Good Morning!
Sorry I've been MIA. I haven't been home much and my computer time is really limited when I am home. I have another new client! YEAH! On a different note, my brother had to have emergency surgery yesterday - his appendix ruptured. He went to the ER Wednesday night and they sent him home. They told him he had stomach ulcers. The surgeon is very upset that happened. He believes my brother's appendix ruptured early Thursday morning. I took my brother to the Dr. yesterday morning and he could hardly walk. He does not complain and does not like to be sick - (he doesn't want to miss a workout - wonder where he gets that from

) I felt so bad for him. They were not able to close the incision due to the infection. The surgeon said he is going to be sick for awhile and recovery is going to take longer. He had to go to the ICU after surgery. All because he was not treated properly the previous night. Please say some prayers for a speedy recovery. Thank you.
Today's workout is DM cardio only and 4DS BC cardio only.
We're going away this weekend for another competition so I may or may not be able to check in. I plan to eat well and exercise.
Time for personals.
Kate, One month - WOO HOO!
Katie, You're too funny! Hope you get in, in your condition and all.

My mom would feel the same way. I think my DH might too.
Robin, Enjoy your day off. Did you order from Tracey too? I can't wait to try them.
Steph, I'm sorry about your friend. I hope your conference goes well and your summer job sounds interesting.
Colleen, How is work going?
Jenn, Which workout are looking most forward too? (Tracey's new ones)
Have a great day and I will try to check in later.
A friend in fitness,