)
RE: The

Sorry, but NO WAY!!:7 It's my B-day this month and by gollie I'm going to eat some cake}( Anyways I would't last a day with this challenge:eek:
RE: The

Luna cat--
I was laughing SO HARD reading your rules--I had just eaten some Mike and Ike Jellybeans--talk about a guilt trip--LOLOLOL
I'm not a candy person, DH is, so we'll blame this on him(I love passing the buck--YEAHHHH....,he FORCED me to eat them, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!)
I'm debating it since I really don't eat candy, BUT....has anyone tried Peterbrooke popcorn covered in their homemade CREAMY chocolate? It's a Jacksonville, Florida thing, I'll bring some on the trip, it will be gone in SECONDS, believe me, I know it sounds like yuck, but one bite and that's all she wrote!
RE: The

This is the challenge I need! I have to laugh because when I opened this post I was sucking on my 2nd fireball. Today we had a cookout and I had Icecream cake for my father in laws bday. My sign name is Jujygrl for Jujy fruit candy!

I'm in!:)


P.S. How do you do the picturetrail...I want to show you some pictures of myself, my family and my two labs
RE: The

I do believe the no sugar month is refered to "junk" only, whatever good food like fruits and yogurt and peanut butter is not count as sweets, right? even carrots have sugar, that is our main source of fuel, glucose .
The joy of moving,
RE: The

I probably need to do this, but I honestly don't think I'll be able to do it. For a whole month. Y'all got some serious willpower going on. I've got a genetically pre-programmed sweet tooth and it ain't gonna let me go a whole month without any dessert. I could probably give up just baked goods for a month, if I tried really hard. But ALL sweets??? I couldn't possibly....

But I will be happy to support all you sugar-giver-uppers for the month of June. Please send all your extra cookies and brownies to me and I'll take care of them for you. :D

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