Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls-- last day of school today for alec so I am leaving early this afternoon to help them set up before graduation. he is playing violin and singing with the a cappella group. graduation ceremonies are always kind of bittersweet for me. happy for the school year to be over, but still can't believe how quickly it all goes. at the end of today I am mom to a junior, a freshman and a seventh grader: how did that happen?:eek: anyway, next week all the kids are off and then their string program starts on father's day, of all things. one week until sheer craziness...

so today my ankle still seems like it is on the mend. I am thinking of some all out l.i. hiit-- wondering if I should avoid the step section, though. and then I will add something on to it. will see how it goes.

so travis Elliot studied with bryan kest and actually teaches at his power yoga studio in santa monica. now, that makes sense. I thought his teaching style seemed very similar, but the voice does get me. I am sure he is a great teacher, though:)

eva-- hope the kickball game was fun! are you guys having nice weather? seems so many are stuck in clouds and rain (or big storms!). it is still cool-- low 60s-- with no sun around here. hope it was a good time and you had sunny skies:D

Melissa-- so where do you do the Hiit run? outside or on the treadmill? just curious as when we travel to the north shore, I typically go out early in the morning and do what I call tabata runs. I jog some and then stop and do moves to really up my heart rate (all stolen from cathe). anyway, just wondering what that was.

renee-- you are far braver than me for trying yoga naked;). I can only imagine what my neighbors would think of me then! :D they already hear me working out and practicing yoga all the time, and get treated to all the kids' string practice. dogs barking, etc. they would really think I was a nut-- which maybe I am:p. ashtanga is actually a form of vinyasa (which is basically flow) yoga. it is more rigid in that it has a primary series (which is what most people practice) a secondary and a third series-- it may even have more, but the asanas are so ridiculously difficult, I don't think many people practice them. I like it in that the moves are always the same and so once you commit it to memory, it is really like a moving meditation. shiva's vinyasa yoga is fun though, too, as it is more fluid and lets me do something different then the set practice of ashtanga. does that make sense?

ladylep-- hope you are doing well!

better get moving and on with the day.


Hi ladies I am sore !! Yeah!! I love cardio leg blast!! What a nice feeling!!

Today I am not sure what to do I think I need to do back chest and shoulders so when I get home ill check to see what DVD has that.

No no one sees me and I only tried it a few times cause I have no one in the house any more so I wanted to take advantage of it!! Also I closed my blinds lol.

I am fighting a small headache today do I don't know what the problem is but I am going drink more water to see if it helps.
It is raining here to!! I mean for many days too! I don't get it really, this summer it seems it is tons of rain or just dark. Idk.

Have a great day
Hi Katie and everyone!

Katie graduation, wow! Enjoy the moment and rest up!

Yesterday I got in step blast to replace step fit and today I did 4day kickboxing, Lower body and core. 71 min too long. I did much of it low impact because I just don't have the energy today. Tomorrow is supposed to be MIC, I've never done that one, another long one. Saturday will be STS Total body. I haven't done that one in 2013 so we will see up hat goes.
Hi Girls,
Katie, I sure would like to know where the time foes too. Today was our last day of school too. I am glad you have a break before the craziness. Your workout sounds good wihout the step.

Renee, I have a headache too. I think it is from All the rain today. I mis xtrain!

Ladylep, Good job on your workouts. I like MIS, but usually don't do the whole thing. It is nice to have floor aerobics for a change.

Eva, Hope you aren't atill playing kickball!

I did slow and heavy legs and shoulders. Very good leg worjout in 30 minn and no floor! I skipped the shoulder presses, it seems like it was a lot of shoulder work. I liked the lying and delt exercises because cathe doesn't do them too often in her other workouts. I did pur 10 pounds in backpack and use 20 dumbells. The 25 dumbells were heavy on my wrists after the first set.

Have a good day,
hi girls-- just checking in with my workout. I did the floor cardio from AOLIH plus core 1, then did slow and heavy shoulders and then 28 minutes of shiva rea's yoga. burned 565 calories, so not bad while I watch my ankle-- at least I am still getting some cardio in again:).

