I think where we land in society has so much more to do with one person or one event. IMO the bottom line is, if our 12, 13, 14 year old girls think this is the way to go, then we are failing them on a greater level than can be blamed on Bill and his peccadilloes. There's nothing wrong with consenting adults engaging in whatever they chose to do. The question is, what are we teaching our girls that they will offer themselves up as sexual entertainment for the boys at such a young age?
Could part of the problem be that we are allowing our kids to act and think too much like adults, not just in their clothing, music, etc. but in how we allow them to be in the world. When I was a kid there was a very clear line between the adult world and the kid world. Does that even exist anymore?
As for the religious perspective, I grew up in a home where sex was open for discussion and where, thankfully, my parents never put a negative spin on it. I did hear, "respect yourself and take responsibility for your choices" many many times in those discussions. So, I am in the camp of full disclosure. That said, I also have a couple of friends who abstained from sex - of any kind - until they were married, simply because of their religious beliefs. So I think it really depends on the person/circumstances. I would never advocate lying to a kid about sex, or telling them, as my friend's mom did to her, that sex was painful unless you were married.
Wow, I've rambled. Sorry, all.
My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett