
Hi Shelly, I had her put it on her web site and get the url from there but for some reason, it's not working.

hey, how do you get the smilies to appear where you want them instead of at the end of the signature? ????

Working towards Perpetual Motion}(
RE: And....

Stop! I can't breathe! You guys, you are so funny!

I hope no one can read my thoughts but I think I'm hatching a plan. How could they? It's not as if they are parenthesized or anything.

(Hmmm, Shelley's on her way to Roswell and Debbie could be off the net for a month. Here's my chance.)

Lunacat, here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty...

(If I can capture the Cat, I'll take care of Debbie when she returns. If I haven't exceded her number of posts.)

Do you like mice, Lunacat? I have one for you to play with.

(By the time Shelley has been probed and returned and Luna escapes)

I have a lovely ball of yarn....

(I can make it look like Debbie was responsible for Luna's disappearance. Where can I stash Luna? Where do they even HAVE houses for cats?)


(Nevada! That's mean, but she did call me a stick! Debbie's turned out to be wicked too. She's moving. If she was acidentally packed into her own belongings and they ended up in Shangai, her with them, would she really be missed?)

How about a nice can of tuna, Luna?

(Yes, but I'll deal with that when the time comes. It's 1871 posts. 1872 if you include this one. That won't take me long. Shelley, well, Shelley just got in over her head. I think I'll adopt Limecat. He's cute. This is insanity. Have I gone mad? I don't care about who has the most posts!)

Where are you, Luna?

(It would be nice to have the most. I'll never be the buffest but this, this I can do. I'll miss Debbie and I'll be sad she's gone but that will just keep anyone from knowing I had her shanghied. I wonder if that's how you spell shanghi? I DO wish Cathe would put in a spell checker.)

Luna, Lunacat, you're my best friend!

(Debbie's like a mother to us all, but hey, I have one and she's great and I'll be the ONE, the Catheite with the most posts. I can take a picture of a beautiful model and use it as my avatar then I'll be the prettiest one too! Oh, no, here they come, both of them! drats! Foiled this time but I'll think of something! I have time. Bwahahahahahah!)

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Bobbi! You have tuna for me?!?!?!?! I love tuna!!! :D :9 :D :9

(Little does she realize that I'm a vegetarian and find tuna repugnant)

And a mouse, too!?!?!

(Well, mice are pretty cute....)

And a ball of yarn to boot????

(Does she think I'm some sort of idiot?)

(And you want to be my BEST FRIEND???)

Now I'll get her! I've softened her up with my enthusiasm. Aha...to complete the evil plan...

...did I just put the parenthesis around the wrong....??? AAAAHHHHHH stupid stupid stupid!!!!
RE: And....

Lunacat, these plots are exhausting. And it's not as if you can really adduct or shanghai (that is the correct spelling) someone in cyberspace.

Debbie comes on and posts that she may be without her Cathe.com for a month and cries and we don't even sympathize. Oh no, we just keep on posting our silly thoughts. She's in serious trouble, man! We are completely reprehensilbe to to even suggest there's the slightest wickedness in her. Well, you are anyway. :)

Debbie, I'll call you, okay? Everyone will and we'll get you through it!

Are we really going to be without you for a month? The wheels may come off this place in your absence. Why does your buyer want in on the 31st? Doesn't she know 15 days is a lot to shave off? You know, we could have her taken care of for 15 days, Shelley, Lunacat and I. Roswell's in Nevada as are those houses of cats and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so a nice trip to Nevada could be arranged!

You told me you hunt and peck, which makes your accomplishment that much more dazzling. And none of us will ever catch you. :)

What a day! I was chortling everytime this thread was loading and laughter is intoxicating and I am feeling very cheerful and that's pretty great, don't you think? You cats are the best!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Oh my, you gals have finally done the impossible. I have been sitting here LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF (that's one way to get rid of it), and it's approximately 2:30 AM & I actually woke DH up, which is also impossible. And I enjoyed it!

So, you have done 3 impossible things before breakfast. Thank you!

:7 :7 :7
RE: And....

You guys are just hysterical! But, all your posting in the world will NEVER catch me! Have you noticed I even passed Cathe up? I guess I need to crack the whip on her AGAIN. She once told me that she felt me catching up to her and she said, "Yikes gotta go!!!! (insert the image of the Road Runner taking off leaving a trail of smoke behind :)) She better jump on here the next month while I am Internetless.