Melissa-- I think the S&H legs is great, too and I also like that there is no floorwork. what is with all the rain and clouds? it just makes me tired:(. congrats on ending up the schoolyear over there as well.

renee-- hoping your headache goes away! boo again to crummy weather! I think my drapes are partly see through, so I would never risk it:eek:. what did you end up doing today?

ladylep-- way to go on the long workout! I will be keeping things low impact for a while now and may have to avoid step as that seems to aggravate the tendonitis, too. hope you get some energy back-- I am feeling like a nap right about now...

better run. so much to do...

have a good afternoon/evening--

Quick note since I'm on my phone. My FIOS is down.

Today I did BodyFit 360. I was not feeling very perky today, but I'm glad I did something.

Now I'm relaxing and watching a movie.

Will BBL for personals.
Melissa good idea on weighted back pack!! You are kicking booty!

Nice job on all out low impact!! And yoga that is a really good amount of calories!!! Time does go fast

Hi Eva movies sound great!!

Lady Lep you did we'll on your workouts too! I wait till sat to try the long workouts.

Today I did.... Nothing!! I was not feeling like it!! Lol I feel awful about it too in a way but I also know I need a day off and I usually take mon as rest day but I was sick last week so I did a wo on mon !! So I'm resting so I can go full throttle tomorrow and through the weekend! Have a great night kadies
hi girls--

quick note from me as nygel has a cello lesson today and then I have several clients. my one morning to sleep in, right, as alec is officially off school and work for me is in the evening-- guess who decides they really want to come in my room at 4:45? our cat, riley! I swear there is a curse sometimes that I will not ever sleep in-- oh well. she was scratching at the door like crazy, and of course rik slept through it:rolleyes:. anyway, going to do S&G today and add in some yoga if there is time.

eva-- nice job on the workout, especially when you were feeling punky. hope the movie was good!

renee-- you deserve a day off! especially after all you went through last week! what a way to spend a vacation:(. anyway, hope you are well rested for whatever today holds.

hello Melissa and ladylep!

they say we are supposed to see the sun today. not sure I believe them, it has been so long. as of right now, it is cloudy and dreary...

happy Friday everyone!

Hi Girls,
Katie, Of course, the guy never hears the early morning noises! Sorry tou didn't get to sleep in. Have fun with slide and glide! I think it will be a piece of cake, and then the buckets of sweat start!

Eva, How as your movie?

Renee, Good for you for taking a rest! As you know, I am a fan of the 7 day rest every 8 or so weeks.

Hi Ladylep.

I just finished slow and heavy bis and tris. So glad the tris were first. I probably shouldn't have done this directlynafterr shoulder day. My shoulder is really achey now. Glad to be done. The abs were nice and simple for a change.

We have cool temps and rain here. I just hope it isn't too humid.

I have to make sure I stick with my program because I am easily led astray in the summer from exercise.

Hi all!
Quick update: I did MIC all the way through for the first time!! I couldn't keep up wi all the high impact so I switched to low when I needed to.

Eva- I only did3-4 days raw, I did 7 days back in April but it was too long. I'm back to "regular" eating now. I just I don't put it all back on. I have a big weekend coming up in terms of making sweets: making banana crunch cake for dessert tonight, making brownies tonight for tomorrow ( father in law bday) and making chocolate chip cookies tomorrow night for for my 9 yo's Sunday school class (last until the the summer combined class).
Katie that is awful about the not being able to sleep in I hate that if I have not been able to sleep in a little and I get woken up I am a little cranky!!!I hope nygel enjoys the cello lesson ! I think S&G is the only dvd I have that I haven't tried! I cant do the disk to good!! it bothers my knees so I never even tried that dvd cause I cant imagine doing the whole workout on a disk !! ouch!! And thanks I felt like I needed a day for sure!

Hello Eva!! How was your movie? what was the movie again? Did you say? I want to go out to the movies again soon but I have to be careful in my spending!! I did do like you and do a dvd at home last week but all of the ones I choose stunk!! plus I couldn't concentrate on it I was hurting lol

Melissa good job on slow and heavy!! Tris are so hard for me!!! Id rather get them out of the way first too!!

WE have cool weather and rain here again as well!! it was storming all night long and I could still hear it with the ear plugs!! Maybe cause I was a little scared of it.. Oh and I would love to do a 7 days off but I am so afraid if I do then I will not be to good at hoping back into my workouts again!! I am afraid I will fall off the wagon and not want to get back on lol

nice job on MIC was it fun? or yuk? I do that to with the impact moves sometimes I can do it and sometimes I can do only some of them.. lol

today I did 4 ds High intensity step with the chest and back ouch on the chest and back !!! I was going to put in xtrain all out but I decided at last minute to change it I really wanted a step workout and it was fun! I was going to start the xtrain 30 day rotation but I think ill start it tomorrow I went ahead and marked off the first one cause it was so similar to me to the 4 ds not the cardio but the weight work.. so I think it will sub okay.

Well I am having a friend of mine come stay with me awhile, poor girl her hubby left her after 16 years, and she wants to moce from there to here in a different state, she is also a Dental Assistant and just wants a place to stay till she can find a job and place of her own. I hate to tell her no, I do have two bedrooms, but I also told her we just got the kids out and she said she felt strange then moving down here if it would be a problem. I told her it would not be.. I talked to hubby and he wants our home alone but he understands I am soft hearted and he says she can stay for a little bit simply cause he love's me and knows she Is my friend and that if It was me he would hope id have a friend to help me. So I hope it works out good. I really would love to have a friend here in the state I live, I have known her a while so I think she will try to get out on here own soon. I am excited but worried at the same time. lol I am just that way.. I know when one is hurting they are not always making clear choices. So I hope I can be a good friend to her and be here but at the same time I don't want to bite off more then I can chew either. But another good thing is she likes to walk and so now I can have a walking partner after I get home or in the morning or we can venture out at the Lake, I don't like to go by myself there..
Ladylep, Awesome on mis! I love the last floor combo.

Renee, That is really nice of you with your friend. I can see where you are concerned. Maybe give her a timeframe so it isn't open ended. It would be nice to have a walking buddy.

I am really achy from all the slow and heavy. I wonder if I will be able to run tomorrow. We shall see.
Have a good night.
15 minute break between clients, but wanted to check in-- got in S&G and added a short shiva rea yoga practice. lesson went well. work is going ok-- just wish we would ever see the sun around here...

Melissa-- slow and heavy had me super sore last week! not as bad this week, so at least it doesn't last too long, but I guess it must be working:). hope your achiness feels better in the morning.

renee-- i think that is very generous of you and i do agree with Melissa that maybe set a time limit just so it doesn't turn into an uncomfortable situation. anyway, you are a great friend and i am glad you will have a walking buddy. i like s&g, i think it really works my legs, it does tire my back out, though and those slow mountain climbers-- oh how i love to hate those:p

ladylep-- great job on the workout!! good luck with all those treats! they sound super yummy! the only thing that would save me is being vegan;)

alright, have to fly!
So how would you guys word it ? And how can I bring it up without making her feel uncomfortable? Like I said its been along time since I got to be around her we went to dental school together years ago but I moved to another state we kept in touch best we could but fb helped a lot with that. I am not good with setting limits I suppose. I mean I know if it was me I'd not even think it is open ended Nor would I want it to be!! Lol but people now days u never know! There has to be a way to say it without it being strange lol
Hi girls,
My legs are actually sore in quads today and my tris are sore in a good way. I wonderif I will be able to run. I forgot to mention that I run on a treadmill. I have tried running outside but can't keep a good tempo. I run too fast and can't get the hit down right. Also there are so many little bugs that fly around me it drives me nuts.

Katie, did you like s&g? You are right about the mountain climbers. They go on and on.

I am not sure what exactly to say to your friend. How hard will it be for her to find a job? If she doesn't find a job will she have somewhere else to go? Also, you haven't seen her in a while. Tell her what you told us, you and your husband need time alone, your kids are just out of the house, hubby is leaving and you need time alone. I would want time with my husband before deployment. You are not being a bad friend by setting a limit.

Sorry to ramble, these are just my random thoughts.
hi me again.
I got in my run. My legs actually felt better witht the running. 1.80 miles, 20 min. hiit.

I think next week I will do slow and heavy mixed with burn sets, ie:s&h chest burn sets back.
Thinking back, I was extra tired and extra hungry. I think for me one body part per day od s&h would be best, but I don't want to mix cardio and heavy weights.

Hope you are all well, off to shower, drink coffee and eat a giant double chocolate muffin!

Very busy weekend for me so far and now we are on our way to visit friends and their new baby.

Yesterday I did Les Mills Combat which is kickboxing. An hour long workout and I burned about 530 cals. This workout is a fun one for me. Today I did an ART mat workout and tacked on about 15 min of pulsing lunges. 8 rounds consisting of alternating lunges with planks in between. That was tough! Burned about 500 cals in 75 minutes.

Hope you all have a lovely day!
hey girls-- getting ready to watch monk with the kids (exciting Saturday nights, I know!) but wanted to check in. today was my rest day and it was busy-- alec and imala had violin lessons and then I had a bunch of errands to run. anyway, was nice to see the sun for about an hour today:rolleyes:

Melissa-- I was super achy last week, too-- wondered if it was the cold or the slow and heavy-- guessing it was the combination but it had me super sore. I also had a huge appetite last week-- was better this week, second week in, and the soreness wasn't as intense. I do like slide and glide-- not much dread factor there-- but like I said, those slow mountain climbers on the disc are brutal for me and of course, I insist on doing them all. think that's what gets me in AB, too, along with the spider man ones. for some reason, when we do them fast in CF and other wo's, they are not as intense for me. glad you got your run in and it helped! hope the muffin was yummy!

eva-- great job on the workouts! have fun tonight!!

renee-- I agree with Melissa and think you should tell her what you told us-- she will understand and also probably appreciate your sharing it w/her:)

hello ladylep!

off I go!

Melissa ooo congrats on the sore legs and tris !! Also that run time is good i mean isn't that close to 2 miles so almost 10 minute mile? am i counting right ? Good job!! Thanks for the advice!!

i have les mils but i don't think i tried the 60 minute one!! I need to but i let my son borrow them you really did great on the cal burn!! in 75 minutes.
Have a great time with your friends!!!

Katie hope you enjoy monk with the kids today was my rest day to!!
I talked to Hubby tonight and i let him know my concerns and he agrees with me and he said when she comes down these two weeks for vacation, looking for jobs we kind probly tell more about her then and we will have the chance to talk to her together. He said he agrees, I tend to let people take advantage and we wont let that happen but we also want to make sure we are good friends to her if she is in need to.. But we will approach it together. He says I can use him for reasons lol I think you guys are correct to tell her are concerns and be honest and I hope she understands.

I was sore today so i took one more rest day, and i just did yoga i got the short and sweet UY in and i tell you it went faster and it was more difficult more like the Bryan Kest!! eek I hope I get the nerve to try again!! I was thinking it was going to be slow and easy like the foundations, and i guess it is more intermediate cause i can not twist like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol and i need more time getting into a pose or i may pull something lol geez it was hard to me :( i guess i can look at it as a challenge and just remember if i want relaxing and felxablity go to foundations and Cathe yoga lol
Good morning girls,
Renee, good for two for taking two rest days. It is good that your husband is supportive. You are being a good friend. I guess it is about a 10 min. mile. If I had to run stary state, I don't know how I would do, I get too bored.

Katie, 1 hour of sun, yeah! I think we may have a sunny day here, although a little cool. We belong to a pool, but haven't been able to go because of the dreary weather. I have been watching Mary Tyler Morre reruns.

Eva good job with the 15 min. lunges.


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