Well, ashaw, that would be great , but if we haven’t left received them by then, I might start!!! (Just kidding…..that’s a great accomplishmentMaybe I’ll receive my STS 2.0 on June 14, the 3 year anniversary of my quitting alcohol!
Well, ashaw, that would be great , but if we haven’t left received them by then, I might start!!! (Just kidding…..that’s a great accomplishmentMaybe I’ll receive my STS 2.0 on June 14, the 3 year anniversary of my quitting alcohol!
Thank you so much! It was one of the most difficult things I’ve done in my life but by far the most rewarding. I tried to quit so many times before but the pandemic shutdowns were a godsend because of the change in socializing. Suddenly triggers of people, places, and situations were removed and I could simply focus on myself not drinking. I got sober in a houseful of alcohol because my husband will always drink. But since I’ve quit he’s cut back somewhat. And best of all, he’s been cigar free since august 2020.Well, ashaw, that would be great , but if we haven’t left received them by then, I might start!!! (Just kidding…..that’s a great accomplishment
Thank you so much! You're a very sweet person! It was very difficult to do because what started as "social drinking" - a glass of wine with a nice dinner or a cocktail by the pool became my full on way of coping with stress in my life, work, marriage, etc. I'm still dealing with anxiety head on, but at least with a clear head. I quietly quit because I knew my drinking was crossing over into a problem area, how in the world my husband didn't notice is beyond me, but the last thing I wanted was for him to call me out for my drinking, all the while he's sitting there with one in his hand. I guess you could say I tapered off for years before finally giving it up for good! The other day, I could smell the wine my husband poured and it didn't even smell good. I can honestly say at this point that I don't miss it and I just wish I'd been able to quit sooner.You are a strong person, that is wonderful. My ex was a drinker too, even probably considered an alcoholic....and I went thru alot of "stuff" with him....as far as me, in my
younger days, I used to drink, but I couldn't tell you the last time I had anything alcoholic...
years......... Keep up the good work!
I totally understand. I’m at a place where I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t drink ever again because I cant just stop at one or two.Right there with ya’….. 3 yrs or so ago, I had an anxiety attack that put me in the ER. That was scary….and due to work, loss of my previous doggie, and just life in general.
I know sometimes when I am getting groceries, and I go down the aisle to get bottled water which is opposite the wines, if I am particularly stressed that day, sometimes I will
stand & look at the wine, thinking…should I get a bottle, just sip on it, etc. and then I think no, I don’t want it & I don’t need it. So I grab my water & away I go!!!
Ashaw, you may already be aware but others may not be...... I found a now defunct app called pocket rehab and it was a game changer for me. I connected with other people who were sober and who were struggling and realized that these were real people just like me and if they could quit drinking then why not me? I miss the connections with others but haven’t found anything similar. Thankfully I’m strong in my sobriety now and being around alcohol no longer bothers me.
Thank you so much! I hid my drinking problem from my husband because 1) I didn't want to be called out by him for my drinking while he was sitting there with a drink in hand and 2) I knew that he wouldn't put the alcohol in a hidden place or even cut back/quit on my account. Years ago at his endocrinologist visit, he was told that drinking at night could cause his blood sugar to spike, then drop dangerously low during the night and because he's diabetic, he might not wake up in the morning. That didn't get through to him, he thought the doctor was ganging up on him.Ashaw, you may already be aware but others may not be...
Alcoholics Anonymous and other support groups offer the social connections & support you received from that app. There are groups just for women so you don't have to worry about some guy trying to hit on you, and since the pandemic, many meet online via Zoom or other meet-up.