Lunacat~I linked to your cat pic and showed hubby while I was in a heap of tears. He said she (it IS a SHE right?) looked like CleoeCATra!

Bobbi~I can tell you really ARE sad I will be without keys to hunt & peck! Yeah, right! I know you better then that. You guys are probably sending private messages to each other so I don't know your plan.

I am still laughing over the: "But Shelley, chickens in red tights peck only when the rooster does not crow at midnight." Hubby said he agrees because it takes 13 pancakes to cover a doghouse and ice cream doesn't have bones!

Shelley, I see you live in Hamilton. Does the fact that is my maiden name, make us related in some strange way???

Teresa~Not sure if you are joking or serious, but we are talking about the SMALL number of times I have posted and wondering if anyone will EVER "catch" me! You have a few to go!

Ruth~this is all for you GF! We knew you needed a good laugh. Glad it helped to put a smile on your face. Tell hubby to go back to sleep.

Yep, it is looking like we will be without Internet for a month. What, oh what will I do??? Hubby doesn't want to get telephone service for just a month while we rent an apartment. We will get by using our cell phones. Or, at least I'll try! Maybe I can sneak into hubby's work and get on a couple times a week to make sure you all are behaving. Thanks everyone. Laughing does feel good, doesn't it?

BTW, this IS a serious question~Does it cost Cathe more $'s for us to be posting such nonsense? I'M SERIOUS!!!!

Okay, off to start packing more boxes. We have an apartment and are going to start moving some things over today on hubby's day off. Catch up with you later. Or, should I say, you need to catch up to ME!?!? :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: And....

I wouldn't even consider trying to catch up with you Deb! I can't believe you do all that posting with hunt & peck. Takes DH 5 minutes to type one sentence that way. Of course, he hasn't had the practice you've had!

ANYWAY...don't forget the library. You can go there EVERY DAY & keep in touch with us! I mean it!! Ok, every other day, but that's as low as I'm willing to go.

RE: And....

Debbie - I'm willing to be that we are related in some way, because of the Hamilton thing. Six degrees of separation, doncha know;) I'm pretty sure our insane ramblings won't cause a huge peak in bandwidth, so I don't think Cathe will be paying extra. And like Ruth said - GET THEE TO THE LIBRARY WOMAN!!! We will accept no paltry excuses for your absence.

Bobbi and Lunacat - I'm glad to see I'm not the only silly one on here. Thanks for playing:)
RE: And....

Debbie, whatever YOUR }( motivations, Teresa was legitimately testing her avatar and probably in the interest of not being a board hog (unlike Lunacat and Shelley) she joined your(phony }( ) test. I didn't get THAT until this morning,and now I have to apologize to Teresa for questioning her motives! Teresa, I AM sorry and when you figure it out, I'll need your help when I find a gorgeous model to represent me, one who reflects my inner beauty.

Ruth, I am delighted we could entertain you with our mad plots to take overtake Debbie, our fearless and prolific leader.

Shelley and Lunacat, I love you!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Shelley- who are you calling silly???
Bobbi- who are you calling a board hog???
Debbie- you absolutely MUST find a way to keep in touch during your move. Even if it involves sneaking into your old house while the new owners are fast asleep.

I love you guys, too. Group hug!!
RE: And....

I go away to build a house and return to THIS, THIS.....THIS????

This is the first post I duck into hoping to find informative fitness related gobbledeegook by respected forum members and I get THIS????? :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Any other IMPORTANT threads I may have missed????

Briee }( }( }( }(
And another thing....

You guys NEED TO GO WOOOORKKKK OOOOUUUUUTT!!!! I think there is some pent up mental energy that can only be resolved with a good mishmosh!! My opinion.....for what it's worth. Which is somewhat worthless.
RE: And....

When I say board hog, I am refering to your potential and you are full of it! Potential. I'll clarify, lest I be accused of double speak and innuendo. And you are encouraging plots again so I am not going out on a limb that certain types of cats are sneaky creatures! How do you access the internet, by the way? Do you even own a computer? Or are sneaking into someone's house? I have 2 cats. Need I worry three's a third one skulking in the light of the moon?

