Talk About a Slap In The Face!!!

When I was about 50 pounds heavier, my niece asked me if I was pregnant (she was like 9 years old). It turned out to be a double slap in the face because I had been TRYING to get pregnant, only to miscarry 3x. So not only did I feel fat, I felt like a loser too. But she was young and had so idea what she was saying !

I would figure that by now women would know never to ask a woman her age, her weight, or to ask he she "might' be pregnant. Goodness !
That's awful. I never ever comment on a woman's shape to ask her if she's pregnant unless I either can tell for certain that she's expecting or if I know them very very well. That's awful! I can only imagine how you really was a careless comment for her to make. I had someone say that to me before too, and it really made me angry. Don't let that person's ignorance get you down though, because you have made serious progress. Let's face it - getting healthy is NOT easy, and to go down several sizes is a serious achievement that you should be proud of. :)
Amelia...(((HUGS))) and Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! I agree with Tneah....people really should know better than to comment on another person's weight(regardless of their size), age, etc. And you never make a pregnancy comment unless it is sooo completely obvious. DUH!!!

I ALWAYS have a little pudgy tummy above my pants line(no matter what I do). I always joke to my DH that if I was a celebrity the papparazzi would think I was pregnant everyday. :)

Don't let her get you down! You Rock!:) :)
((((hugs)))). Some people just say the wrong thing at the wrong time. If it makes you feel any better I wear a size 6/8 and had a vendor ask me if I was pregnant a few months ago. It's disheartening at any size when you are trying to lose more weight. But its a huge accomplishment you've already made and keep truckin' on. You'll make it to where you want to be.
That was a very rude comment for her to make. Don't let anyone get you down...what you have accomplished is great!! But don't give up, those last pounds are the most stubborn.
Congratulations on how far you have come!!
Dear Amelia,

Wow! I have to say, the most impressive part of your story to me was the fact that you have gone from a size 22 to a size 14. I have been trying to lose post-twin weight for the past two years and have only gone from a size 18/20 down to a size 16. Slowly but surely, I say! I will use you for inspiration.
I've had this happen to me several times and I am also a size 6. I think it happens to a lot of people depending on how they are shaped. I have a poochey belly. I've been that way since I was 12 . . . even when I was a size 2. Don't take it personally. It's not a comment on your weight. A big part of it could have been what you were wearing or how you were standing. Don't think that this is what everyone thinks when they see you.

Congrats on your accomplishment ! I bet you look awesome! And best of all, you are healthy.
This happened to me as well when I was a size 6/8. I also have a poochy tummy, esp. right after eating. And if I'm not standing up straight then it's even poochier! It's still rude and you have a right to be upset. Just try not to be too traumatized. Geez, some people are idiots!


I am so sorry, this happened to you. Once many years ago, I asked a lady this question and she told me she was not pregnant. I was more embarrassed than she was. I apologized profusely, I wished at that exact moment in time that the ground would open up and swallow me!! I am serious, I felt really bad. I know the lady may have hurt your feeling, I am sorry she did, but look on the bright side, she was probably embarrassed too!! I had to learn the hard way not to ask this question EVER!!! , even if she looks like she is pregnant, never ever again!! I have also learned not to care what people think of me!!! I have been know to "un-do" a wedgy in the middle of a store!! because I just don't care what people think of me. :)
So glad you are shaking off the clerk's thoughtless comment. Oh yes, it stings, but don't for a minute let it diminish your accomplishments. You have done great, girl! You're almost half the size you were!! And the journey ain't over yet. Chin up &

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Amelia, You must be nice and lean for her to ask you that. You must have nice defined facial features, lean arms, toned legs. We all have a trouble spot and yours sounds to be ever so slight!!!

Could be worse, you could have been mistaken for an overweight pregnant person...which I was thought to be at one time!
Oh, Amelia, you poor thing!!! I 150% understand how you feel. I've been struggling with my weight and in the last couple of years have developed a "tummy".

