The inaugural run!


Some time ago, I posted that I had finally decided to buy a treadmill after a series of unfortunate running sessions. I then posted requesting treadmill reviews. Well, the great day has finally arrived. My beautiful new Sole F85 will be delivered and installed today!

I have a very small condo, so I literally had to tear apart a sofa (I couldn't get it outta here intact) into tiny pieces to make room for it in my solarium. My sister says that is very symbolic- tearing up a sofa to make room for a treadmill.

I have the jitters like I am running a race in a few minutes- I'm not kidding. I've wanted a treadmill for so long, I'm getting the one I want and has wonderful reviews, I'll be able to run regardless of weather/humidity/icy sidewalks and ain't no one gonna be able to run me down with their car. I can do hill repeats without having to find a hill! I can have water without having to carry it! I can go to the bathroom midrun without having to look longingly at some roadside bushes! I can run in only a bra if I want to!

Here's the jitters- what if there's something wrong with the machine? What if it doesn't fit the space (I did measure!) What if the installation doesn't go well? What if they don't show up? What if they can't get it into my solarium? What if, what if, what if....?

What should I do to celebrate, once it's here and completely installed (God willing) and the ensuing mess has been cleaned up? Obviously, I should do a run, but which run should be the inaugural run on my beautiful machine? I'm scheduled for a long slow run today, so I could do that, but I may want to do something to really take this machine through its paces. I have all the CardioCoaches, along with 16 of my own premixes. The delicious agony of deciding...
i have no advice. but congrats! i'll just have to be happy for you, i wish i had space for tm myself. already have a wt bench in kitchen, kickboxing/speed bag in LR. plus bedroom full of equip. lol, but i always thought i wanted treadmill the most. my kids are old enough now, but yrs ago they wouldve broken it & hurt themselves.
whatever you decide, enjoy yourself and i hope theres no problems.
Lol... You put so much thought into it. I bought one of the cheapest ones I could find because it was originally intended for my dogs. Now I use it if the weather isn't good. No bells & whistles, but it tells me my speed & distance and gives me hills. Congrats.... I hope it's everything you dreamed of.
Congratulations !

I vote for CCPP ! ! ! I love the variety and the feeling of pure exhaustion afterwards (not that all CC's don't have that effect). I guess it is the idea behind it . . . especially now . . .

Have fun whatever you choose !
Nice suggestion! I second this choice! How fitting!

Congratulations on your new toy! Enjoy it! I hope to join the ranks someday - when I have space and money!

Congratulations !

I vote for CCPP ! ! ! I love the variety and the feeling of pure exhaustion afterwards (not that all CC's don't have that effect). I guess it is the idea behind it . . . especially now . . .

Have fun whatever you choose !
So, after some playing around and figuring out that it didn't keep my metric settings (I figured this out by nearly killing myself by trying to walk at what I thought was a 6 kph setting and what was actually a 6 mph setting), I decided to do something I hadn't been able to do without a treadmill: hill walking, steady state, for half an hour. This is my rest day after a brutal week, so it is a little anticlimatic, but let me tell ya, I had that thing on the top incline - 15% - and at 4 kph. Now, my normal walking pace just to get somewhere is 4.5 kph, so the speed was slow. But add in the incline, and I was sweating hard in the first 10 minutes. The machine says I burned 630 calories, but I don't believe it. No way. That's how much I would burn in an hour of running. I wasn't wearing the HRM, but I will next time, to see if it change the readings. That's just ridiculous. I figure I probably burned about half that.

Oh yeah, and I read a book while doing it!
Sounds like you're having loads of fun with your new toy! I've been throwing my HRM on lately because I've been incredulous of my readings lately! Have fun figuring it all out and play with all the settings! Take a run on a snowy day for me, too! I'll still be out there in the snow and rain all winter long in my cold weather gear!
Sounds like you're having loads of fun with your new toy! I've been throwing my HRM on lately because I've been incredulous of my readings lately! Have fun figuring it all out and play with all the settings! Take a run on a snowy day for me, too! I'll still be out there in the snow and rain all winter long in my cold weather gear!

I really love running outside, so I won't be giving that up, especially in the fall and spring. But it's nice to have options and alternatives!
So true! It gets a little dicy out there after a good snow when it compacts and freezes in spots. You never know if you're going to hit a slick spot and go splat!
A gorgeous Sole F85.

Today I did Extremely Ripped 1000 for the first time, using the treadmill for the cardio intervals. It is definitely more of a cardio workout than Ripped 1000 (without the Extreme) is. Both are quite brutal workouts in their own right- I sweated like a son of a ... dog named Sue. I don't really feel like I worked my muscles much, but I sure got to play with my Sole!

Anyone wanna help me come up with a name for my TM? It has to be a female name, something powerful and feminine with impact. I'm leaning toward Zola, after Zola Budd (,7124,s6-243-297--13308-0,00.html)
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