Yesterday my husband didn't have to leave for work until 11:30 a.m. He was in the throes of a terrible allergy attack and very irritable. I am only exaggerating slightly to say he sneezed more yesterday than I have in my entire life! He came down and snapped at me, fiding me in front of the computer. I get up at around 5:30 and go online until around 7:00 when I have to get Sam up for school. I check in on and off during the day but have been drawn in perhaps too easily lately, if you can believe that! I was posting right here last night when I heard him pull in and I quickly submitted and jumped across the room, like a cat, and began to look very busy folding clothes that had been sitting for a very long time. Somebody needs to get her priorities in order and learn to treat herself to a dose of Cathe.com when the work is done! :eek:

what do you think of a support group, a Step Program, right here! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//laugh.gif

I need help!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Good advice, Briee, why didn't I think of that? Congratulations on the new house!

Beware of cat burglars stealing your internet access!

The thieving feline surfs the night,
Bathed by monitor's eerie light,
It takes a thief a thief to catch,
Beware her fleas that makes you scratch,
How to end her stealthy crimes,
When it takes at least 9 times?
To kill said broadband embezzling beast,
Which craves a WWW dot feast!
Sleep and fear no more,
Shore the windows, lock the door,
Sleep with phoneline close in hand
To foil the kitty's wicked plan.
This Bobcatmust a life now get,
Off to Hardcore, with no regret!

Well, maybe just a little!

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

We have a poet among us!!! Inspired, Bobbi, truly inspired. Now get back to folding that laundry, would ya?;)
RE: And....

My dear Bobbi, you are quite the poet. I'm proud to be your muse (or should I say 'mews')! :p No wonder the hubby wants you to give the computer a rest!

Good thing Cathe isn't reading this. We might get banned for being total wackos! Now I'm off to hone my pouncing and climbing skills. Then I might stare blankly at the fishtank for an hour. Later tonight, when the tomcat gets home I might just fluff up my fur and dart out of the room for no discernible reason. It's good to be Lunacat! :D
RE: And....

You have to say mews. Oh, yes, you do. It's delightful to find a fellow feline who is capable of such metaphorical meowing without being catty. I have no pouncing or climbing skills. Not only have I fluffed no fur yet today, I've fluffed no laundry. I did dart to the couch last night but it was not done with catlike grace. Inspired, I did Imax 3 in it's entirety, my first time, this morning. Have I told you of the problems I have with my dogs? That could be my problem; a cat with dogs for paws is sad indeed. Still, it IS good to be Bobcat. If only to remember that my dad called me that. My sister's Terri, Gloria and Melody, why they were TerBear, GloBug and, my favorite, MelonHead. I did Imax 3 in it's entirety as I said, and I do so appreciate Briee for inspiring me to go there. }(

I know you did not call me a stick but rather accused me of having one where, by the way, I DO NOT. Do I strike you as that type, by the way? Uptight? My head, however, is another matter... What have you done to me? It seems I am completely incapable of thinking without my thoughts becoming irreverent and twisted. There may come a day when Cathe is forced to ban wackos. In my own defense, I may be forced to name you in the twisting of my my once pure mind. Alexis just popped into my head too.

Anywho, I wanted to say that I do in fact resemble a stick, always have but quite a lot now for reasons I will not go into. I have given up the desire to catch Debbie. That was brought upon by you and Shelley and, possibly, Limecat and the way you warped me. But there is a Catheite much like me, with my ectomorphic body and difficulty gaining muscles and she has a dream of a bicep vein as I have a dream of a bicep vein. }( I have amazingly prominant veins all over the stick parts of my body but that one won't pop. With you and Shelley and perhaps, Limecat, feeding the feverish frenzy of my desire to outdo anyone at any cost, I could do THIS!

Back to subterfuge. Post: Operation VeinPopBrieeStop }(

She's very wily and she'll be onto us in no time although she may be distracted by her new home (Why don't I have a new home?) and can therefore be out bicep veined.

The weenie stick dies with the dawning of the muscled day. The veined sinew burgeons with the conquer of the undone Briee-eeze, defeated by the cat of Bob, which rises with vascular prominence upon the steeled viscera of arms.

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Bobbi, I am no match for your eloquent and articulate meanderings. But I'm happy to meander down those trails with you, experiencing the world through your slightly skewed cat's eyes:) Do you see well at night? Ah, girls, we are not whackos, we just see things from a different perspective.

Forgive me, but today I am tired and old, and feeling like I should be singing "Memory" from Cats. Just call me Grizabella.

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