I've had 4 different women, on different occasions, in different settings, ask me if I was pregnant.

I've learned to embarrass them by saying brightly, "Nope! Just fat! Thanks for pointing it out and making me feel like crap, though!" Then I smile and walk away. I know it's kind of a snotty comeback, but it has worked every time to kind of make people aware how incredibly tactless it is to ask that question.

I heartily congratulate you on a size 14, though!!! I'm totally jealous!!! :) :) :)
Hey all,

I was walking down the hall today in school and saw a girl whom I hadn't seen for a while, we used to have classes together but have taken different classes and I was glad to see her but from far away she looked pregnant. Just a little I am not even calling her fat, overweight or anything. I think it was her shirt or something, anyway I just said "Look at you" gave her a hug then stopped myself from saying anything else. You would think that people, me would just know that for the love of god don't say anything unless the person says "hey guess what I am pregnant!"
"I've learned to embarrass them by saying brightly, "Nope! Just fat! Thanks for pointing it out and making me feel like crap, though!" Then I smile and walk away. I know it's kind of a snotty comeback, but it has worked every time to kind of make people aware how incredibly tactless it is to ask that question."

HAHAHA!! That's pretty funny, and a really good way to let them know they were tactless.

Amelia, I understand what you felt...I had someone ask me that one time and I just wanted to cry. And now, as a 4/6 I still have a little bit of a poochy stomach which is exasperated by certain food choices. And certain outfits make my stomach look flat, others make it look...well, not so flat. But I read how far you've come and I bet you anything that even if that clerk is smaller than you, you would be able to wipe the floor with her. I mean, come are doing CATHE workouts!!! I thought I was fit until I started doing her workouts and they really put me in my place!

Keep up the good work and don't let someone's rudeness get to you. People should know better than to ask certain things!
OMG!:eek: I'm so sorry that happened to you! Sometimes people can be so thoughtless!! It sounds like you've come a LONG way with your weight loss. You should be proud of yourself. :)

Im so overwhelmed by all the caring words,its nice to know(but also sorry that it happened to you guys too :))that this is a common mistake and happens alot!

Im sending my warmest ((((hugs)))) to those of you that also had the happen!

Take care everybody! :)
Hi, Amelia!

It was a very thoughtless thing for her to say, and I'm sure she felt at least as bad about it as you did! As well she should have... Hopefully, she learned something from the encounter.

Now, when you take those shoes back, you hold your head up. Walk up to her, look her in the eye, smile and be friendly. Let her see how beautiful you are, inside as well as out! You have no reason to be embarrassed to face her.

The best revenge is a smile. You'll feel much better. Go ahead -- let her have it!
I feel your pain, last year I was in an elevator that happened to be full with only men. One guy turned to me, gave a good long look at my stomach and asked when my baby was due. I told him that I wasn't pregnant, just fat. He immediately changed the topic to how nice my polished toenails looked! The elevator operator told him he was crazy to make such a comment to a woman. I was proud of myself for actually having a response, everyone was left speechless after my reply. A year before that, I was in a local pizza shop and the guy behind the counter (who knew me well) asked me "what happened," feeling uncomfortable I asked what he meant, he puffed out his cheeks and made a motion with his hands (i.e. you've blown up), that one really hurt, especially coming from someone I knew. After that, a woman in a slow moving store line commented that I'd give birth before we got up to the front of the line. The fact is, when I gain weight it is in my stomach and I do look pregnant. Most times, people are just trying to be friendly and make conversation, I'm sure the girl felt bad she hurt your feelings. You should be proud of yourself and what you've accomplished, it's not easy to go from a size 22 to 14. Soon you'll be in single digits and people will be asking you how you did it!
Thanks littleAngel,I agree A smile is so powerful!

Yesterday when I took the shoes back, the rude shoe lady wasn't their! But i was prepared in case she was;-)

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