
RE: And....

In the throes of insomnia, I could not remember "ironing board". I am exercisng my brain. It needs it. And I think you are capable of matching but I appreciate feeling old and tired as well. I'm in need of a cat nap but need to get busy so I can see Hello Dolly tonight at the High School. I need a shower. So, Grizabella, I will catch you later!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Bobbi..I believe that buzz in your brain has heightened your articulation to new levels. For the record, I graduated from college, but at such a young age that I can't even remember going (or what I learned for that matter)......so WHAT KIND OF A WORD IS SUBTERFUGE....I had to ask myself (sounds like a cool ride at the Kalahari Waterpark). I looked it up.... it's an artifice. ARTIFICE.... what kind of a word is artifice....I looked it up.....a crafty devise...trickery. DARN IT, I DON'T HAVE TIME TO BE LOOKING UP SUBTERFUGEY, ARTIFICEY kinds of words, but I can see how they pertain to you, my dear :p :p :p

As for the house....I should clarify. It isn't technically my house. My mom's going to be moving here (she's 82) so we have built her a great addition (which is really a home at 1800 square feet - Rocky would appreciate the 22 foot high ceilings in the great room) and we are getting the better end of the "stick" I might add. WHY you ask?....because we are getting an add on to our basement, which I INSISTED be 9 feet tall. Why does one need THAT tall of a basement (the wheels should be turning now my bicep-veinless bragging Bobcat).....because one MUST have tall ceilings which one can install a WAY COOL (look THAT up in the dictionary) pull up bar where ones feet can NEVER touch and ones head can't be bonked and where BICEP VEINS CAN FLOURISH and GROW, the way bicep veins were meant to grow. Oh no no no no no my dear sister.....you shall not so easily out-vasculate me!!!!

By the way....I loved your poem, I've missed you. AND I've learned how to live life problematic free (posteriorly speaking) without Bryan Kest.


Poor Melody. ;( ;( ;(
RE: And....

Ah, man! I have a chinning bar in my bedroom doorway! How am I supposed to plot taking over the wor...., I mean, uh, building a better bicep vein if you have a set up like that? (Stomping veiny, bony foot) I can't even curse your 82 year old mother because I have an 82 year old mother and she's so fantastic anyone who cursed her would be struck by lightening bolts, rightly so, and I'll bet you have one of those and I don't need to be struck by a lighten bolt. I hear it can cause buzzing in the brain, if it survives the jolt. But hey can it reverse buzzzing in the brain? Now, there's a question. But no! This crafty trickery (You are so good, lookng up the actual definitions of vaguely remembered vocabulary. I have never finished a single degree. Darn kids.) has gone far enough. I'll have to resort to cracking my scrawny elbows on the door jam and maybe dust off those twenty and twenty-fvie weights stuck at the bak of my exercise CLOSET! Foiled again!

Don't worry about Mel. She's tough! Five foot three, muscular with bicep veins! She flexed them at Thanksgiving, putting me to shame. I must go weep now....
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
RE: And....

Reallllllly....Mel has bicep veins. I'm weeping too. Was she born with them or has she worked for them???? Now I'm thinking that genetically you have the advantage and may preceed me, oh bummer.

Since I'm adopted and quite possibly really related to you...maybe I do have a genetic advantage as well? eh???? Stranger things have happened. So how do you like that pullup bar??? Isn't that upper edge of the door frame irritating??

As for vocabulary....obviously college doesn't mean everything (it actually means very little to me)....you could outspeak/outvocab/outtalk me any day...you're amazing. On my floor in college, I was the only one on the floor (of about 30) who wasn't valedictorian of their class in high school....it was a tough, tough, school and still.....here I am with my degree and using words like WAY COOL and bummer.....all the while having to look up your words in the dictionary x( x(

So who shall get their vein first????

RE: And....

Mel's muscled more like Cathe. Not quite as buff but close. She works it. A very dedicated exerciser. I'm taller, thinner, leggier just like dear old dad. She takes after the maternal unit. Small, sturdy, short legged and used to be stocky. She's a streamlined running machine now. She carries the torch. I left running to injury as she embraced it. And she's my big sister. She's the one who knows the right way to do things and lets us all know. :eek: All the sisters are very different. You'd fit right in, Briee. I have sat back in a room full of them and been astounnded by our noise and banter. Lot's of laughter, devilish humor. That's dad too. He was a vey outgoing man.

And sorry, you take after the old poop too! Ecto man with the skinniest legs you ever saw. Let's call us even and I challenge you, I challenge to a bicep vein competition. I have two months until school is out and then no one and nothing keeps me too busy to go all out. We're gonna GI Jane cry. Or cry trying!

I was very studious when young and very shy outside the warm confines of home. Not so any more!

I hate that chinning bar! I like my arms wide and that's tough in a doorway. I haven't even attempted a pull up in a long while. I'll try that before I get ready for nighty noodles.

I feel downright inspired!

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

You guys are in trouble NOW! Yesterday was an absolute roller-coaster but God answered our prayers. It was Dave's day off so we were going to start taking some boxes over to an apartment we were able to find that rented on a month-to-month basis. (Not easy to find!) Anyway, the buyer of our house had just requested a day ago that instead of moving in on the 15th. of April that she would like to move in the end of March instead! Needless to say, my head was spinning wondering how in the world we could get this place all packed up and moved in two weeks and still be able to keep pecking away here so you guys wouldn't get anywhere NEAR catching me! My wonderful hubs decided to go out on a limb and requested that we pay the buyer to let us live here til the end of April when our new place will be done. They BOUGHT IT!!! They decided that they have lots to wrap up down in Florida where they live and agreed to us paying the storage of their stuff down there til the 29th. of April! It actually will work out less money then what we were going to have to pay to rent and have movers move us TWICE! How cool is that??? Okay, now the GOOD NEWS! Dave called yesterday and signed us up for High Speed Dial-up at our new place. If you thought I could type FAST before...just you wait!

BTW, Briee is is GREAT to "see" you here! I know YOU are my friend and would never compete with me. I THOUGHT I saw a smidgeon of a bicep vein developing this week, but when I looked closer, it was an AGE SPOT!

Bobbi, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when all your sisters and you are together. It DOES sound quite FUN!

Shelley, now I have "Memories" repeating itself in my head!

Lunacat, did you go see Nemo? (Ready to pounce?)

Okay, I need to go check out the other sensible posters here and see what they are all up to. (I know I shouldn't end the sentence in a preposition, but too lazy to change it.) Yip-Yap with ya' all latta!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I forgot!

To keep this fitness related....we will have FitTV at our new place! Woo-Hoooo! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I forgot!

Wow mother Debbie ! Congrtatulations on selling your place and getting ready for the new one. It sounds like your transition is going smoothly so far. Tell us what will your new workout area be like?
AKA "Likes2bfit"

RE: I forgot!

Thanks Judy! As far as smooth, it wasn't until yesterday! But, we are happy now! I am VERY excited about my new workout room. I have a beautiful workout room now with hardwood flooring my dear hubby installed but I outgrew it. I have bought sooo many fitness "toys" the past 5 years that I barely had enough room to workout! Ha! Soooo, my next room is going to be much bigger. We have a huge basement at the new place and hubby wants to really do it up nice. I am so excited. We are finishing the basement ourselves due to the cost and it may be awhile til it is all done but til then, I have the WHOLE basement! :7 I am planning to use the interlocking puzzle pieces til we install a "safe" floor since the floor is concrete. OUCH! Nice to see you. How are you doing?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I forgot!

Debbie I sent you a PM
AKA "Likes2bfit"
RE: I forgot!

Debbie, it looks as if things are falling into place in a nice orderly fashion. I love it when that happens! I am goiong to go fantasize about a workout room. I think you will love the interlocking mats. When we went tile, they were a must and better than the carpet had ever been. But the room ah, the room! I pull equipment from stashes all over the house and it's such a pain. Harwood floors make me drool. It won't be long and you'll be all settled into your new home and it'w terrific you can stay put in the meantime. Yay! :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
Bobbi and Judy!

Thanks Bobbi! Hmmm, maybe YOU need to build a new home??? Glad to hear you like the puzzle pieces. I have only bought one pack (they were on clearance at Sam's Club) so far and need to pick up some more. The hardwood flooring is awesome and we will probably do the same thing at the new place. Or, maybe even upgrade to something better? Not sure at this point.

Judy, I keep waiting on the PM. It still has not arrived in my Inbox??? I keep checking my E-mail for a notice and nothing there???
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Bobbi and Judy!

We talk about it every few years but so far haven't taken the plunge. Been in this house for 11 years. When we boutght it, our first, there was nothing behind us as far as the eye could see. In the past few years it's been developed to death. I am talking more than 500 new homes! Plus, I have what my MIL calls an "up and down", two stories as I grew up in three, then two storied houses as my family shrunk. In the desert, it's more efficient to have a single story ranch because the upper stories are dreadful to cool in the big heat of summer. We want some acreage too. We never seem able to decide whether to buy acreage and build or get into one of the myriad of new developments which it has huge lots. We just refinanced, using the equity we'd built to pay off revovling credit debt. I thought we had a 5 year plan but Rich now says 2? That coincides with our first chick leaving the nest. She'd be mad if she came home and had to sleep on a weight bench! We'll still need 4 bedrooms. We looked at a house with a master suite of such enormous proportions, I could have had a nice set up int the master closet. Problem is, I am a terrible procrastinator, second only to my DH. Always so busy! Someday though!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

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